Ada, a 17-year-old teenager faces social pressures from her family while she pursues her first summer romance. Things take a turn for the worst when her carefree cousin arrives.
Leyla ile Mecnun is a Turkish television comedy series. The show is set in Istanbul, Turkey and premiered in 2011 on TRT. The series is a surreal and absurd comedy that revolves around the fictional love story between Leyla and Mecnun.
Miran cherche à se venger de la mort de ses parents, il envisage donc d'épouser sa fille Reyyan de la famille qui en était responsable. De manière inattendue, il tombe amoureux de Reyyan. Cela changera-t-il le plan?
Selim Kara, procureur du gouvernement fédéral, reçoit une offre totalement inattendue du chef de gang Selçuk Taşkın qu’il a poursuivi huit ans plus tôt. En effet, ce dernier lui propose d’être témoin à charge dans un procès visant à démanteler toute l’organisation criminelle, mais à une condition : Selim doit personnellement assurer la protection de son fils, Akgün Gökalp Taşkın.
It tells the story of a child who was kidnapped from a deep-rooted family and fell into the streets, and his struggle to reinvent himself after years later returning to his home.