Τιτίκα Σαριγκούλη

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Peter, the hero, aged 20, finds himself on a deserted Greek island with no other men in sight. The women of the island, regardless of age harass him sexually. What starts off as a typical male sexual fantasy turns out into a nightmare


May 25, 1962
Thanos, riche armateur grec et père d'Alexis, épouse en secondes noces une femme un peu plus jeune que lui, la belle et passionnée Phèdre. Dès qu'elle rencontre son beau-fils, elle en tombe éperdument amoureuse… Le film se déroule à Paris et à Londres et surtout sur l'île grecque d'Hydra.
I Love Karditsa

I Love Karditsa

Jan 14, 2010
The first human clone (Mike) was robbed during a cigarette stop in NY. In order to escape from mafia he travels to Karditsa to change place with his clone (Grigoris)
Ο Χειμώνας

Ο Χειμώνας

Nov 05, 2013
Niko is a romantic, young Greek writer living in London. When his finances go astray, Niko hides out in his neglected family house in the Greek mountain town of Siatista. Surrounded by the ghosts of the past, Niko must uncover the mystery of his father’s death and retain his grasp on reality.
Η Χορωδία του Χαρίτωνα
Chariton Ulianov has one great love: Life! That particular love affair however does not hamper him in his pursuit of enjoyment of her simpler pleasures. For him every woman is beautiful, every wine is superior when shared with good company and every situation an opportunity for good humor. His position as School Master in a small provincial town on the island of Corfu gives him the opportunity to disseminate his own unique philosophy especially to the students that participate in his greatest passion: the choir.
Λάρισα Εμπιστευτικό
Η ζωή στην Πεζούλα και τη Βρυσούλα κυλούσε αρμονικά. Βοηθάει βέβαια το ότι υπήρχε ένας τοίχος ανάμεσα στα δύο χωριά, χτισμένος από άκρη σε άκρη, κι έτσι κανείς δεν ανακατευόταν στη δουλειά του άλλου. Όταν όμως έρχεται ο Καλλικράτης να ενώσει τα δυο χωριά, έρχονται τα πάνω-κάτω! Ένας μεγαλοδημοσιογράφος πεθαίνει, το εργοστάσιο βιολογικού καθαρισμού διχάζει, ο υπουργός λαδώνεται, οι μίζες πάνε κι έρχονται, το ΣΔΟΕ ανακατεύεται, οι άνθρωποι της νύχτας ενοχλούνται, ατομικά και τοπικά συμφέροντα μπλέκονται, ενώ οι εκπλήξεις και οι ξεκαρδιστικές καταστάσεις διαδέχονται η μία την άλλη...
7 Θυμοί

7 Θυμοί

Sep 19, 2014
Petros is a gay archaeologist who experiences the naked Greek paranoia in the center of Athens. Either by choice or coincidence, he comes into contact with people who are "different": An Arab immigrant, who comes to Greece, a land of "infidels", determined to conquer it by any means; A Greek-French cello player, who is burdened by the agony of her alcoholic mother; A young Albanian pianist, who carries the curse of his own personal genius and divinity; A Greek immigrant, who was repatriated but now has nowhere to call home; A bank director, who believes everything can be bought, even love; A patrolman, who creates his own version of socio-political reality. Petros' contact with these people is in fact a traumatic experience. For each encounter he has to pay a price. Sometimes the price is material, while other times it's emotional. At times it is both. Will the experience gained make up for the loss?
Η Κληρονόμος
Vera is a beautiful former flight attendant and wife of Stelios, a president of the small-medium football team of the Big Division, "Black Panthers". She lives a quiet life, raising her two children. Everything goes smoothly, until an extramarital adventure of Stelios has a fatal end.
100% Grec

100% Grec

Jul 22, 2009
Quatre amis vieillissants, confrontés au déclin de leur commerce, pourfendent à longueur de journée les immigrés chinois et albanais, venus tenter leur chance à Athènes. Sûrs de leur supériorité de Grecs, Stavros, Nikos, Thymios et Argyris observent d'un oeil critique la transformation de leur quartier sous l'impulsion de ces étrangers pleins de vitalité. Leur irritation est à son comble lorsqu'ils apprennent qu'on veut édifier un monument à la solidarité entre les cultures. Mais Stavros doit ravaler ses grandes tirades patriotiques le jour où sa mère, sénile, tombe dans les bras d'un jeune ouvrier albanais. Elle se met soudain à parler sa langue et raconte qu'elle a dû, il y a bien longtemps, fuir l'Albanie en abandonnant sur place un de ses deux fils...
Χριστουγεννιάτικο αντιπαραμύθι
Deep into the soil, a living species is threatened with extinction by a mysterious disease. This Christmas, the three top scientists from Asia, Europe and Africa are called upon to implement a groundbreaking form of treatment: the waveform transformation of a human being. Which of the three will be transformed into a worm to save the entire planet?


Nov 13, 2005
A modern day treasure hunt for a mystical relic that turns into a love story for all time.
4 Μαύρα Κουστούμια
Four undertakers in financial trouble latch onto a one-off opportunity to change their lives and bid farewell to a profession they entered for a while, but got stuck in for good. On the promise of a large fee, they fulfill the dying wish of a rich Greek who lived his life abroad: he wants them to take his body from Athens to a village in Boeotia for burial...on foot. Deciding to grant his bizarre request, they embark on an odyssey, which soon becomes an unexpected voyage of discovery.


Apr 04, 2019
Strangers find themselves trapped inside five elevators that break down. Tension rises. There is no communication; just angry men and women bringing the worst out of each other. This is hell in 4m².