A young man named Youssef works on a project to manufacture a robot with artificial intelligence, and when he succeeds in creating the two delicious Zumba models, his life and the life of his family are quickly turned upside down.
A comedy about an aspiring actress who enlists the help of her uncle, a casting agent, in order to land her breakthrough role, because the last thing she wants is to end up being an extra like her father.
Nelly is a wealthy girl, and Sherihan is the opposite. They happen to be cousins, with completely different personalities. When they find out that they will be getting an inheritance from their grandfather, they put their differences aside to solve the 'Mickey Mystery' which should get them to the inheritance.
A comedy about an aspiring actress who enlists the help of her uncle, a casting agent, in order to land her breakthrough role, because the last thing she wants is to end up being an extra like her father.
A group of people travel to Indonesia, but a failure in the engines of the plane forces the pilot to change its course and land them in one of the islands of Thailand. They try to get out of the island in any way, exposing them to many problems and comedic situations.
A comedy about an aspiring actress who enlists the help of her uncle, a casting agent, in order to land her breakthrough role, because the last thing she wants is to end up being an extra like her father.