Алексей Маклаков

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Night Watch

Night Watch

Jul 08, 2004
En 1342, en Russie, une trêve est conclue mettant fin au conflit permanent entre les Forces du Bien et les Forces du Mal. De nos jours, à Moscou, le Bien et le Mal disposent, pour maintenir cette paix, d'individus aux capacités surnaturelles, "les Autres" qui assurent la sécurité de leurs congénères et condamnent tout abus de la part du camp opposé. Mais une ancienne prophétie menace ce traité précaire : la crainte qu'un "Autre" bascule dans le camp opposé et fasse ainsi replonger le monde dans le chaos des hostilités...
Major Grom : The Game

Major Grom : The Game

May 23, 2024
Le major de police Igor Grom est connu dans tout Saint-Pétersbourg pour son caractère percutant et son attitude intransigeante envers les criminels de tous bords. Une force incroyable, un esprit analytique et une intégrité - tout cela fait du major Thunder un véritable super-héros. Sa vie est parfaite : pendant la journée, il attrape des criminels avec son partenaire Dima Dubin et passe les soirées en compagnie de la journaliste Yulia Pchelkina. L'idylle complète est interrompue par l'apparition dans la ville d'un mystérieux méchant qui se fait appeler Ghost. Il propose à Thunder de jouer à un jeu dangereux, dont l'enjeu est la vie des gens ordinaires.
Day Watch

Day Watch

Jan 01, 2006
Moscou, de nos jours. Dans une cage d'escalier d'un immeuble ordinaire, une jeune femme est assassinée de sang-froid, mais on ne relève aucune trace de violence sur son corps. On découvre assez rapidement que cette femme était une "Autre de l'Ombre" et qu'elle était membre de Day Watch, une organisation secrète dirigée par un sombre et puissant sorcier dénommé Zavoulon. La trêve fragile, qu'avaient conclue la Lumière et l'Ombre et qui s'est maintenue pendant des siècles, est brisée - les "Autres de la Lumière" étant les principaux suspects...


Feb 01, 1999
Printemps 1942. À Berchtesgaden, le nid d'aigle d'Hitler vibre d'une agitation contenue. Le Führer est là en compagnie de sa maîtresse Eva Braun. De hauts dignitaires du parti nazi les rejoignent depuis Berlin. Il y a là le docteur Goebbels, ministre de la Propagande du Reich, et Martin Bormann, qui dirige le parti. La rivalité des deux hommes est intense : chacun passe son temps à tenter de séduire Hitler par des bons mots ou des plaisanteries. Seul tabou : on ne parle pas du tout de la guerre qui exerce ses ravages tout autour. Seule Eva Braun ose remettre en question les obsessions, tics et manies du Führer…
Спартакиада. Локальное потепление
A merry New Year's comedy about how two opposites met and, contrary to their nature, fell in love with each other. And it was like this: a non-poor owner of a factory for the production of New Year's tinsel was going to the office, and found himself at a sports and athletics meeting, where he met a blond careerist who couldn't stand businessmen...
Семейный бюджет
A friendly family from Krasnodar - mom is a piano teacher, dad is an attraction designer, a blogger daughter and a romantic son - like many, buys an apartment on a mortgage. However, it soon turns out that there is nothing to pay for it. Now, in order not to stay on the street, the Frolovs do anything. To live a week with the whole family for 200 rubles? Easy! Play a classical concert dressed as an octopus? No problem! Become a social media star? You can also be a star. The Frolovs' monetary adventures turn into a comedy course in financial literacy for all Russian families.
Все по-честному
Alex – a simple guy from the outskirts of Moscow, served two years in the army and returned to the "citizen". He always wanted to conquer the capital and become famous. His future, he was connected with the sport fanatically engaged with the school. In sweet dreams he saw a wide and direct road to the glory of the world champion, the red carpet and the Shine of Olympic gold medals. And now the time has come...
ГАЗ. Русские машины: Дорога длиною в 70 лет
The film includes only twelve incredible stories about people and their cars. These are small stories about twelve iconic models produced by the Gorky Automobile Plant at different times of its existence. The history of Russia in the twentieth century is most directly connected with the history of GAS. Because the history of Russia was created on cars with this trademark.
Standing in front of a Police Station, mantra chanting Buddhist monks threw the officers into frenzy. The Buddhist monks believed the reincarnated Buddha resided in the body of one officer. This officer was quickly whisked away and reassigned to a small village, where to everyone's amazement he displayed uncommon, for him, behavior, doing good deeds.
Не одна дома
Masha Khamitova, a 5th grade student, stays at home alone because her parents are leaving on an urgent business trip. A nanny was called to look after Masha, who was found through a fashionable online service. However, who could have guessed that the nanny was hatching an insidious plan? Now Masha has one night to bring the criminal to clean water with the help of neural networks and modern gadgets, showing her who is the boss in a smart home.
После жизни

После жизни

Jan 17, 2008
They play tough, masculine games, when the passion of hunting turns into a thirst for profit, paint into blood, fidelity into betrayal, when betting is friendship, and winning is life. One of the three old institute shareholding partners "orders" the fourth - the head of the Bank of Daniel. But even the hired killer did not know about the explosives in the house. And so, after the explosion in the basement, there are three - the killer, the victim and his daughter. When there is almost no air left, and the search engines have already stopped working, Daniel’s mind starts a dangerous game: which of the worlds is fictional, and which one is the real one, the one in which you save your friends, or the one in which friends kill you ... Daniel solves the problem with three unknown ...


Nov 24, 2016
Matvey: a simple guy from a small province. What differentiates him from others are his physical attributes such as his strong legs, powerful lungs and an incredible endurance. He uses these talents to help his team win football matches but also takes advantage of his skills when it comes to small criminal adventures. This worries Dasha, his girlfriend, who tries to endlessly protect Matvey, whilst her friends are hopelessly attempting to persuade her to leave. After all, there are better options out there... Especially Vadim. Suddenly, Matvey receives an incredible offer: to go audition for a Premier League football club in Moscow. Not wanting to leave Dasha behind, he realizes he needs to obtain money for them to travel together.


Mar 01, 2017
Le populaire malchanceux et chanteur pop Alex en compagnie du tueur à gage Stepan et de la nymphomane Nastya fuient des tueurs tout-puissants avec des mitrailleuses lourdes et un marteau noir engagé par le centre de production. Le genre américain classique dans les espaces domestiques ...
Привет, Малыш!
Outside the gates of the psychiatric hospital was 40-years-male with the development of 10-year-old child nicknamed Baby. In his pocket he had a ticket on the train, in the hands of the suitcase. But he can't get far. At the station when boarding the train, he immediately gets into trouble and loses his suitcase. At the same time he still gets from the police. Two teenagers, a brother and sister — kit and Alenka, left without a home and without parents, living in an old abandoned railway car, let him spend the night. The kid is sincerely attached to them and begins to take an active part in their hard free homeless life.


Nov 16, 2008
Kirill, who stood up for Nastya's honor, is forced to join the army. He severely beat the offender, and military service is the only way for him to avoid prison.


Jul 29, 2001
The series is dedicated to the tax police, and to the employees of the elite secret division “COBRA” (Quick Response Team).
Апокриф: Музыка для Петра и Павла
The film is dedicated to the little-known period of life of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. He appears before us not as a canonical gray-haired genius, recognized and crowned with world fame, but as a young, insecure man who comes to visit his sister for several summer days. Relatives and friends, “little people”, give the great artist love, care and spiritual support, helping him to find himself, to overcome “torture by the sounding world”. For them, as well as for the authors of the film, Tchaikovsky is an angel thrown to the ground, reminiscent of the ultimate mission of man ...
Major Grom : Le Docteur de Peste
Le film est une adaptation de Docteur peste, le premier livre de la série, qui traite de la chasse à un mystérieux maniaque qui élimine brutalement des médecins, des hommes d'affaires et des fonctionnaires corrompus. Dans la bande dessinée, le principal méchant est un milliardaire et propriétaire d'un important réseau social qui cache ses tendances sadiques au public.


Jan 01, 2002
Times are hard for single mothers. But there are things young boys don't want to know.
Проклятый чиновник
An offended old lady curses a sleazy official so that he can't be bribed. The curse comes true... Now dirty money just burn in his hands. And that's right before the biggest bribe of his life! If the official doesn't get rid of the curse during the next 24 hours, he will face a serious punishment.


Mar 06, 2025
On the advice of doctors, Irina's parents send their daughter to figure skating classes so that she gets stronger and gains strength, but Irina finds her dream and purpose in the sport. Completely absorbed by her incredible determination and complete dedication, Irina ends up in the CSKA figure skating school, where what distinguishes her from other athletes is fully revealed - incredible fortitude and thirst for victory.
Перед свадьбой
Freight forwarder Nadia is about to get married. The product sales plan is going to hell. Nadezhda is allocated a young driver, Ivan, and in the two days that they travel by truck, they have an affair. Who will Nadezhda marry?
Как казаки...
New Year's musical about the love of the Zaporozhian Cossack Yevhen and the daughter of the headman of the Cossack village, Polina, who, despite various obstacles, will anyway be together. In order to settle his personal life, Yevhen, together with his friends Ostap and Batia, go to Moscow to buy "vodka with bubbles", which they have to bring to the girl's father for the New Year. Adventures await them on the way.


Aug 30, 2011
The series "Kamenskaya" is the first adaptation of the popular novels of "Russian Agatha Christie" Alexandra Marinina. The main heroine of the series is Major of Police Anastasia Kamenskaya, behind whom the glory of a fine analyst is entrenched, speaks five languages ​​and adores her work. She readily takes on insoluble at first glance affairs and skillfully calculates criminals for the most insignificant details of their actions, character, psychology. Nastin's abilities combined with the professionalism of two other criminal investigation officers - Mikhail Lesnikov and Yuri Korotkov - give excellent results in the detection of crimes.
Action & Adventure


Jun 01, 2023
Top blogger Alex Go loses all contracts, offending fan Mitya Lipkin. To save his career, the guy becomes a counselor at a pioneer camp where the boy is resting. And now his fate depends not on subscribers and producer Gosha, but on the children and the director of the camp, a retired military Starostin.
Жена олигарха
Albina's life changes in an instant: under threat of arrest, her oligarch husband leaves her, taking all the money with him. All that remains of the spouse are two children and a Russian factory on the verge of bankruptcy. Now Albina is forced to forget about the luxurious life in a London mansion and remember what she was told in business courses. Just to start life from scratch in a provincial town without a penny in her pocket, no one taught her.
ИП Пирогова

ИП Пирогова

Aug 30, 2022
Vera's life was like a fairy tale with a loving husband, smart and beautiful daughter, caring father, and her favorite hobby, baking desserts. When her husband cheats on her with her young neighbor, she decides to leave him and turn her baking hobby into a business.
Нулевой пациент
USSR, 1980s. The Elista Children's Hospital is experiencing the country's first major HIV outbreak, with more than 70 children and several adults infected. Now everyone: doctors, patients, relatives need to preserve human dignity in the face of a terrible disease for which there is no cure yet.
Виола Тараканова
A detective story about the life of a young extravagant person named Viola Tarakanova. Explosions, chases, murders, kidnappings-in short, Viola's life is always on the verge of death... But it's not like Viola didn't like it either. Enthusiastically, taking on each new investigation, she easily unravels the seemingly most unsolvable mysteries, in which her brilliant intuition and undoubted talent help her.


Mar 10, 2023
The family of a former military man who is used to setting his own rules in any circumstances; a modern hipster family whose marriage is collapsing before our eyes; an aging actress with a young lover; a kept woman who was abandoned by her "daddy" and a crazy grandfather living in the attic. They will have to learn to accept each other with all the disadvantages, because they have no other living space.
Здравствуйте, вам пора!
The messenger of death appears on Earth and under the name of Pavel they come to people with a warning. Death makes no exceptions for anyone, and thanks to Pasha, they can correct the mistakes of life before their last breath. Of course, if they believe that death is near. With each new mission, the herald grows more sympathetic to these strange people, and appreciates his work less and less. He doesn't know what love is, but he falls in love. He does not know what humor is, but he laughs more and more often. He does not know what life is, but every time he delays the moment of departure of his wards.


May 07, 2021
The story is about Nikita Kryukov, a hockey player known in the recent past, who chose the path of a hockey agent as a continuation of his career. Still remaining a maximalist and believing that everything can be fair, Kryukov is trying to build his career in the agency business. Nikita helps and protects his clients in every possible way, solving the most unexpected, sometimes unrelated hockey issues. However, by helping others, Kryukov is left alone with the problems of his personal life, which are much more difficult to solve.


Jun 02, 2022
A backwater prison house is expecting a high-profile international inspection. The delegation members will review living conditions and inmates’ «customer experience». Both conditions and inmates’ sentiments are far from perfect. But positive review from the inspection panel is a must! So General Hobotov, who is in charge of the prison house, thinks out of the box. He orders to replace real inmates with actors, who, for a hefty fee, will act as the most satisfied and happy crooks in the world. But things get complicated: some real inmates are left behind, and prison’s guards are desperately trying to hide the secret diamond mining business they handle together with the convicts.
8 способов любить
Love has so many shades: love for oneself and for all mankind, parent-child relationships, passion and mania, selfless love and obsession. The ancient Greeks thought about her character and identified eight types of love. Each episode is a story about different facets of one overarching feeling.
Большая разница
The "Big Difference" is created not only for the audience, but also for those who became the hero of the parody - TV presenters and actors. A guest who comes to the studio seems to see himself through a magnifying glass, because all the details are taken into account in the parody: the character's manner of dressing, speaking, diction features, plastic, makeup, hairstyle. The uniqueness of the project is that in addition to entertainment, the program also has a developmental function. After all, our guest, who is being parodied, has a chance to look at himself from the outside, to see his shortcomings and advantages. Some people like themselves, and some don't. But the main thing is that no one remains indifferent.
Красные линии
Lena Ogurtsova, who is to become Elena Bern, also known as Aunt Lena, is still a modest aspiring writer from a small town, who has been writing her first novel for many years, the publication of which is her only chance for freedom. She tries to break out of an abusive relationship with her husband, but, having found hope for a new life, becomes a victim of her idol.


Sep 12, 2014
Familiar characters of any university: the greedy rector, the girl the whole course is in love with, computer game-obsessed "geeks", vigilantes who overestimate the importance of their work, self-confident fifth-year students and many others.


Jan 26, 2023
Zhora, along with his parents, moves to another city, where he cannot establish relations with classmates in any way, and teachers openly find fault with him. Tired of enduring total injustice, Zhora decides to fight it, and in a non-standard way: a student puts a helmet with a camera mounted on his head and begins broadcasting everything he sees at home and at school to the Internet.


Nov 18, 2005
MOORE's investigator, Colonel Alexander Khlystov, receives an old photograph in the mail: it shows Yesenin, who has just been taken out of the loop. According to the rules, the investigator must give the case a legal course.