Un soir, en sortant d'un hôtel, une escort-girl se fait trancher la gorge, en pleine rue. Sur les caméras de surveillance, la police remarque un homme fuyant la scène à bord d'une camionnette. Diana, escort elle aussi, s'est brûlée la cornée après avoir fixé une éclipse de soleil. Une nuit, la jeune femme se fait prendre en chasse par le tueur.
Stefano doesn't believe in miracles. He's just above thirty, but he lives his life without passion. Every single morning, as he drives to work, he is swallowed up by the traffic of the Big City. Then, one evening, the unexpected happens. Stefano finds a parking spot right in front of his building, as well as the long-lost 'joie de vivre'.
Viola Vitale, Miss Italy and fashion journalist, returns to Sicily to look for her father. She starts working for a digital news company and joins police inspector Francesco Demir in solving crime with the help of synesthesia.