Lissa Carandang-Sweeney

Recently added

Please, Smile

Please, Smile

Jan 01, 1970
A young married couple (Luna and Jin) spend the first day of summer but the last day of their loving relationship together, trying to find a mug that has more value than its worth.
Fiber Optics

Fiber Optics

Nov 01, 2022
A lonely claymation artist struggles with bad connection.


Aug 15, 2023
A newlywed and recent father wins $6 off a scratch-off, which kickstarts a “lucky week” of mismanagement as a wound on his leg slowly grows more infected.
Practice Space

Practice Space

May 02, 2024
Close friends Edwin and Steven advise each other on dating and drama — based on zero experience — while seeking a space to hang after school.
Super Hot

Super Hot

Jul 14, 2021
A pizza delivery girl discovers her neighbor is moving into a sorority house of vampires. It's a race against the clock to stop her crush from being sacrificed at midnight.
We Are Living Things

We Are Living Things

Sep 05, 2021
Solo­mon, immi­gré mexi­cain sans-papier, vit et tra­vaille dans une recy­cle­rie de New York. Per­sua­dé que sa mère dis­pa­rue a été enle­vée par des extra­ter­restres, il s’est construit un radio téles­cope afin d’intercepter d’éventuelles com­mu­ni­ca­tions venues de l’espace. Il ren­contre par hasard la sédui­sante Chuyao, une employée féti­chiste d’un salon de manu­cure en situa­tion irré­gu­lière, qui par­tage elle-aus­si un inté­rêt per­son­nel pour les ovnis. Après une vio­lente alter­ca­tion avec le petit-ami mal­frat de cette der­nière, les deux lais­sés-pour-compte prennent la fuite vers l’Ouest en quête de vérité.


Feb 21, 2025
Alice-Heart is an aimless college student residing in Philadelphia. She aspires to be a famous writer but drops out of school in her last semester of senior year on a whim. Immediately cut off from her disappointed Filipino mother and dumped by her studious boyfriend, she finds that she has to pay bills on her own for the first time. Distraught, she takes solace in her neighbor Tony, a self sufficient freelance photographer. Tony encourages her to pursue her passions and hold onto her friendships. With this in mind, Alice-Heart navigates the beginnings of adulthood and combats “adult baby” allegations along the way.
Crescendo In

Crescendo In

Nov 01, 2024
During a writing retreat, an undermined member of an indie rock band discovers a connection to a supernatural presence.
First Time

First Time

Apr 22, 2023
Two high school friends, Nick and Sam, spend the afternoon in suburban Pennsylvania.


Aug 15, 2023
A newlywed and recent father wins $6 off a scratch-off, which kickstarts a “lucky week” of mismanagement as a wound on his leg slowly grows more infected.
Practice Space

Practice Space

May 02, 2024
Close friends Edwin and Steven advise each other on dating and drama — based on zero experience — while seeking a space to hang after school.


Feb 21, 2025
Alice-Heart is an aimless college student residing in Philadelphia. She aspires to be a famous writer but drops out of school in her last semester of senior year on a whim. Immediately cut off from her disappointed Filipino mother and dumped by her studious boyfriend, she finds that she has to pay bills on her own for the first time. Distraught, she takes solace in her neighbor Tony, a self sufficient freelance photographer. Tony encourages her to pursue her passions and hold onto her friendships. With this in mind, Alice-Heart navigates the beginnings of adulthood and combats “adult baby” allegations along the way.


Feb 21, 2025
Alice-Heart is an aimless college student residing in Philadelphia. She aspires to be a famous writer but drops out of school in her last semester of senior year on a whim. Immediately cut off from her disappointed Filipino mother and dumped by her studious boyfriend, she finds that she has to pay bills on her own for the first time. Distraught, she takes solace in her neighbor Tony, a self sufficient freelance photographer. Tony encourages her to pursue her passions and hold onto her friendships. With this in mind, Alice-Heart navigates the beginnings of adulthood and combats “adult baby” allegations along the way.


Feb 21, 2025
Alice-Heart is an aimless college student residing in Philadelphia. She aspires to be a famous writer but drops out of school in her last semester of senior year on a whim. Immediately cut off from her disappointed Filipino mother and dumped by her studious boyfriend, she finds that she has to pay bills on her own for the first time. Distraught, she takes solace in her neighbor Tony, a self sufficient freelance photographer. Tony encourages her to pursue her passions and hold onto her friendships. With this in mind, Alice-Heart navigates the beginnings of adulthood and combats “adult baby” allegations along the way.