A psychopathic serial killer dumps a bottle of the expensive new perfume 'Desire' on each of his female victims. Grace Lantel fears that her new creation might become discredited. She charges her security officer, ex-cop Lauren, to help the police investigating. One of the main suspects is former employee Gordon Lewis, who claims to be the real inventor of the scent. Lauren approaches him undercover... and falls for him, putting herself into deadly danger.
Feb 18, 2025
2025 min2276 vues
Lorsque sa femme le quitte et que son fils part à la fac, John Nolan, la quarantaine, est à un tournant de sa vie et décide de réaliser un vieux rêve : devenir flic ! Il part vivre à Los Angeles et se retrouve, malgré son âge, un bleu parmi les bleus...