Tim Dunn

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Tunnel sous la Manche : Secrets d'une méga construction
Le tunnel sous la Manche, qui relie la Grande-Bretagne à la France, constitue l'une des sept merveilles de notre monde moderne. Comment le plus long tunnel sous-marin au monde a-t-il pu voir le jour ? Découvrez le témoignage d'hommes et de femmes ayant bâti ce bijou d'ingénierie. D'imposants tunneliers ont tracé un chemin au milieu de la roche et de la craie, sculptant ainsi non pas un, mais trois tunnels : deux tunnels ferroviaires ainsi qu'un tunnel routier. Les conditions étaient claires : le projet devait être entièrement financé par le secteur privé ; pas un centime de fonds publics ne serait dépensé pour sa construction
Secrets of the London Underground
Railway historian Tim Dunn and Siddy Holloway from the London Transport Museum explore hidden areas of the London Underground that—despite being just feet away from where millions of people regularly travel—hardly anyone knows about. The pair will explore abandoned tunnels, secret bunkers and hidden staircases that have been concealed from public view for years.
The Architecture the Railways Built
Railway expert and train enthusiast Tim Dunn explores the stunning architecture that lines the railway network in `The Architecture the Railways Built'. He visits stations made up of simple stone buildings, decorative Victorian grandeur, and striking glass and concrete structures, but he doesn't stop at visiting stations, as he explores every structure which owes its existence to the railway, including viaducts, railway hotels, tunnels, and the less obvious buildings such as homes, swimming pools, and Turkish baths.