Martin Durkin

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Margaret: Death of a Revolutionary
A radical film about a radical woman. Martin Durkin's controversial thesis is that Margaret Thatcher was a working class revolutionary. She believed that capitalism was in the interests of ordinary people, not the toffs. Many ordinary people agreed. And that is why the left hated her so much - Margaret Thatcher stole the working class. This feature-length film includes interviews with the Prime Minister, Norman Tebbit, Nigel Lawson, Cecil Parkinson, Neil Kinnock, Bernard Ingham and many others close to Mrs Thatcher.
Brexit : Le film

Brexit : Le film

May 11, 2016
Martin Durkin montre avec ce documentaire pourquoi la Grande-Bretagne devrait voter pour QUITTER l'UE - et prospérerait malgré tout. Brexit: Le film énonce le danger de rester membre de l'UE. Est-il prudent de donner à un lointain gouvernement éloigné et hors de contrôle le pouvoir de faire les lois? Est-il sûr de nous lier à des pays qui sont proches de la ruine financière, à la dérive vers un extrémisme politique effrayant, et qui subissent un déclin économique auto-infligé à long terme?
Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story
Britain needs a revolution, and it starts here. Martin Durkin's explosive feature-length documentary reveals Britain's nightmare £4.8 trillion national debt. Durkin blames the obscene profligacy of Britain's bloated, parasitic State. Incontinent public spending has changed the shape of Britain. It has crippled the productive economy and stolen our children's future. Incredibly, the public sector in Britain is now bigger than the private sector. That's an almost Communist level of state control. And as with all Communist countries, it has left its citizens needlessly impoverished, unhealthy, ill-educated and poorly housed. The film features interviews with senior politicians and economists (including four ex-Chancellors of the Exchequer) and illustrates its arguments with sketches, cartoons and location filming in Britain and Hong Kong.
Margaret: Death of a Revolutionary
A radical film about a radical woman. Martin Durkin's controversial thesis is that Margaret Thatcher was a working class revolutionary. She believed that capitalism was in the interests of ordinary people, not the toffs. Many ordinary people agreed. And that is why the left hated her so much - Margaret Thatcher stole the working class. This feature-length film includes interviews with the Prime Minister, Norman Tebbit, Nigel Lawson, Cecil Parkinson, Neil Kinnock, Bernard Ingham and many others close to Mrs Thatcher.
Margaret: Death of a Revolutionary
A radical film about a radical woman. Martin Durkin's controversial thesis is that Margaret Thatcher was a working class revolutionary. She believed that capitalism was in the interests of ordinary people, not the toffs. Many ordinary people agreed. And that is why the left hated her so much - Margaret Thatcher stole the working class. This feature-length film includes interviews with the Prime Minister, Norman Tebbit, Nigel Lawson, Cecil Parkinson, Neil Kinnock, Bernard Ingham and many others close to Mrs Thatcher.
Brexit : Le film

Brexit : Le film

May 11, 2016
A radical film about a radical woman. Martin Durkin's controversial thesis is that Margaret Thatcher was a working class revolutionary. She believed that capitalism was in the interests of ordinary people, not the toffs. Many ordinary people agreed. And that is why the left hated her so much - Margaret Thatcher stole the working class. This feature-length film includes interviews with the Prime Minister, Norman Tebbit, Nigel Lawson, Cecil Parkinson, Neil Kinnock, Bernard Ingham and many others close to Mrs Thatcher.
Brexit : Le film

Brexit : Le film

May 11, 2016
A radical film about a radical woman. Martin Durkin's controversial thesis is that Margaret Thatcher was a working class revolutionary. She believed that capitalism was in the interests of ordinary people, not the toffs. Many ordinary people agreed. And that is why the left hated her so much - Margaret Thatcher stole the working class. This feature-length film includes interviews with the Prime Minister, Norman Tebbit, Nigel Lawson, Cecil Parkinson, Neil Kinnock, Bernard Ingham and many others close to Mrs Thatcher.
Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)
A radical film about a radical woman. Martin Durkin's controversial thesis is that Margaret Thatcher was a working class revolutionary. She believed that capitalism was in the interests of ordinary people, not the toffs. Many ordinary people agreed. And that is why the left hated her so much - Margaret Thatcher stole the working class. This feature-length film includes interviews with the Prime Minister, Norman Tebbit, Nigel Lawson, Cecil Parkinson, Neil Kinnock, Bernard Ingham and many others close to Mrs Thatcher.
Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)
A radical film about a radical woman. Martin Durkin's controversial thesis is that Margaret Thatcher was a working class revolutionary. She believed that capitalism was in the interests of ordinary people, not the toffs. Many ordinary people agreed. And that is why the left hated her so much - Margaret Thatcher stole the working class. This feature-length film includes interviews with the Prime Minister, Norman Tebbit, Nigel Lawson, Cecil Parkinson, Neil Kinnock, Bernard Ingham and many others close to Mrs Thatcher.
La Grande arnaque du réchauffement climatique
A radical film about a radical woman. Martin Durkin's controversial thesis is that Margaret Thatcher was a working class revolutionary. She believed that capitalism was in the interests of ordinary people, not the toffs. Many ordinary people agreed. And that is why the left hated her so much - Margaret Thatcher stole the working class. This feature-length film includes interviews with the Prime Minister, Norman Tebbit, Nigel Lawson, Cecil Parkinson, Neil Kinnock, Bernard Ingham and many others close to Mrs Thatcher.
Great American Race Game
Exploring the politics of race in America, the surprising history of its weaponization for political gain, and the Black Americans who are fighting back.
Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story
Britain needs a revolution, and it starts here. Martin Durkin's explosive feature-length documentary reveals Britain's nightmare £4.8 trillion national debt. Durkin blames the obscene profligacy of Britain's bloated, parasitic State. Incontinent public spending has changed the shape of Britain. It has crippled the productive economy and stolen our children's future. Incredibly, the public sector in Britain is now bigger than the private sector. That's an almost Communist level of state control. And as with all Communist countries, it has left its citizens needlessly impoverished, unhealthy, ill-educated and poorly housed. The film features interviews with senior politicians and economists (including four ex-Chancellors of the Exchequer) and illustrates its arguments with sketches, cartoons and location filming in Britain and Hong Kong.
Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story
Britain needs a revolution, and it starts here. Martin Durkin's explosive feature-length documentary reveals Britain's nightmare £4.8 trillion national debt. Durkin blames the obscene profligacy of Britain's bloated, parasitic State. Incontinent public spending has changed the shape of Britain. It has crippled the productive economy and stolen our children's future. Incredibly, the public sector in Britain is now bigger than the private sector. That's an almost Communist level of state control. And as with all Communist countries, it has left its citizens needlessly impoverished, unhealthy, ill-educated and poorly housed. The film features interviews with senior politicians and economists (including four ex-Chancellors of the Exchequer) and illustrates its arguments with sketches, cartoons and location filming in Britain and Hong Kong.

Jan 01, 1970

A guide to the evolutionary biology of sex. Science documentary with songs(!) based on the book “Dr Tatiana's, Sex Advice to all Creation - The Definitive Guide to the Evolutionary Biology of Sex” written by the biologist Olivia Judson. and adapted for television. If sex is universal, why do species go about it in so many different ways? And what can humans learn from the mating habits of the creatures of the animal world? Sex is the engine of evolution - the drive to mix genes to produce the strongest, fastest or most efficient specimen of the species has propelled all of creation to evolve, adapt and survive. Promiscuity, jealousy, violence, incest, suicide, cannibalism and indeed hermaphrodites all serve an evolutionary purpose - and in the animal world, monogamy is a "sexually deviant" behaviour that serves no evolutionary intent. 3 x 1 hour episodes. Dr Tatiana is played by the author Olivia Judson. Production Company: Wag TV and EPI Productions for Channel 4: 2004

Jan 01, 1970

A guide to the evolutionary biology of sex. Science documentary with songs(!) based on the book “Dr Tatiana's, Sex Advice to all Creation - The Definitive Guide to the Evolutionary Biology of Sex” written by the biologist Olivia Judson. and adapted for television. If sex is universal, why do species go about it in so many different ways? And what can humans learn from the mating habits of the creatures of the animal world? Sex is the engine of evolution - the drive to mix genes to produce the strongest, fastest or most efficient specimen of the species has propelled all of creation to evolve, adapt and survive. Promiscuity, jealousy, violence, incest, suicide, cannibalism and indeed hermaphrodites all serve an evolutionary purpose - and in the animal world, monogamy is a "sexually deviant" behaviour that serves no evolutionary intent. 3 x 1 hour episodes. Dr Tatiana is played by the author Olivia Judson. Production Company: Wag TV and EPI Productions for Channel 4: 2004

Jan 01, 1970

The Great Global Warming Swindle is a polemical documentary film that suggests that the scientific opinion on climate change is influenced by funding and political factors, and questions whether scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming exists. The program was formally criticised by Ofcom, the UK broadcasting regulatory agency, which upheld complaints of misrepresentation made by David King. The film, made by British television producer Martin Durkin, presents scientists, economists, politicians, writers, and others who dispute the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic global warming. The programme's publicity materials assert that man-made global warming is "a lie" and "the biggest scam of modern times." Its original working title was "Apocalypse my arse", but the title The Great Global Warming Swindle was later adopted as an allusion to the 1980 mockumentary The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle about British punk band the Sex Pistols. The UK's Channel 4 premiered the documentary on 8 March 2007. The channel described the film as "a polemic that drew together the well-documented views of a number of respected scientists to reach the same conclusions. This is a controversial film but we feel that it is important that all sides of the debate are aired." According to Hamish Mykura, Channel 4's head of documentaries, the film was commissioned "to present the viewpoint of the small minority of scientists who do not believe global warming is caused by anthropogenic production of carbon dioxide."

Jan 01, 1970

A guide to the evolutionary biology of sex. Science documentary with songs(!) based on the book “Dr Tatiana's, Sex Advice to all Creation - The Definitive Guide to the Evolutionary Biology of Sex” written by the biologist Olivia Judson. and adapted for television. If sex is universal, why do species go about it in so many different ways? And what can humans learn from the mating habits of the creatures of the animal world? Sex is the engine of evolution - the drive to mix genes to produce the strongest, fastest or most efficient specimen of the species has propelled all of creation to evolve, adapt and survive. Promiscuity, jealousy, violence, incest, suicide, cannibalism and indeed hermaphrodites all serve an evolutionary purpose - and in the animal world, monogamy is a "sexually deviant" behaviour that serves no evolutionary intent. 3 x 1 hour episodes. Dr Tatiana is played by the author Olivia Judson. Production Company: Wag TV and EPI Productions for Channel 4: 2004