Robert, a young actor living a life of lost relationships. A day on a film set, his obsessive roommate Basia follows him to make him see her breakdown. Quietly he watches as they're taking her away.
A poetic short drama film about young man Lev, who decides to become a mariner in Ukrainian NAVY after he starts to feel disconnected with his home village. This film was made as a prologue to a feature film "U311 Cherkasy".
A poetic short drama film about young man Lev, who decides to become a mariner in Ukrainian NAVY after he starts to feel disconnected with his home village. This film was made as a prologue to a feature film "U311 Cherkasy".
A poetic short drama film about young man Lev, who decides to become a mariner in Ukrainian NAVY after he starts to feel disconnected with his home village. This film was made as a prologue to a feature film "U311 Cherkasy".
We all know that love can happen anywhere, but it's hard to believe that includes a Polish-Ukrainian class in a provincial primary school on the verge of being dissolved.
We all know that love can happen anywhere, but it's hard to believe that includes a Polish-Ukrainian class in a provincial primary school on the verge of being dissolved.
We all know that love can happen anywhere, but it's hard to believe that includes a Polish-Ukrainian class in a provincial primary school on the verge of being dissolved.
We all know that love can happen anywhere, but it's hard to believe that includes a Polish-Ukrainian class in a provincial primary school on the verge of being dissolved.
Arthur has a girlfriend, they train together in a boxing club, they are 18 years old and go to the same high school. One evening, Ewa confides in him about an affair she once had with an older man. This news has a strong influence on Arthur. During the next training session, he unloads his aggression on her, which starts a game of mutual provocation between them.
Arthur has a girlfriend, they train together in a boxing club, they are 18 years old and go to the same high school. One evening, Ewa confides in him about an affair she once had with an older man. This news has a strong influence on Arthur. During the next training session, he unloads his aggression on her, which starts a game of mutual provocation between them.