Peter Kwok Bei-Dak

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Kung Fu Vs. Acrobatic

Kung Fu Vs. Acrobatic

Jul 21, 1990
En explorant une ancienne grotte chinoise, Mo Tak-fai et son fantasque acolyte ramènent à la vie accidentellement une somptueuse princesse,ainsi que sa servante, toutes deux endormies depuis des siècles. Hélas, en réveillant ces deux charmants ancêtres, les deux compères délivrent un esprit maléfique, Tien Chian. De retour à Hong Kong, Tien Chian veut récupérer la princesse. Heureusement, la princesse initie nos deux hommes aux arts martiaux qui seuls pourront arrêter le mal.


Mar 22, 1990
Sing loves to read cartoons and often daydreams of becoming a tycoon and celebrity. By accident, he becomes a follower of Wai, a gang leader, and makes a friend of Wai's adopted son, Chun. The series of successes made by Sing and Chun breed contempt in Wai's heart. Wai plans to get rid of them so as to pave the way for his son to succeed to his own business. Still, his son kills him..
Today's Hero

Today's Hero

Nov 21, 1991
Siu, who spends goofing off, finds out that he has Parkinson's Disease, and only one month to live. He decides to do something special before his death. He tries to help other, and accept challenges.


Jan 10, 1992
As the evil sect known as the Black Section of Esoteric Buddhism wreaks havoc on Tibet, a young monk named Wong La (Biao Yuen) is sent to Hong Kong to recover a sacred urn that holds the power to defeat the enemies. Wong soon meets and safeguards a gorgeous woman (Michelle Reis) connected to the urn's protector, while the leader of the Black Section learns of Wong's plan and pursues the urn for himself in this martial arts thriller.
Police Story 2

Police Story 2

Aug 13, 1988
Chan Ka Kui, détective au sein de la police de Hong-Kong, vient de démanteler un cartel de la drogue. Au lieu de recevoir les honneurs, il est blâmé pour ses méthodes peu orthodoxes. Il est prêt à quitter la police, lorsqu'il se trouve accidentellement mêlé à un sombre chantage...
Wesley le vieux chat

Wesley le vieux chat

Oct 22, 1992
Un chat de l'espace fait équipe avec une jeune fille et un vieil homme pour combattre un extraterrestre meurtrier qui possède des gens.
Les Dieux du jeu

Les Dieux du jeu

Dec 14, 1989
Alors qu'il s'apprête à affronter un des plus célèbres tricheurs du milieu, Ko Chun, le Dieu du jeu, est victime d'une mauvaise chute et se heurte le crâne sur un rocher. Il perd la mémoire et est recueilli par un joueur amateur qui ne tarde pas à découvrir ses talents de joueur de cartes…
Skinny Tiger and Fatty Dragon
Skinny Tiger et Fatty Dragon sont deux policiers casse-cous et maladroits qui s’attirent les foudres de leurs supérieurs et de leurs ennemis. Ils devront affronter un baron de la drogue et ses sbires qui n’hésiteront pas à s’attaquer à leurs proches.
Kui (Wong Ka Kui), Keung (Steve Wong), Chung (Paul Wogn) and Wing (Wing Yip) are four buddies who are all very enthusiastic about music. Together they form a band called Beyond. In order to fulfill his family's emigration dream, Kui works round the clock to earn money and exhausts himself to sickness. Keung wants to build a successful career, but only finds himself being framed by his boss. Chung's childhood dream was to become a police officer, but he is rejected due to his weak body. Wing wants to study music at Hong Kong University, but his girlfriend (Faye Wong) and her parents pressure him into medicine. Can they find their ways again through friendship and music?


May 06, 1989
A firefighter salvages a spiritual shrine from an old burning building, which releases the gentle ghost of a Chinese opera singer, killed in a stage fire 30 years before. Grateful for saving her, the ghost falls for the firefighter and will stop at nothing to ensure his safety from the evils that lurk ahead. At the same time, the firefighter doesn't realize he is dating a ghost.
Sans Sommation

Sans Sommation

Apr 07, 1990
Une femme policier se marie dans une famille de flics. Son mari se fait tuer par un gang. La vengeance sera terrible...
Tiger on the Beat 2

Tiger on the Beat 2

Feb 10, 1990
Lam, capitaine dans la police hongkongaise, approche la quarantaine mais ne peut pas s’enorgueillir d’états de service brillants. C’est pourquoi il souhaite réaliser un coup d’éclat avant sa retraite. Sa sœur l’appelle un beau jour des Etats-Unis pour lui annoncer l’arrivée prochaine de son neveu Buffalo et le charge de lui trouver une femme chinoise. Mais une fois à Hong Kong, Buffalo tombe amoureux d’une ravissante escroc, témoin involontaire d’un meurtre, qui va l’entraîner dans une sombre histoire de trafic de drogue...


Apr 10, 1989
This is Midnight Angel without the female caped-crusaders. Once again, Yukari Oshima steals the show as she seeks revenge against the drug overlord who killed her fiancee.


Jun 30, 1990
A group of college kids discovers the remains of an evil warlord from an old cave and brings it to their dormitory, which ultimately awakens the warlord's ghost. It is seeking to avenge his killer, who has since reincarnated as Mr. Hong's snobby girlfriend Annie. With Hong and Annie endangered, Hong's reincarnated spirit takes over to save him and Annie, and defeat the demon.


Aug 08, 1991
A sweet tale about a young woman's dog that makes a deal with the Happy Ghost (Raymond Wong) to become human for 44 days. But after those days are over he must go and be reincarnated.


Dec 08, 1988
Two best friends So-so and Nancy are love-struck by the same handsome Japanese boy who cannot fulfill both girls' destinies.


Feb 14, 1990
Shui and Ti elope off, against the wishes of Ti's father. They live the life of a struggling young couple. Shui finds a job at a jewelry importer and his hard work is noticed by the boss lady. As Shui moves up the corporate ladder, the chasm between Shui and Ti starts to widen, and the bond between Suki and Shui tightens.


Mar 18, 1989
Kenny and Maggie, lovers of long standing, have been scrimping and saving for their marriage. One day Maggie suspects that she is pregnant, and suggests an early wedding. Kenny is thunder struck as he has just lost his every cent in the stock market.
The Crazy Companies 2

The Crazy Companies 2

Dec 15, 1988
Le jour où Horny devait se marier, ses deux amis, Frank et Kai, lui ont dit d'éviter le piège du mariage. Cependant, sa fiancée l'a forcé à signer le certificat. Kwai, l'autre copain de Horny, avait une entreprise avec son frère Fu. Fu ne pouvait pas gérer le bureau et devait à la famille de Fok 2M et à son directeur Robert de persuader de fusionner la société de Fu. Les trois amis ont rejoint Fok pour résoudre la crise.


Jan 18, 1990
Lam Bo Sun, the richest man in Hong Kong, is expected to marry the ditziest of socialites in a matter of weeks. On a whim, he leaves everything behind and gets a job as a lowly busboy at a noodle restaurant, and finds the girl of his dreams.
An Eye for an Eye

An Eye for an Eye

May 10, 1990
Des jeunes mafiosis sont agacés par les attitudes conservatrices des dirigeants de leur triades et décident donc de prendre le pouvoir par le biais du trafic de drogue. Joey est la fille du big boss, tandis que Max est un flic anti-triades...