À la suite d'une soirée bien arrosée et d'une rencontre d'un soir, une femme de 44 ans, pas au mieux de sa forme, se rend compte qu'elle est enceinte. Elle décide de garder le bébé ce qui provoque une intense gêne chez sa fille adolescente.
Forever confined to an isolated cottage, Ethan's only companion is his Father, who describes in great detail the horrific state of the outside world. What the young boy finds after sneaking out contradicts everything he's ever been told.
Forever confined to an isolated cottage, Ethan's only companion is his Father, who describes in great detail the horrific state of the outside world. What the young boy finds after sneaking out contradicts everything he's ever been told.
Forever confined to an isolated cottage, Ethan's only companion is his Father, who describes in great detail the horrific state of the outside world. What the young boy finds after sneaking out contradicts everything he's ever been told.