Vera Orlova

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Bestsennaya golova

Bestsennaya golova

Apr 01, 1942
One of Boris Barnet's contributions to the "films for the armed forces" series, about the suffering of Poles under Nazi occupation.
L'angoissante aventure
Octave, le plus jeune des fils du marquis de Granier, tombe entre les griffes d'Yvonne, actrice de théâtre et femme fatale. Ils partent ensemble à Constantinople, puis se rendent à Paris. Octave devient acteur de cinéma et ses premiers pas sont couronnés de succès. Mais à la suite d'une accusation injustifiée, commence pour lui une suite de malheurs.


Sep 24, 1924
L'ingénieur Los réceptionne un curieux message qui semble venir de l'espace. Déçu par sa femme Natacha qui se laisse séduire par la bourgeoisie russe, Los s'évade en rêvant de la planète Mars. Il imagine une société totalitaire où il pourrait mener la révolution, et tomber amoureux de la reine Aelita.
Science Fiction


Feb 20, 1917
Prosecutor Olsen's lover, the singer-songwriter Betsy, leaves him for a new passion. And he, speaking in court as a prosecutor, remains deaf to the dictates of feelings, a ruthless servant of the harsh Law. Some time later, Betsy kills her new lover in a fit of jealousy; Olsen, who retained his feelings, nevertheless becomes her accuser at the trial. He seeks the condemnation of Betsy, but comes to the realization that he lived unrighteously, allowing himself to be judged, becoming a servant of Themis. Exit in the classic tradition of the great mute: Olsen commits suicide.
Le Père Serge

Le Père Serge

May 14, 1918
Sous le règne du tsar russe Nicolas Ier, le prince Kasatsky découvre que sa fiancée a une liaison avec le tsar. Il décide de rompre ses fiançailles et se retire dans un couvent où il tente d'atteindre la sainteté
Пиковая дама
While hosting a game of cards one night, Narumov tells his friends a story about his grandmother, a Countess. As a young woman, she had once incurred an enormous gambling debt, which she was able to erase by learning a secret that guaranteed that she could win by playing her cards in a certain order. One of Narumov's friends, German, has never gambled, but he is intrigued by the story about the Countess and her secret. He soon becomes obsessed with learning this secret from her, and he starts by courting her young ward Lizaveta, hoping to use her to gain access to the Countess.
A bold study on the dangers of prostitution in the Soviet Union in the 1920s. It's sort of dramatic fiction that tells the story of Lyuba, which after irremediable events, loses his honor, being obliged to exercise the oldest profession in the world to survive. She hopes for better days and a new opportunity. The film also shows us the story of two other women who also need hope.