Мария Миронова

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Зима Весна

Зима Весна

Dec 13, 2004
A rich and fatally ill man with an apartment, a car and a summer house offers her a girl's hand, heart and all real estate ". The next day after the announcement in the newspaper, a line of contenders lined up for Andrei. They all want to prove that they are in love with him .
TV Movie
Night Watch

Night Watch

Jul 08, 2004
En 1342, en Russie, une trêve est conclue mettant fin au conflit permanent entre les Forces du Bien et les Forces du Mal. De nos jours, à Moscou, le Bien et le Mal disposent, pour maintenir cette paix, d'individus aux capacités surnaturelles, "les Autres" qui assurent la sécurité de leurs congénères et condamnent tout abus de la part du camp opposé. Mais une ancienne prophétie menace ce traité précaire : la crainte qu'un "Autre" bascule dans le camp opposé et fasse ainsi replonger le monde dans le chaos des hostilités...
Day Watch

Day Watch

Jan 01, 2006
Moscou, de nos jours. Dans une cage d'escalier d'un immeuble ordinaire, une jeune femme est assassinée de sang-froid, mais on ne relève aucune trace de violence sur son corps. On découvre assez rapidement que cette femme était une "Autre de l'Ombre" et qu'elle était membre de Day Watch, une organisation secrète dirigée par un sombre et puissant sorcier dénommé Zavoulon. La trêve fragile, qu'avaient conclue la Lumière et l'Ombre et qui s'est maintenue pendant des siècles, est brisée - les "Autres de la Lumière" étant les principaux suspects...
Stalingrad Snipers

Stalingrad Snipers

Nov 11, 2009
Le commandant Yashin est envoyé près de Minsk, où il découvre la trace de potentiels missiles au sein de la ville. Le temps presse alors pour les retrouver, d'autant que de mystérieux snipers abattent ceux qui restent à découvert...


Feb 14, 2008
The life of a characters of this movie can be described as a swing - up and down, up and down; each day, each week...
Никто, кроме нас...
Фильм снят по повести Сергея Говорухина "Никто, кроме нас". Эта картина не столько о самой войне, сколько о взаимоотношениях кинооператора Евгения Левашова и Наташи - женщины, которую он искал всю жизнь, и нашел за несколько недель до своей очередной командировки на войну. И хотя он может отказаться от этой поездки, он этого не делает - потому что любовь и нравственный выбор неразрывно связаны между собой…
Un nouveau Russe

Un nouveau Russe

Jun 06, 2002
En 1988, en Russie, Platon Makowski, un brillant scientifique, et ses amis abandonnent la recherche pour se lancer dans le monde des affaires. Ils emploieront tous les moyens possibles pour s'enrichir, même les plus illégaux...
Теория запоя
A film about the hard fate of a decommissioned pilot, who not lost the ability to fly, as well as about male solidarity, cemented by national drinking traditions, about two truths - for male and for female, and about the love that will reconcile everyone.
La Noce

La Noce

May 14, 2000
La belle Tania qui a essayé de faire une carrière de mannequin à Moscou revient dans sa ville natale. Elle veut épouser Michka, son amour d'enfance, qui travaille à la mine et n'a jamais quitté la ville. Dans la famille de Michka, ce mariage ne réjouit personne. Le père, héros stakhanoviste de l'époque soviétique, voit se multiplier le nombre de convives à nourrir. Le grand-père voit, lui, d'un mauvais oeil "cette créature" entrer dans la famille, pendant que la mère pleure sur le sort de son fils. Mais la noce commence envers et contre tout, sans argent, sans marié peut-être...
Статский советник
Third film based on Boris Akunin's "Priklucheniya Erasta Petrovicha Fandorina" series of novels. On a train from St. Petersburg to Moscow general Khrapov was killed and no one else but Erast Petrovich is under suspicion because the killer pretended to be Fandorin. There are initials BG on the handle of the knife Khrapov was stabbed with, the initials belong to a terrorist organization which keeps both capital cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg) in fear. This time Fandorin is not the only one trying to solve the crime, general Pozharski, a famous detective takes over the investigation...


Aug 01, 2023
One of the country's top family psychologists unexpectedly decides to run a free experimental course using psychodrama techniques. The therapist invites four women into his home, each with their own difficult life situation. As the sessions progress, it becomes clear that the doctor himself is the one in greatest need of help.
Холоп 2

Холоп 2

Jan 01, 2024
Grigory, the son of an oligarch, is fully rehabilitated after his humbling experience as a 19th-century serf. Moreover, he develops a strong sense of moral justice. When he meets a pampered young socialite named Katya, he is abhorred by her insolent escapades. Grigory transports Katya “back in time” to teach her a valuable lesson about humility.
Две женщины

Две женщины

Dec 01, 2004
The peculiarity of the performance "Two Women" by Vladimir Mirzoev on the Lenkom stage is in the specially developed plasticity of the characters. They seem to be in a somnambulistic state, either awake, asleep, existing, or not. In parallel with Turgenev's text, on counterpoint, the director unfolds his visual range, which enters into an obvious contradictory relationship with the words of the classic. The interaction of the characters on stage is absolutely independent of the author's remarks. Thus, Mirzoev visibly shades the intimate, to some extent Freudian motifs he saw in the play. However, Turgenev's text and Mirzoev's plastic searches turn "Two Women" into a curious stage experiment, rather unexpected for the aesthetics of Lenkom.
TV Movie
Холоп 3

Холоп 3

Jan 01, 1970
Grisha, who has successfully managed projects to correct spoiled brats, now faces a difficult task – reeducating not just one person, but an entire family.


Dec 01, 2016
Constantin et Robert ne se connaissent pas, mais leurs destins vont se croiser au lendemain d’une catastrophe. Alors qu’ils reviennent tous deux dans leur ville natale, ils la retrouvent dévastée par un tremblement de terre d’une violence sans précédent. Ils doivent alors s’unir pour traverser les décombres de la ville et retrouver leurs proches. Mais très vite, de nouvelles secousses surviennent, encore plus violentes…


Aug 11, 2024
An expelled journalism student, trying to make sense of his life, carefully documents his summer, as well as the story of the disappearance and death of the founders of one of the first startups on the Russian Internet.
About Love

About Love

Mar 23, 2017
La belle Nina vit un mariage heureux, tel qu'elle le conçoit, avec l'intelligent Alexandr, professeur de sinologie. Mais l'endettement pour le prêt hypothécaire commence à perturber la relation des époux. Un jour, elle rencontre Sergey, le directeur de la banque où son mari est endetté, et c'est ainsi que commence leur relation passionnée. L'histoire de la relation avec Sergey, marié, ne promet guère de bonheur, mais Nina se rend compte que, pour la première fois, elle ressent un véritable amour.


Sep 22, 2017
URSS, juin 1985. Basé sur des faits réels. Après avoir perdu le contact avec la station spatiale Saliout 7, les cosmonautes Vladimir Dzhanibekov et Viktor Savinykh accostent avec l'engin vide et gelé pour le ramener à la vie.
Braquage à Monte-Carlo
Un homme d'affaire retors et égocentrique met tout en oeuvre pour éviter de partager sa fortune avec ses enfants illégitimes. Du jour au lendemain, il va tout perdre et ses enfants seront sont seuls recours. Pour regagner sa fortune, il n'a d'autre solution que de braquer sa propre banque à Monte-Carlo avec leur aide.
Громкая связь
Gathered together in a country house, seven friends play an entertaining game, in which participants have to read aloud all of their incoming text messages, and can only answer their calls using loudspeaker mode. They can’t even imagine what stunning surprises about each other they will discover.


Oct 31, 2019
Mitya est un jeune garçon solitaire à l’imagination débordante. Ses parents, ingénieurs, travaillent sur la construction de robots dotés d’intelligence artificielle. Un jour, l’un des prototypes défaillants, nommé Robo, s’échappe et fait la connaissance de Mitya. Débute alors une amitié hors du commun entre le garçon et l’androïde. Mais celle-ci se retrouve vite en danger car l’armée est à la recherche de Robo… Le jeune Mitya va devoir tout faire pour le sauver !
Личное дело майора Баранова
Major Baranov, a professional with a difficult character, for excessive zeal suspended from service and toiling on small jobs. Suddenly, he was offered to participate in the operation to expose a dangerous criminal who escaped from prison. And all would be well, but in the case is too many pitfalls: the major will have to go to a small town, get a teacher in kindergarten, and even conduct an investigation under the leadership of a woman…
Русский бунт
The end of the XVIII century. The reign of Catherine II. In the deep Russian provinces, among the vast steppes of the Ural escaped convict Yemelyan Pugachev proclaimed himself Emperor Peter III of Russia. Under the banner of the Pretender embarked detachments of Cossacks, fugitive serfs, and many spirited people. In these troubled times in the God-forsaken Belogorsk young officer Pyotr Grinyov meets his first love - Masha, the daughter of Captain Mironov. Recklessly passionate love with each other did not want to notice the signs of impending trouble. They did not know that soon they will be an ordeal. They could not imagine how bizarre way their fates intertwined with the fate of the self-proclaimed king, and what an incredible effort will be worth it to save their lives and feelings in the bloody chaos of Russian riot.


Nov 24, 2019
Grigory, born into an oligarch family, is so spoiled that he believes he's above the law. When he faces jail, his father decides to 'rehabilitate' his son. An abandoned village is reconstructed, 19th century style. Grigory 'goes back in time', reincarnated as a serf, to learn how to appreciate life and to work hard.
Три мушкетёра
Young d'Artagnan comes to Paris to be a musketeer. There, he meets three old musketeers, members of the glorious King's Guard, but actually realizes that they are not the great fighters who he thinks they are. While joining the musketeers he is faced with the hidden plots of Cardinal Richelieu, his spy Milady de Winter, and a possible war against England.


Dec 24, 2020
Love Hotel. The best place to spend your holiday on February 14th. So this time the doors of the hotel are open for everyone who wants to make Valentine's Day special, wants to believe in love again, or at least not be alone on this day. Former classmates meet at a restaurant in honor of the 40th anniversary of graduation and old feelings flare up with renewed vigor. A jealous man tries to enter all the rooms on the floor to find his missing wife. A private detective and his attractive client arrange a spy show with wiretaps to bring out the scoundrel husband. An immigrant maid from Uzbekistan chooses between love for her young boy and money from his mother, given for her immediate flight home. And the life of a humble student who dreams of becoming a man in just one hour will never be the same after meeting the most talkative night butterfly in the city ...


Sep 21, 2010
A portrait of modern-day Moscow seen through the eyes of five women: a lawyer, a merchandiser, an interpreter, a marketing expert, and an actress.
Un espion ordinaire

Un espion ordinaire

Jan 24, 2020
1960. Modeste représentant de commerce anglais, Greville Wynne se retrouve plongé au cœur de la guerre froide. À la demande du MI-6 et de la CIA, il noue une alliance aussi secrète que périlleuse avec le colonel soviétique Oleg Penkovsky. Objectif : fournir les renseignements nécessaires aux Occidentaux pour éviter un affrontement nucléaire et désamorcer la crise des missiles de Cuba. Il entame alors une série d'allers-retours entre Londres et Moscou en prenant de plus en plus de risques…


Nov 18, 2021
In the center of the story are three main characters - Lieutenant Colonel Soshnikov, Captain Muravyov and Major Zakharov. Three ages, three different characters, three different destinies, which are destined to meet at the Khmeimim military base.
Мой папа – вождь
The adult hero of the picture - the captain of the voyage - was captured by the African natives. At home, in a seaside town, he still had a pregnant wife. The boy was born without a father, and raised him in the belief that dad heroically died. And now, after nine years, he returns ... the leader of the African tribe. Father and son meet each other throughout history, and eventually find a common language.


Mar 23, 2023
According to the plot, 13-year-old Sonya, her younger sister Anya and their mother move to live in the village. Relations with the locals do not add up, and there is little entertainment here. Unless you climb into an abandoned house, shrouded in stupid legends about an evil Dollmaker who allegedly steals children and makes puppets out of them.


Sep 22, 2022
Struggling for a daughter, hooked on heroin, the father had to get acquainted with the underground life of Saint-Petersburg. He doesn’t trust the police. Together with his friend he unravels the drug dealers network in order to stop the drug addiction that conquered the city in the 90s. Will they have enough powers to make it to the end?


Mar 06, 2025
On the advice of doctors, Irina's parents send their daughter to figure skating classes so that she gets stronger and gains strength, but Irina finds her dream and purpose in the sport. Completely absorbed by her incredible determination and complete dedication, Irina ends up in the CSKA figure skating school, where what distinguishes her from other athletes is fully revealed - incredible fortitude and thirst for victory.
Совсем оШАЛЕли
Olga Gavrilova and her young boyfriend Kirill come to the ski resort to celebrate the New Year, but due to a travel agency mistake they find themselves under the same roof with Olga's ex-husband Fyodor and his charming girlfriend Marinochka. A romantic New Year's weekend threatens to turn into a nightmare for both couples, so Olga and Fyodor decide to hide from their new passions that they were once married.
Статский советник
A special train from St. Petersburg to Moscow. General Khrapov is stabbed in his compartment. A mysterious "BG" mark was found on the handle of the bloody blade - the sign of an elusive terrorist group. Only Fandorin can neutralize it. Prince Pozharsky, who is also investigating the case, stands in his way. A deadly duel begins.
Action & Adventure
Крик совы

Крик совы

Nov 12, 2013
The film is set in 1957. The plot centers on mysterious crimes taking place in a small town, which are being investigated by policeman Balakhnin and KGB officer Mitin.


Nov 25, 2021
43-year old Yuri is a successful psychiatrist and hypnotist. A raving and committed non-believer, he is capable of rationalizing anything…except for his own nightmares. In his dreams, he sees his ex-wife who, many years ago, committed suicide, which was partially his fault. A red-headed woman he doesn't know. And a strange symbol that looks like an infinity sign. Because of insomnia, Yuri is used to spending his night hours getting drunk at a strip joint, and at times he drags dancers to his home. During one of his visits, he meets a new young dancer named Anya and suddenly finds himself getting attached to her. A mother of a small boy tormented by nightmares turns to Yuri for help. As he tries to untangle this case, Yuri begins to find evidence that reincarnation exists. And the boy gives him a clue to the mystery of his own nightmares.
Сама виновата?
In 2017, the quiet city of Serpukhov near Moscow finds itself in the center of public attention due to the bloody massacre of Dmitry Grachev over his young wife Margarita, who for many years to come will be remembered as "the girl whose husband cut off her hands with an axe."


Dec 17, 2022
Maria is a charming party girl who lives at someone else's expense. One day in the Emirates, she goes to a nightclub with the billionaire's wife, the party gets out of control, and now Maria is facing jail, she is being chased by dangerous people, and accounts are blocked. She has to flee to Russia, but she is not safe at home either — and the girl takes refuge in the walls of the monastery.
Садовое кольцо
Vera Smolina can only be envied. She has the perfect family. Love, harmony and happiness reign in her house. Until one day her son Ilya disappears. It would seem that what could happen in the cloudless universe of Faith? Trying to understand what happened to Ilya, despite the disbelief of others in her, Vera begins her own investigation. And she discovers that the familiar world that surrounds her is not at all what it seemed to her for many years.
Гибель Империи
Russian Empire. The second decade of the twentieth century. As a result of the conflict between the Entente and the bloc of the Central Powers led by Germany, which erupted in August 1914, Russia is drawn into the First World War. A wave of unrest is rolling through the country. Revolutionary moods are increasing every day. Counterintelligence is trying with all its might to suppress the activity of German spies active in the territory of the country ...