Kayvan Novak

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Nov 23, 2005
L'héritier du trône d'un émirat arabe, le Prince Nasir, réformiste et progressiste, décide d'accorder les droits de forage de gaz naturel à une compagnie chinoise, au détriment du géant texan Connex Oil. Connex rachète alors la petite compagnie Killen, une fusion qui attire l'attention du Ministère de la Justice à Washington. Benett Holiday, ambitieux avocat du cabinet Sloan Whiting, veille au bon déroulement de cette opération douteuse. Bob Barnes, vétéran de la CIA qui se préparait à "pantoufler", se voit proposer une dernière mission : éliminer le prince Nasir. Bryan Woodman, expert en ressources énergétiques, se rend à un gala organisé par le Prince Nasir. Son jeune fils meurt accidentellement lors de cette soirée. Ces événements auront une incidence directe sur la vie d'un jeune ouvrier pakistanais de la Connex.
We Are Four Lions

We Are Four Lions

May 07, 2010
Animé par des envies de grandeur, Omar est déterminé à devenir un soldat du djihad en Angleterre. Avec ses amis, il décide de monter le coup décisif qui fera parler d’eux et de leur cause. Problème : il leur manque le mode d’emploi.


Oct 14, 2014
12-year-old Adam finds his 31-year old, superhero obsessed brother with learning difficulties a nightmare - until he sees a chance to use him to gain friends.
A Line in the Sand

A Line in the Sand

Dec 02, 2004
In a remote village on the Suffolk Coast, Frank Perry (Ross Kemp) waits for his past to catch up with him. Previously a spy for MI6 working on Iranian chemical and biological weapons production, his reports led to the deaths of many Iranian scientists while also undermining the progress of their production. Now the Iranians have found out he was responsible and have sent their best assassin to kill him. A team of "protectors" move in around Perry, disrupting the local community who, fearing for their lives, turn against him.
The Last Sparks of Sundown
Two down-on-their-luck American brothers travel to England to sell their late grandfather's country estate. A straightforward plan if it weren't for the strangers in the house and the sinister man on their tail.


Nov 24, 2014
Paddington raconte l'histoire d'un jeune ours péruvien fraîchement débarqué à Londres, à la recherche d'un foyer et d'une vie meilleure. Il réalise vite que la ville de ses rêves n'est pas aussi accueillante qu'il croyait. Par chance, il rencontre la famille Brown et en devient peu à peu un membre à part entière.
Scotland In A Day

Scotland In A Day

Sep 18, 2014
Mockumentary set on the day of the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum and designed to capture a snap shot of a nation on the brink of both triumph and disaster.


Feb 10, 2017
Suivant les conseils avisés de son fœtus, une femme enceinte décide de s’adonner à l’auto-justice et se débarrasse de tous ceux qui se mettent en travers de son chemin.
Bad Sugar

Bad Sugar

Aug 26, 2012
A dysfunctional, wealthy mining dynasty, with an ailing patriarch and some greedy siblings. A peculiarly British take on telenovela style melodramas, played for laughs.
The Clap

The Clap

Aug 25, 2005
An obsessive classical concertgoer wants to be the first clapper at the end of every symphony and sonata. But when he inflicts the clap incessantly on his pianist idol, the tormented virtuoso decides to fight back with music.


Jan 01, 2014
An unassuming government scientist has unknowingly been spiked with a love implant, but the spy who put it there has fallen in love for real.
Cro Man

Cro Man

Jan 26, 2018
Préhistoire, quand les dinosaures et les mammouths parcouraient encore la terre. L’histoire d'un homme des cavernes courageux, Dug, et de son meilleur ami Hognob, qui s’unissent pour sauver leur tribu d’un puissant ennemi.


Aug 08, 2014
DI Walter Gambon is a self-styled “Yoda of the force”, whose workload suddenly increases when he’s handed the cases of an officer who committed suicide by throwing himself under a Tube train. Or was he pushed? Gambon must work out whether his former colleague was murdered, while tracking down another officer who has gone so far undercover that nobody knows where he (or she) is.
TV Movie
Salsa Fury

Salsa Fury

Feb 14, 2014
Malgré un grand manque de confiance en lui et des kilos en trop, Bruce Garrett a le cœur qui bat passionnément (mais secrètement) pour la salsa. Vingt-deux ans après avoir abandonné la danse, il rencontre Julia qui lui fait réaliser à quel point sa vie est devenue lisse et monotone. Pour elle, il va affronter sa timidité et raviver sa flamme latine.
Men in Black: International
Les Men In Black ont toujours protégé la Terre de la vermine de l’univers. Dans cette nouvelle aventure, ils s’attaquent à la menace la plus importante qu’ils aient rencontrée à ce jour : une taupe au sein de leur organisation.
Le jour viendra où...
Moses Al Shabaz est le Sultan de la ferme "The Star of Six", un projet qu’il mène à Miami avec son épouse Venus. Avec son armée de quatre personnes, il désapprouve les armes à feu, combat le crime et rêve de renverser le gouvernement. Afin de sauver sa famille de l'expulsion, il décide d'accepter de l'argent d'un inconnu qui lui propose de financer sa révolution . C'était sans savoir que son bienfaiteur travaille pour le FBI qui prévoit de le transformer en criminel en alimentant ses rêves révolutionnaires les plus fous.
Doctor Who : L'heure du Docteur
En orbite d'une planète calme et reculée, les espèces les plus mortelles de l'univers se rassemblent autour d'un message qui résonne à travers les étoiles. Parmi eux : le Docteur. Après avoir sauvé Clara d'un dîner de Noël en famille, le héros et sa meilleure amie doivent apprendre ce que ce mystérieux signal signifie pour son destin et celui de l'univers.
FX's A Christmas Carol
Ebenezer Scrooge, un vieil homme grincheux et avare, reçoit successivement les visites des fantômes de son ancien partenaire en affaires, Jacob Marley, puis celui du Noël passé et celui du Noël à venir. A tour de rôle, ils lui montrent comment son comportement cruel a affecté son entourage.
Les Pirates ! Bons à rien, mauvais en tout
Malgré son enthousiasme, le Capitaine Pirate a beaucoup de mal à se faire passer pour une terreur des mers. Secondé par un équipage aussi peu doué que lui, le Capitaine rêve pourtant de battre ses rivaux, Black Bellamy et Liz Lafaucheuse, en remportant le prestigieux Prix du Pirate de l'Année. Pour le Capitaine et son drôle d'équipage, c'est le début d'une incroyable odyssée qui, des rivages de Blood Island jusqu'aux rues embrumées de Londres, va les conduire d'épreuves en rencontres. S'ils vont faire équipe avec un jeune scientifique du nom de Charles Darwin, ils vont aussi devoir affronter mille dangers et tenter de survivre à la reine Victoria, qui voue une haine absolue aux pirates... En avant pour l'aventure !
She's Gone

She's Gone

Sep 19, 2004
Harry Sands is a self made man, happily married with two children. When he learns that his daughter has gone missing in Istanbul, he flies out to find her. To Harry's horror, he discovers from Olivia's best friend, that the two of them have been working as nightclub dancers and not as the charity workers like Harry was led to believe. So begins the hunt for his missing daughter and a journey that turns into a nightmare as Harry is forced to face his own prejudices and mounting paranoia....
TV Movie


May 26, 2021
Londres, années 70, en plein mouvement punk rock. Escroc pleine de talent, Estella est résolue à se faire un nom dans le milieu de la mode. Elle se lie d’amitié avec deux jeunes vauriens qui apprécient ses compétences d’arnaqueuse et mène avec eux une existence criminelle dans les rues de Londres. Un jour, ses créations se font remarquer par la baronne von Hellman, une grande figure de la mode, terriblement chic et horriblement snob. Mais leur relation va déclencher une série de révélations qui amèneront Estella à se laisser envahir par sa part sombre, au point de donner naissance à l’impitoyable Cruella, une brillante jeune femme assoiffée de mode et de vengeance…
The Blue Tower

The Blue Tower

Oct 02, 2008
Dark thriller about a young British man of Indian origin who finds himself trapped in a loveless marriage. Unemployed, he spends his days driving his car, hanging out with a motley crew of listless friends and visiting his wealthy old aunt's house - where he eventually starts an illicit affair with the aunt's young care worker. As hopes of a job and of improvement in his personal circumstances recede further, he resolves to take drastic measures to change the course of his life.
Le Voyage extraordinaire de Samy
Alors qu’il se hisse hors de son nid sur une plage de Californie, Samy, petite tortue des mers, trouve et perd dans la foulée l’amour de sa vie : la jeune Shelly. Au cours de son périple à travers les océans qu’accomplissent toutes les tortues de mer avant de retrouver la plage qui les a vus naitre, Samy n’a de cesse de faire face à tous les dangers afin de retrouver Shelly. Accompagné de son meilleur ami Ray, ils sont des observateurs privilégiés de la façon dont l’homme affecte la planète…


Oct 23, 2011
MI-5, aussi surnommé "Five", n'est autre que le service secret britannique fondé pour protéger la sécurité nationale des menaces intérieures. Leurs missions : combattre le crime organisé, démanteler les trafics d'armes et autres réseaux terroristes...


Oct 22, 2008
Fonejacker is a British comedy programme broadcast on E4 featuring a series of prank calls involving a number of different characters performed by British Iranian television actor Kayvan Novak. It first appeared in May 2006 and became a full series in 2007. In 2005 Kayvan Novak and Ed Tracy created, wrote and directed Fonejacker, a prank call show, as part of Channel 4 Comedy Lab. After making the pilot together they were given a Christmas special and a six-part series which began airing in the UK on 5 July 2007 on E4 and lasted 6 episodes. They went on to make a second series which began airing on 17 September 2008 on E4, and started on Channel 4 on 6 November 2008. Kayvan Novak said that he was "not sure there will be a third series of Fonejacker" but despite this, several websites reported in October 2009 that a third series would air in May 2010. In November 2009, the third series was officially announced, with the news that it would be called "Fonejacker 3D" and feature Kayvan Novak portraying both old and new Fonejacker characters face-to-face in the public domain. Renamed Facejacker, the new show began airing on 16 April 2010. Fonejacker won the BAFTA award for the "Best Comedy Programme" in 2008. Novak plans to create a film based on the show's characters, and is currently in talks with Film4 and Hat Trick Productions.
La Loi de Murphy

La Loi de Murphy

Oct 03, 2007
À la suite de l'assassinat de sa petite-fille, Thomas Murphy (James Nesbitt) est un flic complètement dépressif. Ses supérieurs lui donnent la possibilité de sauver sa carrière, malgré une évaluation psychiatrique négative, en lui proposant d'infiltrer un gang. Mais cette mission n'est pas sans danger...
Judge John Deed

Judge John Deed

Jan 18, 2007
Judge John Deed is a British legal drama television series produced by the BBC in association with One-Eyed Dog for BBC One. It was created by G.F. Newman and stars Martin Shaw as Sir John Deed, a High Court judge who tries to seek real justice in the cases before him. It also stars Jenny Seagrove as the barrister Jo Mills, frequently the object of Deed's desire. A pilot episode was broadcast on 9 January 2001, followed by the first full series on 26 November 2001. The sixth and last series concluded on 18 January 2007. The programme then went on an indefinite break after Shaw became involved in another television programme, and he and Seagrove expressed a wish for the format of the series to change before they filmed new episodes. By 2009, the series had officially been cancelled. The six series produced make it the longest-running BBC legal drama. The factual accuracy of the series is often criticised by legal professionals and journalists; many of the decisions taken by Deed are unlikely to happen in a real court. The romanticised vision of the court system created by Newman caused a judge to issue a warning to a jury not to let the series influence their view of trials—referring to an episode where Deed flouts rules when called up for jury duty. Another episode led to complaints about biased and incorrect information about the MMR vaccine, leading the BBC to ban repeats of it in its original form. All six series have been released on DVD in the UK.
War & Politics


Jun 15, 2008
Headcases was an ITV satirical animation show based on current affairs. It employed the same satirical style as Spitting Image, 2DTV and Bo' Selecta! but using 3D animation created by UK Visual Effects and animation house Red Vision. Red Vision evolved a series of unique production techniques and a sophisticated animation pipeline to deliver the weekly topical elements of the series to hitherto impossible deadlines. The programme's first series began on 6 April 2008, with weekly episodes until 11 May 2008, airing on Sundays at 10 pm. A seventh episode was televised on Friday, 30 May at 10:30 pm, and an eighth at 10 pm on Sunday, 15 June. The show included celebrities, politicians and members of the British Royal Family in their animated form, taking a role in sketches including scenarios from their own topical issues. The show's name comes from the fact that all the subjects' caricatured faces are out of scale with the rest of their bodies.
Comedy Lab

Comedy Lab

Nov 13, 2011
Comedy Lab is a British television series which showcases pilots of experimental comedy shows. Series have been aired irregularly on Channel 4 and E4 since 1998. Several pilots first shown on Comedy Lab have gone on to spawn full series, most notably Trigger Happy TV, Fonejacker, That Peter Kay Thing, Meet the Magoons and FM. It also gave Jimmy Carr his first television appearance in Jimmy Carr's World of…Corporate Videos. The 2001 series features the episodes Knife and Wife, Orcadia, Daydream Believers: Brand New Beamer and Jimmy Carr's World of…Corporate Videos featuring Jimmy Carr. The 2008 series features the episodes Headwreckers, Mr and Mrs Fandango, Olivia Lee's Naughty Bits, Karl Pilkington: Satisfied Fool, Pappy's Fun Club, School of Comedy and Slaterwood. 2010's shows are iCandy, Happy Finish, Penelope Princess of Pets, Jack Whitehall Secret Census, Filth, Moviemash and Hung Out. The 2011 lineup includes: Anna & Katy, Totally Tom and Rick and Peter.
The American Embassy

The American Embassy

Apr 01, 2002
The American Embassy is an American drama series that aired on Fox from March to April 2002. The series was created by James D. Parriott, and executive produced by Danny DeVito.
Scotland Yard, crimes sur la Tamise
La Tamise n'a rien d'un fleuve tranquille. Toutes les semaines, des crimes odieux sont perpétrés sur ses rives. Des crimes dont le raffinement emprunte à l'élégance anglaise, dont la perversité n'a d'égale que celle de la perfide Albion.
Live from Studio Five

Live from Studio Five

Sep 10, 2010
Live from Studio Five was an early-evening British magazine programme which was produced by Sky News for Channel 5. It was presented by Kate Walsh and a line-up of other co-presenters during its run. It consisted of interviews and discussing topical issues, with an emphasis on showbusiness news and celebrity gossip, after originally covering stories from a popular news agenda. It aired its final edition on 4 February 2011 and was replaced by OK! TV in February 2011 which lasted just nine months on air before itself being axed.
Big Brother's Little Brother
Each week, the housemate evicted from the Big Brother house the previous week traditionally spends another week on Big Brother's Little Brother, answering questions and taking part in Call BBLB along with other features. The show also boasts celebrity guests and experts who come in to discuss and analyse the remaining Big Brother housemates.


Aug 29, 2013
PhoneShop is a British sitcom that was first broadcast on Channel 4 as a television pilot on 13 November 2009, as part of the channel's Comedy Showcase season of comedy pilots. It was then followed by a six-episode series that was commissioned on E4 and broadcasting began on 7 October 2010.


May 01, 2012
Facejacker is a Channel 4 comedy series which started on 16 April 2010. It follows the similar show Fonejacker. Kayvan Novak adopts various disguises, including several characters heard in Fonejacker. To promote the show, Novak appeared at Channel 4's Comedy Gala as Terry Tibbs on April 5. Series 2 finished filming in July 2011 and premiered on 27 March 2012. The series concluded on 1 May 2012. Novak plans to create a film based on the show's characters, and is currently in talks with Film4 and Hat Trick Productions.


Aug 01, 2011
Sirens is a British comedy-drama about an ambulance service team


Dec 17, 2023
Au sein d'une agence d'espionnage international, des agents surentraînés n'ont de cesse de déstabiliser, humilier et tromper leurs collègues.
Inside Job

Inside Job

Nov 18, 2022
Les reptiliens ? Vrai. L'homme sur la Lune ? Faux. Gérer les complots est un travail à plein temps pour un génie asocial et sa drôle d'équipe.
Inside No. 9

Inside No. 9

Jun 12, 2024
Des histoires sans lien se déroulant à chaque fois dans un lieu différent se trouvant toujours au numéro 9. Ces habitations (maison / appartement / manoir) font face à des événements extraordinaires ou macabres, avec une bonne dose d'humour...
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 05, 2021
Dernier représentant des Seigneurs du temps et âgé de plus de 900 ans, Le Docteur parcourt l'espace et le temps dans son TARDIS. Amoureux de la race humaine, il se fait régulièrement accompagner par une femme ou un homme. Partagé entre folie et génie, insouciant mais conscient de ses responsabilités, il défendra l'humanité quel que soit le prix à payer.
Action & Adventure


Jul 01, 2015
An undercover reporter and his former mentor join forces to solve mysteries on a Spanish island. Woody is forced to go on the run from the British authorities after being set up by his corrupt newspaper editor. Woody escapes to find the one man he can trust, his former mentor at the newspaper, Brutus. Now an expatriate living a quiet life running a bar on a Spanish island, Brutus is initially less than thrilled to see Woody. However, he soon realizes that he can profit by putting his trouble-making protege to work. Woody takes on a series of investigations on the island, running rings around the locals by using his astonishing ability to adopt a variety of guises at a moment's notice.
Full English

Full English

Dec 17, 2012
Revolves around the lives of members of a suburban family called the Johnsons. Hard-working Edgar, the father, is employed by Ken, his borderline-evil father-in law, while his house-proud wife, Wendy, looks after their children: the freaky weirdo Dusty, the amiable idiot Jason and the highly strung emo, Eve. Ken's only friend is a large green figment of his imagination called Squidge, who makes him do unpleasant things.


Mar 05, 2019
La meilleure de toutes les souris revient pour sauver le monde, aidée de son ami le hamster Panikar et d'une panoplie de gadgets fabuleux.


Feb 23, 2015
Inspired by the true stories of whistle-blowers claiming asylum, Asylum is a satirical comedy about a government whistle-blower and a millionaire internet entrepreneur trapped together in the London embassy of a fictional Latin American country. Dan Hern is a serious, self-important egotist who is accused of leaking important documents. After a year in the El Rican embassy Dan is bored, depressed and has no hope of getting out - his only chance is to push his case in an interview with the Guardian. The embassy staff are struggling to attract people to the annual embassy ball, as Dan is old news and nobody wants to come. The Ambassador's oily son decides to offer sanctuary to another international fugitive named Ludo Backslash: a larger-than-life, childish hacker and internet pirate, who set up a file-sharing website and became public enemy number one among the global entertainment community.


Jan 12, 2018
Adult-only animated sitcom follows four best friends (Herbert, Ashley, Ziggy and Jay) who attend a college located in London's mythical borough of Shatford.
Toast of Tinseltown

Toast of Tinseltown

Feb 08, 2022
Tortured thespian Steven Toast relocates to the ultimate actor's playground - Hollywood. Surely this time he will get the adulation he so richly deserves.
Human Resources

Human Resources

Jun 09, 2023
Ce spin-off de "Big Mouth" lève le voile sur la vie quotidienne des "monstres hormonaux", "chats de la dépression", "sorciers de la honte" et autres créatures qui aident les humains à traverser chaque étape de leur vie : puberté, parentalité et même crépuscule de l'existence. Il apparaît rapidement que bien que les protagonistes de la série soient des créatures, elles n'en possèdent pas moins une grande part d'humanité.
Urban Myths

Urban Myths

Oct 28, 2020
Une série retraçant de façon comique des mythes urbains autour des célébrités.


Aug 05, 2013
Un groupe de jeunes adolescents britanniques vivent à Bristol et font leurs premières expériences du monde adulte, en se déchirant autour de sujets comme la religion, la sexualité, la drogue, les déséquilibres alimentaires...
What We Do in the Shadows
Ce faux documentaire suit le quotidien de Nandor, Laszlo, Nadja et Guillermo, trois vampires âgés de plusieurs siècles et un humain, vivant en coloc dans le New York d'aujourd'hui. Comment s'organise leur cohabitation ? Un humain peut-il aussi être un ami et pas un dîner ? La vie éternelle, est-ce vraiment si cool ?
Carrément chat

Carrément chat

Feb 20, 2017
Un alien, dont le vaisseau spatial s'est écrasé sur Terre, devient l'ami d'un chat.
Them From That Thing

Them From That Thing

Aug 22, 2012
Them From That Thing is a sketch show featuring a host of Channel 4 comedy stars. The series features Blake Harrison (The Inbetweeners), Kayvan Novak (Facejacker), Sally Phillips (Smack The Pony) and Morgana Robinson (Very Important People) alongside with a host of famous faces from the world of drama. Set in the modern world where serious characters say and do very stupid things, Them From That Thing combines the look and feel of great British drama with a silly and slightly unhinged comic sensibility.
The Mighty Ones

The Mighty Ones

Dec 10, 2022
Follow the hilarious adventures of a group of creatures: a twig, a pebble, a leaf and a strawberry. These best friends, self-named The Mighty Ones, live in an unkempt backyard belonging to a trio of equally unkempt humans whom they mistake for gods.
8 Out of 10 Cats

8 Out of 10 Cats

Jan 17, 2021
8 Out of 10 Cats is a British television comedy panel game produced by Zeppotron for Channel 4. It was first broadcast on 3 June 2005. The show is based on statistics and opinion polls, and draws on polls produced by a variety of organizations and new polls commissioned for the programme, carried out by company Harris Poll. The show's title is derived from a well-known advertising tagline for Whiskas cat food, which originally claimed that "8 out of 10 cats prefer Whiskas".


Dec 17, 2023
Au sein d'une agence d'espionnage international, des agents surentraînés n'ont de cesse de déstabiliser, humilier et tromper leurs collègues.
Incredible Ant

Incredible Ant

Feb 07, 2023
When a peaceful ant village is invaded by an unknown evil force, our protagonist, Xiao Yi, a plucky young ant, sets out on an adventure with his team to save his brother and explore the truth. The journey is never easy, but our characters stand by their beliefs as they eventually evolve into guardians of justice in the insect world.
Incredible Ant

Incredible Ant

Oct 22, 2008
Fonejacker is a British comedy programme broadcast on E4 featuring a series of prank calls involving a number of different characters performed by British Iranian television actor Kayvan Novak. It first appeared in May 2006 and became a full series in 2007. In 2005 Kayvan Novak and Ed Tracy created, wrote and directed Fonejacker, a prank call show, as part of Channel 4 Comedy Lab. After making the pilot together they were given a Christmas special and a six-part series which began airing in the UK on 5 July 2007 on E4 and lasted 6 episodes. They went on to make a second series which began airing on 17 September 2008 on E4, and started on Channel 4 on 6 November 2008. Kayvan Novak said that he was "not sure there will be a third series of Fonejacker" but despite this, several websites reported in October 2009 that a third series would air in May 2010. In November 2009, the third series was officially announced, with the news that it would be called "Fonejacker 3D" and feature Kayvan Novak portraying both old and new Fonejacker characters face-to-face in the public domain. Renamed Facejacker, the new show began airing on 16 April 2010. Fonejacker won the BAFTA award for the "Best Comedy Programme" in 2008. Novak plans to create a film based on the show's characters, and is currently in talks with Film4 and Hat Trick Productions.
Incredible Ant

Incredible Ant

Feb 23, 2015
Inspired by the true stories of whistle-blowers claiming asylum, Asylum is a satirical comedy about a government whistle-blower and a millionaire internet entrepreneur trapped together in the London embassy of a fictional Latin American country. Dan Hern is a serious, self-important egotist who is accused of leaking important documents. After a year in the El Rican embassy Dan is bored, depressed and has no hope of getting out - his only chance is to push his case in an interview with the Guardian. The embassy staff are struggling to attract people to the annual embassy ball, as Dan is old news and nobody wants to come. The Ambassador's oily son decides to offer sanctuary to another international fugitive named Ludo Backslash: a larger-than-life, childish hacker and internet pirate, who set up a file-sharing website and became public enemy number one among the global entertainment community.