Eden Gamliel

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The Legend of Jack and Diane
Jack and Diane are forced to leave Indiana after discovering secrets about the death of Diane's mother. When their worst fears are confirmed by the chief of police, Jack and Diane create a "Hit List" and exact revenge on everyone involved.


Apr 13, 2024
Recovering from the trauma of a terrifying parachute malfunction, a reckless skydiver and his misfit crew compete against their devious rivals in a roller hockey tournament. But their path to victory and saving their dropzone's reputation will have it's own hurdles to prove they are the true champions of the sky and the rink.
Ours pour un et un pour t'ours
Trois frères ours tentent maladroitement de trouver leur place dans la société civilisée, en cherchant de la nourriture, en essayant de se faire des amis humains ou en cherchant à devenir célèbres sur Internet. Grizzly, Panda et Ours Polaire s'empilent les uns sur les autres lorsqu'ils quittent leur grotte et explorent les environs branchés de la baie de San Francisco, et il est clair que les frangins ont beaucoup à apprendre sur ce monde axé sur la technologie. À leurs côtés dans de nombreuses aventures, il y a leur meilleure amie humaine Chloé, Nom Nom le panda qui veut devenir célèbre et Charlie, plus connu sous le nom de Bigfoot !
Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters
Kaijudo is the story of Raiden Pierce-Okamoto, aka Ray, a talented 14-year-old boy, and the two worlds in which he lives. One is the real world much like our own, and the other is a fantastical world of creatures, a parallel world made up of five civilizations, visible only to a chosen few...
The Legend of King Kong
You think you know Kong? Think again. Explore the wonders of Skull Island with over 30 interviews compiled by director Tom Grove. With a run time of 250 minutes, this docu-series goes into detail about every aspect of Kong’s cinematic history.