Caleb, a young war veteran, returns to his old home with the intent to reunite with his parents. Few happy memories are fogged by a difficult past and an even more complicated present.
A harmless flirtation between a college freshman and the hot dad next door turns deadly when the young girl becomes obsessed with him and tries to destroy his marriage.
A young college grad, Naomi turns down law school to pursue poetry, despite her father’s objections. She subsequently struggles to survive in 1993 Denver, after being cut off by her father during a period of violent crime in the city known as the Summer of Violence.
Il y a plusieurs décennies, l'URSS a mis au point des requins impossibles à tuer et les a lancés sur la lune. Aujourd'hui, une équipe d'astronautes américains va devoir livrer le combat de sa vie.
A cautionary tale of madness told through the lens of an unseen Editor, who has constructed this film that unveils the events surrounding the disappearance of a post-production crew and the growing darkness that drove them insane. A decades-spanning mystery is interwoven across three timelines: a present day documentary; several missing person cases; and scientific research footage from old VHS tapes.
A young Broadway actress becomes a lead star after witnessing a secretive death of the main actor. Withholding the truth from others, she seems to have an acting career better than ever...
Belle comédie romantique de Noël qui vous promet des moments doux et amusants, un cadeau avant l'heure ! Pendant les vacances de Noël, Holly propose à Phil de l'épouser. Il lui avoue qu'il doit régler les choses avec son ex. Holly, découragée, fait seule la promenade en traîneau. Elle finit par se confier au conducteur de l'attelage, Jake, qui s'intéresse sincèrement à elle.
Des histoires effrayantes sur la poursuite du rêve américain et sur la façon dont le vernis peut s'effriter de façon dramatique et se terminer par un meurtre commis par un membre de la famille, un collègue, un amant ou un ami en qui l'on a confiance.