What is inside this box? Well, it is just what the title suggests, raw skateboarding. No crybabies, pussies, or mamma's boys in here, gang, so get busy. Enjoy.
original \O*rig"i"nal\, n. [Cf. F. Original.] 1. Origin a. Not derived from something else; fresh and unusual; an original play, not an adaptation. "an original mind" 3. A person who is appallingly odd or curious; a character. an authentic work of art: bought an original, not a print. a truly original approach. "LIVE IT"
They come from all walks of life and every city in the universe to San Francisco for the dream of becoming a skateboard superstar. The migration is constant and because the magazine is here it is not unusual to find a skater out there who is willing to throw down if there is a camera around. The media is somewhat responsible for sponsorship but in reality, if you are worthy of adulation, it will come to you. We titled this video "Sponsor Me!" for all those screaming kids throughout the world who want to know what it takes to become the next skateboard celebrity. In between our victories and defeat we ask ourselves "What is sponsorship?"
The Bag Of Suck DVD from Enjoi Skateboards. Anything but sucky, this video features Jerry Hsu, Louie Barletta, Caswell Berry and the rest of the Enjoi team.