Îlham Ahmed

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Syria's Ticking Time Bomb
The severe earthquake in February 2023 has also brought northern Syria back into the international spotlight, a region that has long gone largely unnoticed. Yet a conflict has been smouldering here for years that could escalate at any time and have international repercussions: The terrorist organisation known as IS, which had its stronghold here and has been defeated militarily, could regain strength from here.
Syrie : la boîte noire du conflit
En près de dix ans, le conflit syrien a causé la mort de centaines de milliers de personnes et jeté dans l’exil quelque 12 millions de réfugiés civils. Comment les manifestations pacifiques de 2011, déclenchées par l’onde de choc contagieuse du printemps arabe pour réclamer un renouveau politique, ont-elles abouti à la pire catastrophe humanitaire du XXIe siècle ?