Chen Ching

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La Fille de L'Aquarium
Wei, jeune lesbienne taïwanaise, se rend à Bangkok avec ses camarades de classe, pour un voyage de fin d'études. Son mon s'effondre lorsqu'elle observe un échange intime entre son crush et un garçon. Encouragée par se camarades, pour se remonter le moral, elle décide d'aller dans un salon de massage thaï. Pour cette initiation au massage thaïlandais, elle hésite avant de choisir un des masseuses qui attendent d'être appelées derrière une paroi en verre.


Oct 31, 2020
In the early 1980s, hundreds of the so-called female revenging/exploitation films were produced in Taiwan. The 2020 version was based on the old genre to recreate a fantasy of the bloody revenge. The film is one of Su Hui-Yu’s “Re-shooting” series, which re-visits historical sources in Taiwan during the old days around the 1970s-1980s while the country was under martial law governance.


Feb 15, 2025
This spectacularly eccentric satire by Su Hui-Yu draws on 1970s Taiwanese TV culture and has a roller-skating Hitler dance with Stalin and Mao do the same with Chiang Kai-shek. A revue show of dictators in cahoots with the entertainment industry.


Jan 01, 1970
On a planet where a long-standing martial law prevailed, the earthman living in exchange for time, strictly adhered to discipline and worked tirelessly. One day, they were invaded by the Devil's Party from the “Funkmi Galaxy”, where indulgence and obscenity rules day and night, posing an unprecedented threat to the Earthman’s morals. Meanwhile, the Space Worriers from the same Funkmi Galaxy were determined to protect these hardworking creatures at all costs.
Copycat Killer

Copycat Killer

Mar 31, 2023
Quand une série de meurtres sordides jette une ville dans le chaos, un procureur opiniâtre doit jouer au chat et à la souris sur fond de dangereuse manipulation.