Mikhail Kirilyuk

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В гавань заходили корабли
Это военно-морские байки, повествование о том, как на военно-морской флот прибыл гражданский штурман с обезьянкой на плече. В первый же вечер он обыграл своего командира на бильярде, не зная, что это его будущий командир. Штурмана ссылают на минный тральщик, который нужно отремонтировать, чтобы продать невероятному противнику «на иголки». Для ремонта с гауптвахты берут самых отчаянных матросов. Когда приходит время передачи корабля вероятному противнику, матросы топят его.
Les Particularités de la chasse nationale
Un Finlandais préparant un ouvrage sur les traditions et les coutumes de la chasse en Russie. Il vient en Russie pour collecter du matériel et est invité à participer à une partie de chasse. Parmi ses compagnons, on trouve un général de l'armée, un inspecteur de police, un garde forestier local (adepte du bouddhisme zen) et quelques habitants de la grande ville de Saint-Pétersbourg. Inévitablement, leurs bonnes intentions cèdent rapidement la place à des beuveries sans fin, à des visites aux fermières locales et à bien d'autres choses encore.


Aug 01, 1990
Young soldiers of the Soviet Internal Troops are brutally bullied during their time of Dedovshchina(hazing). The plot unfolds mostly on board of a prisoner transport rail car guarded by a unit of paramilitary conscripts.
Болдинская осень
Sisin, a forty-year-old writer, gets on the train and goes out of town. In the car, he is surrounded by strange passengers, some of whom resemble famous Russian writers: Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Kuprin... Surreal visions, hidden desires, fears, and anxieties arise in Sisin's imagination. Love, career, and life itself seem stupid and meaningless to him.
Жизнь с идиотом
The main character is an intellectual from Russia, who sees it as his duty to bring an idiot from an mental institution to his house. He can pick someone out, after bribing the boss of the institution, with two bottles of vodka. He chooses Vova, at first sight a silly man, and takes him home. His wife is at first not very happy with this choice. Vova says and does nothing at all. Then he becomes an aggressive man, who terrorises the house and bashes everything to pieces. After she is raped by Vova, the wife gets sexually dependant on the Idiot. Vova isn't interested anymore, when she gets pregnant and doesn't keep the baby. The idiot goes now to the intellectual for his sexual needs. The wife can't take this anymore and forces her man to take a choice: Vova out, or she will go.


Aug 01, 1990
Young soldiers of the Soviet Internal Troops are brutally bullied during their time of Dedovshchina(hazing). The plot unfolds mostly on board of a prisoner transport rail car guarded by a unit of paramilitary conscripts.