James B. Leong

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Gidget Goes Hawaiian

Gidget Goes Hawaiian

Jun 02, 1961
Francis is desperate: her parents want to force her to come with them on vacation to Hawaii - just during the two weeks when her beloved "Moondoggy" is home from College. When he suggests her to go for it, she's even more in panic - doesn't he care to be with her? So she sets out for Hawaii in the worst mood. On the plane she meets the sociable Abby, who gives her the advice to forget about Jeff - and regrets it shortly after, when Francis follows the advice and steals her boyfriend Eddie, a famous dancer. But then Jeff discovers he's missing Francis...
North of Shanghai

North of Shanghai

Jan 24, 1939
In this newspaper drama, a female reporter and a newsreel cameraman are both assigned to cover the Sino-Japanese war. They meet on the boat ride over and decide to team up. They are further assisted by a Chinese cameraman. The three of them manage to expose of spy ring operating out of the Shanghai office of the woman's newspaper.
Griffes jaunes

Griffes jaunes

Sep 04, 1942
1941, peu avant l'attaque de Pearl Harbor. Rick Leland, renvoyé de l'armée américaine pour vol, ne parvenant pas à s'engager dans l'armée canadienne car il est "fiché", s'embarque sur un navire japonais en partance pour Yokohama. Là, il fait la connaissance d'Alberta Marlow et du docteur Lorenz. Ce dernier affiche ses sympathies pour le Japon et entend tirer profit des confidences de Rick qui déclare, un soir de beuverie, bien connaître les installations militaires du canal de Panamá (où le navire doit faire escale).
Come and Get It!

Come and Get It!

Feb 03, 1929
When Breezy's father is accused of murdering his neighbor, the former Navy boxing champ takes to the street to clear his name.
The Silk Bouquet

The Silk Bouquet

Jun 25, 1926
This obscure silent melodrama, directed by the veteran Harry J. Revier, was filmed entirely in San Francisco with an all-Asian cast that included Chinese-born Jimmy B. Leong and Hollywood's own Anna May Wong.
Lady from Chungking

Lady from Chungking

Dec 21, 1942
During World War II, Chinese guerrillas fight against the occupying Japanese forces. A young woman is the secret leader of the villagers, who plot to rescue two downed Flying Tigers pilots who are currently in the custody of the Japanese. The rescue mission takes on even more importance with the arrival of a Japanese general, which signals a major offensive taking place in the area.


Oct 26, 1946
Davis et Rains brillent dans un mélodrame romantique qui se déroule dans le monde de la musique de concert. Davis est un pianiste tiraillé entre son riche mécène, jalouse et son mari violoncelliste.
Shanghaï Express

Shanghaï Express

Feb 12, 1932
En pleine guerre civile en Chine, Shanghai Lily, une séduisante jeune femme à la réputation sulfureuse, monte dans un train à destination de Shanghai. Cette femme séduisante enflamme la passion profonde de deux hommes à bords. Beaucoup de surprises sont réservées dans le Shanghai Express, elles ne seront pas toutes dues à la guerre…
The Devil Dancer

The Devil Dancer

Nov 03, 1927
An English explorer disturbed by the practices of an isolated tribe attempts to rescue a native girl he has become fascinated with. THE DEVIL DANCER was highly praised at time of release for its exquisite cinematography, especially in the use of light and shadow. The film received an Academy Award nomination in this category. Sadly, it is among the lost. No prints or negatives are known to survive.
Ace Drummond

Ace Drummond

Oct 18, 1936
This 13 chapter serial is based on the comic strip character Ace Drummond created by Eddie Rickenbacker. Ace is a 'G-Man of the sky' working out of Washington D.C. He is sent to Mongolia to find out why a mysterious villain known only as 'The Dragon' is trying to prevent the newly formed International Airways from setting up an airport there. Ace meets Peggy Trainor (Jean Rogers) who is searching for her archaeologist father who has disappeared. Together they search for answers to the puzzles.
China Slaver

China Slaver

Jan 25, 1929
The Chinese Secret Service sends an undercover agent to investigate reports of an island ruled by a Chinese criminal named The Cobra who holds the residents in virtual slavery while running his illegal narcotics and white-slavery empire.
M. Moto court sa chance
La situation au Cambodge est critique pour la France. Des agitateurs sans scrupule s'en prennent violemment au débonnaire Rajah Ali qui a accepté le protectorat. Interpol envoie immédiatement Kentaro Moto en mission afin de localiser la base du terrible Bokor, l'homme qui revendique ces exactions. Arrivé très discrètement à Tong Moi, M. Moto se fait passer pour un archéologue. Il fait équipe avec une charmante pilote d'avion, Vicky Mason, qui a échappé de justesse à la mort. L'agent Moto apprend qu'elle est elle aussi en mission. Vicky doit en effet retrouver la trace de Chick Davis et Marty Weston, deux reporters photographes qui ont récemment disparu...
Le Fils de Kong

Le Fils de Kong

Dec 22, 1933
Encore traumatisé par la mort de Kong, Carl Denham décide de quitter définitivement New York. Il s'embarque pour une nouvelle expédition vers l'île de Kong, afin de terminer le travail qu'il n'avait pu achever lors de son précédent voyage. Une mutinerie éclate bientôt à bord du navire....
The Heart Punch

The Heart Punch

Oct 17, 1932
During a boxing match a fighter accidentally kills his opponent in the ring. Afterwards he finds himself falling in love with the dead man's sister.
Les Tambours De Fu Manchu
Le diabolique Docteur Fu Manchu veut s’approprier le sceptre de Genghis Khan qui doit lui donner l’autorité suprême sur tous les peuples d’Asie. Avec l’aide de ses Dacoïts, une secte d’assassins dévoués à sa cause, il cherche à localiser l’emplacement de la tombe du célèbre conquérant. Seul son ennemi mortel, sir Nayland Smith, secondé par l’audacieux Allan Parker, se trouve sur son chemin. 1 - Fu Manchu attaque 2 - Le Monstre 3 - Rançon dans le ciel 4 - Le Pendule de la mort 5 - La Maison de la terreur 6 - La Mort au téléphone 7 - La Vengeance du Si Fan 8 - La Piste du danger 9 - Le Cristal de la mort 10 - Les Tambours de la mort 11 - Le Tombeau de Genghis Khan 12 - Le Feu de la vengeance 13 - Le Tatouage du diable 14 - Le Chirurgien diabolique 15 - Révolte
South of Pago Pago

South of Pago Pago

Jul 19, 1940
Sent by cutthroat pirates to turn Kehane’s head while they loot his island paradise of a fortune in pearls, Ruby instead falls for the young chief. Together, the two save Kehane’s people and their island home from the rapacious picaroons but at the tragic cost of their own future together.
La Sentinelle du Pacifique
Décembre 1941. Avec aucun espoir de soulagement ou de ré-alimentation, un petit groupe de Marines américains essayer de garder la marine japonaise de capturer leur base de l'île.
Headin' for God's Country
In this anti-Japanese WW II propaganda film, Japanese invaders attempt to raid Alaska and are totally obliterated. The trouble begins when a stranger visits a small town and tells them that the U.S. is going to be taken over by a powerful country. The story turns out to be true when the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor. The town then rises up and slaughters a Japanese raiding party.
L'extravagant M. Deeds
Longfellow Deeds est un homme simple et naïf vivant dans une petite ville américaine. Sa vie est bouleversée quand il apprend qu'il vient d'hériter de 20 millions de dollars. Il se rend alors à New York pour toucher cet héritage. Là, il est la cible d'avocats véreux et de journalistes peu scrupuleux.
Le Paradis des mauvais garçons
Sur le bâteau reliant Hong Kong à Macao, Lawrence Trumble, un policier sous couverture, Julie Benton, une chanteuse de cabaret et Nick Cochran, un ancien soldat américain, font connaissance. Ils se retrouveront au Cabaret dirigé par Vincent Halloran, où chante Julie.
Tangled Destinies

Tangled Destinies

Oct 17, 1932
An airliner makes a forced landing at night in the desert. The passengers and crew take refuge in a nearby deserted house. Soon some of the passengers are found murdered, and one of the passengers reveals himself to be a detective who was guarding one of the murdered passengers, who was carrying a bag of diamonds--which is now missing. The detective must find out which of the passengers is the killer.
Alerte aux marines

Alerte aux marines

Jan 27, 1944
Wedge Donovan a été chargé de construire plusieurs aérodromes dans une île du Pacifique dès que les États-Unis sont entrés en guerre avec le Japon. Mais une offensive ennemie anéantit son équipe, car le commander Bob Yarrow lui a refusé des armes. Sur l'île, débarque bientôt Doris Chesby, une journaliste. Fiancée à Yarrow, Doris cède au charme de Wedge. Lors d'une attaque des Japonais, Wedge fait face à l'ennemi, mais il subit de lourdes pertes alors que les troupes du commander attendaient en embuscade. Parmi les blessés se trouve Doris, qui avoue son amour à Wedge devant Bob…
Chinatown Squad

Chinatown Squad

May 31, 1935
Police search for the killer of a man who misused $700,000 intended for the Chinese Communists.
Midnight Blunders

Midnight Blunders

Dec 13, 1936
The evil Dr. Wong abducts prominent scientist Dr. Edwin Millstone. Bumbling bank guards Tom and Monte search through Chinatown to find Dr. Wong and rescue the professor.
J'étais une espionne américaine
Au cours de la dernière guerre, une jeune fille de Manille, Claire, rejoint son fiancé, John Philips, et l'épouse ; mais John est fait prisonnier et lâchement assassiné par un Japonais. Claire devient espionne au service des Américains. Elle ouvre un cabaret et se fait passer pour collaboratrice afin de glaner des renseignements...
Quel phénomène !

Quel phénomène !

Oct 12, 1929
Harold Bledsoe, étudiant en botanique, est appelé par la police de San Francisco, où son père a brillé en tant que chef de la police durant de nombreuses années, afin de résoudre une affaire dans le quartier de Chinatown…
East of Java

East of Java

Dec 01, 1935
Survivors of a shipwreck find refuge on a tropical island--but so do the ship's cargo of lions and tigers.
Shanghai Lady

Shanghai Lady

Nov 17, 1929
Having spent several wasted months in a Shanghai opium dem, former prostitute Cassie Cook yearns to start her life afresh. Likewise, ex-convict Badlands McKinney also wants to clean up his act.
The Purple Dawn

The Purple Dawn

May 10, 1923
The Purple Dawn is a 1923 American silent romantic drama film that was produced, written, and directed by Charles R. Seeling. Starring Bessie Love, Bert Sprotte, and William E. Aldrich. The film is presumed lost.
Le Mysterieux Mr Wong

Le Mysterieux Mr Wong

Jan 25, 1935
Menant une enquête au sein de Chinatown, le journaliste Jason Barton se fait kidnapper par Mr Wong, un mégalomane qui tente de réunir les 12 pièces en or de Confucius, ce qui lui procurerait richesse et pouvoir.
Lotus Blossom

Lotus Blossom

Dec 01, 1921
The film is perhaps the only remaining example of silent era cinema from a Chinese-American production company, and was co-written, co-directed (with Francis J. Grandon) and produced by James B. Leong, who changed his name from Leong But-jung after emigrating from Shanghai in 1913. Of the seven reels that originally comprised 'Lotus Blossom,' only one (the fifth, running for 12 minutes at 20fps) is known to survive. This remaining reel of film is now available on Disc 2 of the DVD Collection "More Treasures from the American Film Archives," and was preserved by the UCLA Film and Television Archive.
Lotus Blossom

Lotus Blossom

Dec 01, 1921
The film is perhaps the only remaining example of silent era cinema from a Chinese-American production company, and was co-written, co-directed (with Francis J. Grandon) and produced by James B. Leong, who changed his name from Leong But-jung after emigrating from Shanghai in 1913. Of the seven reels that originally comprised 'Lotus Blossom,' only one (the fifth, running for 12 minutes at 20fps) is known to survive. This remaining reel of film is now available on Disc 2 of the DVD Collection "More Treasures from the American Film Archives," and was preserved by the UCLA Film and Television Archive.
Lotus Blossom

Lotus Blossom

Dec 01, 1921
The film is perhaps the only remaining example of silent era cinema from a Chinese-American production company, and was co-written, co-directed (with Francis J. Grandon) and produced by James B. Leong, who changed his name from Leong But-jung after emigrating from Shanghai in 1913. Of the seven reels that originally comprised 'Lotus Blossom,' only one (the fifth, running for 12 minutes at 20fps) is known to survive. This remaining reel of film is now available on Disc 2 of the DVD Collection "More Treasures from the American Film Archives," and was preserved by the UCLA Film and Television Archive.
The Pagan God

The Pagan God

Aug 04, 1919
Bruce Winthrop, disguised as a clerk in the American consulate near the Mongolian border, is actually a secret United States government operative sent to quell a Chinese rebellion led by Tai Chen.