Georg Feils

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Im Tal der Osterhasen

Im Tal der Osterhasen

Jan 01, 2000
In the village of the Easter bunnies intense activity took place. Only 2 days to Easter and still so much work to do. But all of a sudden something disastrous happens. On Saturday before Easter, when the Easter bunnies looked after their eggs, they were scared to death. All eggs have been stolen. The bunnies were broken hearted: “If we don’t find the eggs no child will find an Easter egg this year”, Dad moaned. “And even worse: The children will not believe Easter bunnies are really existing”, Mom mentioned. “This must not happen, in no case”, grandpa says. But after a while Anna has an idea...
Les musiciens municipaux de Bremen
"Is this all there is to life?" thought the donkey, who was working as a tourist attraction for in the "Animal-Adventure-Park ", after his boss kicked him out. And because people again and again told him that his voice sounded lovely, he decided to make a career as a musician and go to Bremen. On his way, he met a dog, whose fate was to spend the rest of his life in the animal asylum, because his old master had died. The dog was a great drummer, so the donkey asked him to come along with him. On their way they met a cock and a cat, who were also living in a desperate situation. Since they too were good musicians, it was only logical that they completed the band. And what nobody ever believed came true. After many adventures, they were finally on stage. Where? Of course in Bremen.
Aladin und die Wunderlampe
The story of Aladin is one of the most beautiful and well known fairy tales from "the Arabian nights". Aladin is the son of a poor tailor. But with the help of Dschinni, a friendly ghost, he achieves luck and wealth. And since this is a fairy tale, he marries the sultan’s beautiful daughter in the end.
Le Roi Lion - Les nouvelles Aventures
Les animaux batifolent joyeusement. Les singes sautent de branche en branche et les éléphants se retrouvent au point d'eau pour se désaltérer. Tout est prétexte au jeu et les petits éléphanteaux s'aspergent avec leurs trompes. Sur la berge, un lionceaux o,souciant passe son temps à gambader avec un crocodile. Dans sa mare, l’hippopotame reçoit...
Atlantis : Der verlorene Kontinent
Petros, the little son of a fishing man makes a very special finding. While playing at the beach he discovers a message in a bottle. With the help of its Grandpa he succeeds deciphering the paper. "Atlantis is a lost city," he explains to his grandchild. "Since eternal times humans try to find this city, but up to now nobody succeeded." Petros, his dog Uzo and Grandpa start an adventurous journey after the lost city.
Teddy, der kleine Bär
It is a very stormy day today. Nevertheless Teddy is visiting his friends. Grummel, the old grumpy bear gives him his umbrella, because on such a stormy day it will probably begin to rain. So thinks Mo, the Kangaroo, and gives an umbrella to her daughter Mi, who wants to go with Teddy. But the umbrella disturbs Mi when jumping. Thus she stretches it - and was carried off by the wind. First Mi enjoyed the situation, but after a short while she wants to come back to the ground. Teddy called all his friends. And together they have an idea.
Ein Fall für die Mäusepolizei
For the first time in his live, Charley Gouda, the newspaper boy sold all his newspapers. The cheese truck had been robbed. In aunt Antjes cheese shop all shelves were empty. This case for detective Chester from Muenster. Max and Sophie Emmental show him the place where they had found the driver of the robbed car. "This looks like the notorious Rocky Roquefort Gang", he said. He sends Sophie and Max back home. But on the way home the two discover a hot trace and they decided to catch the robbers on their own.
Noch Mehr Dalmatiner

Noch Mehr Dalmatiner

Sep 03, 2003
The three little Dalmatians lived with an old lady just outside of town. One day they overheard the neighbor talking about a market selling gingerbread, cotton candy and many other goodies. "Gingerbread," beamed Krümel. "Our old lady loves to eat gingerbread!" "Me too," said the icing on the cake. "We'll go to the market and get a gingerbread heart," suggested Krümel. “And then we'll give it to our old lady for her birthday.” But the trader in the market had no sympathy for three little Dalmatians who just wanted to put their gingerbread hearts in their pockets. He called the police and had the dogs taken to an animal shelter. Only the icing on the cake could escape and she decided to free her friends.


Jan 01, 1995
Roaming around with her best friend Wabuu, the curious and cheeky raccoon, Pocahontas, the beautiful chieftain daughter discovers a ship with a lot of strangers on the shore. "These White people will bring much woe to our people" predicts the chieftain. And actually, the gold-greedy captain of the ship starts a war on the Indians. Will Pocahontas succeed in preventing the inevitable fight and to save their people?


Feb 04, 2000
Cela ne pouvait pas prendre beaucoup de temps, et alors le petit dinosaure éclaterait. Finalement, les coquilles d'œufs crépitèrent. "C'est un garçon", cria le père dinosaure chanceux. Et dans un petit moment, le petit Dino a joué avec les autres enfants de dinosaures et a découvert peu à peu son quartier. Mais un jour - le petit dinosaure fréquentait certains de ses amis - la terre commença à trembler. Et peu de temps après, le volcan a éclaté. Le petit Dino devait attendre que le volcan se soit calmé avant de pouvoir rentrer chez lui. Mais quand il est arrivé, il avait très peur. Tout a été détruit. Aucune trace de sa famille! "Je dois les trouver", sanglota-t-il. Et il a commencé une longue et aventureuse recherche.
Wabou - Le Raton Laveur Espiègle
Wabou, le petit raton laveur espiègle, part en excursion en forêt. Son esprit n'est fixé que sur des bêtises et des blagues pratiques. Rien n'est plus amusant que de tromper l'ours maladroit ou les méchants chiens de garde du fermier Alfred. Seulement une fois que Wabou va trop loin et Wuschel, le petit écureuil manque. Bien sûr, Wabou n'a pas voulu cela, mais cette fois, les autres animaux sont vraiment en colère. Wabou est terriblement désolé. Il part à la recherche de son ami Wuschel. Mais par où commencer et que faire, si quelque chose de vraiment mystérieux est arrivé à Wuschel ?
Le Seigneur de la Jungle
La vie dans la jungle se déroule paisiblement. Les singes, très dissipés, n'arrêtent pas de jouer, les grandes girafes broutent les arbres, et les troupeaux d'éléphants se dirigent vers une destination connue d'eux seuls. Ce calme est brusquement interrompu par un avion qui survole la forêt, et dont le moteur prend feu. L'appareil s'écrase dans un grand fracas, et dans le silence qui suit, les cris d'un bébé résonnent...
Aladin und die Wunderlampe
The story of Aladin is one of the most beautiful and well known fairy tales from "the Arabian nights". Aladin is the son of a poor tailor. But with the help of Dschinni, a friendly ghost, he achieves luck and wealth. And since this is a fairy tale, he marries the sultan’s beautiful daughter in the end.
Les musiciens municipaux de Bremen
"Is this all there is to life?" thought the donkey, who was working as a tourist attraction for in the "Animal-Adventure-Park ", after his boss kicked him out. And because people again and again told him that his voice sounded lovely, he decided to make a career as a musician and go to Bremen. On his way, he met a dog, whose fate was to spend the rest of his life in the animal asylum, because his old master had died. The dog was a great drummer, so the donkey asked him to come along with him. On their way they met a cock and a cat, who were also living in a desperate situation. Since they too were good musicians, it was only logical that they completed the band. And what nobody ever believed came true. After many adventures, they were finally on stage. Where? Of course in Bremen.


Nov 28, 1996
"Is this all there is to life?" thought the donkey, who was working as a tourist attraction for in the "Animal-Adventure-Park ", after his boss kicked him out. And because people again and again told him that his voice sounded lovely, he decided to make a career as a musician and go to Bremen. On his way, he met a dog, whose fate was to spend the rest of his life in the animal asylum, because his old master had died. The dog was a great drummer, so the donkey asked him to come along with him. On their way they met a cock and a cat, who were also living in a desperate situation. Since they too were good musicians, it was only logical that they completed the band. And what nobody ever believed came true. After many adventures, they were finally on stage. Where? Of course in Bremen.
Die schönsten Geschichten vom Osterhasen
There are only a few days until Easter. The Easter Bunnies are very busy. But things don't turn how the way they should, the most beautiful and colorful Easter eggs have disappeared. Harry, the Easter Bunny detective, faces a difficult task. And there's Nikki, the Easter bunny girl, who suddenly starts to feel weird at the Easter Egg hiding place. No wonder, because she is immediately pulled out of the cylinder of a magician who is just giving a children's performance. And because even Easter Bunny children like to tell stories, they imagine what would happen if the Easter Bunny was not an Easter Bunny but an Easter Elephant or an Easter Giraffe. You're bound to think of even more.