Pekka Kauhanen

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Vuosisadan häät

Vuosisadan häät

Oct 15, 2021
A celebrity psychiatrist struggles to find a date for a wedding. Her dearest ex is getting married and she needs to find someone fancy enough to hide the fact that she is lonely, drinks too much and is pretty fucked up in any imaginable way.
Suomen hauskin mies

Suomen hauskin mies

Mar 16, 2018
Parikka, the actor once called the Funniest Man in Finland, and his troupe are about to be executed for the atrocities committed during the Civil War in Finland. Jaeger Lieutenant Nyborg, an admirer of Parikka, suspects a definite miscarriage of justice. He wants to save the actors. The forthcoming visit of the German General von der Goltz to the prison island provides him with a suitable opportunity. Nyborg suggests that the actors prepare a comical performance for the visitor and not be shot. Instead, they will be given a new trial. Preparing a comedy in the horrible circumstances, in the midst of hunger and death, seems quite an overwhelming task. Only a handful of real actors are still alive, the rest of the troupe consists of stagehands. Parikka has to use all his inventive skills to be able to produce something funny.
Alvin super-hamster

Alvin super-hamster

Jan 26, 2018
Alvin est le chef d'une bande de hamsters dotés de super pouvoirs. Bientôt, la bande s'enrichit d'une nouvelle recrue. Mordue par un hamster, la jeune Emilia, 11 ans, acquiert en effet la capacité de se transformer en hamster. Alvin décide de lui apprendre à utiliser ses nouveaux pouvoirs. Ensemble, ils vont devoir sauver la mer Baltique, menacée par une énorme pollution.
Mieheni vaimo

Mieheni vaimo

Feb 27, 2022
When a successful businessman is rushed to hospital after suffering a massive stroke, a decades-long double life is revealed: two women appear at his bedside claiming to be his wife and the mother of his child.


Feb 20, 2025
Like good soldiers in a war-zone, hospital staff are expected to respect the chain of command when dealing with life and death situations. But what happens when smug doctors, arrogant surgeons, and out-of-touch administrators make that easier said than done? Nurses deals with the professional and personal lives of four female colleagues who cope in different ways with the challenges of life on the trauma ward. With determination, strength, and a dark sense of humor, they achieve the demanding and inspiring task of saving lives in a system that sometimes seems designed to do the opposite.


Oct 24, 2023
Le jeune couple, le graffeur Asta et la skateuse Joona envisagent de quitter leur petite ville natale et de partir à l'étranger pour étudier et découvrir le monde. Les choses se compliquent lorsqu'ils découvrent qu'Asta est enceinte. Est-il possible de conquérir le monde et d'avoir un bébé en même temps ?