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Baby Assassins

Baby Assassins

Jul 30, 2021
Chisato et Mahilo, lycéennes, sont des tueuses de haut vol. Lorsque leur employeur les oblige à partager un appartement, leur relation va être mise à mal...Entre les difficultés de la colocation et les contrats à honorer, elles vont devoir assurer !


Oct 04, 2019
High&Low The Worst est un film cross-over entre les sagas High&Low et Worst / Crows. Les deux lycées Oya et Hosen s'apprêtent à s'affronter.
灰色の壁 ─大宮ノトーリアス─
The stage of this work is Saitama, a suburb of Tokyo in the early Heisei period. Immediately after the bubble burst gangster countermeasures law, there were gangsters who defended the last territory and young people who freely controlled the city. The youth conflict escalated day by day and became a force that surpassed the yakuza, and the runaways were sent to juvenile prisons one after another, where exclusive rules awaited.


Feb 11, 2022
Madarame Baku est un mystérieux joueur. Son surnom est Usogui (littéralement Le Mangeur de mensonges). Le Club Kakerou est le premier casino illégal, où les joueurs rivalisent pour devenir les meilleurs dans leur profession. Découvrant les mensonges des autres, Madarame Baku défie une variété de jeux à enjeux élevés au Club Kakerou.
あなたの番です 劇場版
Newlyweds Nana and Shota move into an apartment. Two situations, different from the drama series, take place: "What if Shota attends the resident's meeting and not Nana?" and "What if exchange murder game doesn't begin?"
Demon City Oni Goroshi
Accusé à tort du meurtre de sa famille et laissé pour mort, un ancien tueur à gages est prêt à tout pour se venger des "démons" masqués qui se sont emparés de sa ville.
Kamen Rider

Kamen Rider

Feb 23, 2025
Le monde est tourmenté par Shocker, une mystérieuse organisation terroriste, qui recrute ses agents en kidnappant des personnes qu'ils transforment en mutants cyborgs. Takeshi Hongo, l'une des victimes, se rebelle juste avant la phase finale de sa transformation. A l'aide de ses nouveaux pouvoirs, il décide de combattre Shocker...
Action & Adventure
Hisui Jozuka can “see” the culprits with her clairvoyance, but this won’t hold up as evidence. Just how will she solve complex cases? “I have the ability to know the truth, but why am I so useless?” Hisui, with her green eyes, is in anguish. As a medium, she can trace down culprits with her special gift of clairvoyance, but this won’t hold up as evidence. What must she do to get the police to investigate? Will they manage to catch the perpetrator? This is a unique detective drama series that features a psychic detective who goes face to face with criminals.
RoOT / ルート

RoOT / ルート

Jun 05, 2024
Une histoire originale inédite autour d’une enquête menée par le jeune duo de détectives d’Oddtaxi, Reina et Sato.
Midori Asakusa wants to create an anime, but she's too disheartened to make that first step by herself. By pure chance, she meets Tsubame Mizusaki, an up-and-coming socialite secretly dreaming of becoming an animator. Together with Midori's money-loving best friend Sayaka Kanamori, the energetic trio start the "Eizouken" club and slowly work towards making their "greatest world" a reality.
Believe -君にかける橋-
This series, produced to commemorate the 65th anniversary of TV Asahi, tells the story of Riku Kariyama, an architectural designer passionate about bridge construction. He faces an unexpected difficulty of being imprisoned, but he never gives up, continuously searching for a path of hope and rebirth. The intricate suspense and heart-pounding, stirring human stories intertwine, weaving a grand drama.
A chance encounter brought about by summer arrives unexpectedly. Three female friends, known as the “Seaside Cinderellas,” grew up together by the beach. Meanwhile, a male friend entered a top university in Tokyo to meet his parents’ expectations and pursued his own path while living as an honor student. Men and women from different worlds, who would not normally cross paths, meet fatefully on a midsummer beach. As they confront each other with their complex emotions and true feelings, they grow. Can these men and women overcome the invisible “gap” between them? This is a story that will make your heart burn passionately in a short but sweet and sad summer. With the warmth of human connections and the excitement of love. Under the midsummer sun, there are as many encounters as there are waves and as many love as there are grains of sand. And then, the miracle of the summer story is set in motion.
A picaresque suspense story in which the ace of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's First Investigative Division, who has a strong sense of justice, uses his strong arms to defeat criminals who cannot be brought to justice, and uses evil to defeat evil. This work is set several years later in the same world as the manga " Kurokochi " by the same author, and characters such as Seike reappear.
The "Desire Grand Prix" is a game to protect the peace of the city from the threat of the mysterious enemy "Jamato", whose origin and purpose are unknown. Each participant transforms into a Kamen Rider and competes to win the game by defeating enemies and saving people. The winner of the Desire Grand Prix will be rewarded with "the right to bring an ideal world to life" as a prize. In other words, only the true heroes who win the competition will be able to realize the world they have wished for.
Action & Adventure


Jun 22, 2022
Born in a family of delinquents, Nanba Tsuyoshi is expected to succeed as the strongest delinquent in school. Unbeknownst to his family however, he decides to enroll in the top high school in town to live as a normal high schooler. Can he maintain his double life as the strongest delinquent in town and as a normal high schooler?
恋です! 〜ヤンキー君と白杖ガール〜
Yukiko Akaza attends a high school for blind. She has amblyopia, which causes her to recognize colors only vaguely and she can recognize large letters with a magnifying glass. When she walks outdoors, she always carries a white cane. Nevertheless, she has a bright personality. One day, Yukiko happens to meet delinquent boy Morio Kurokawa. At first, Yukiko doesn't like him, but she somehow gains an understanding of him. They become attracted to each other.
ビッ友×戦士 キラメキパワーズ!
Bittomo x Heroine Kirameki Powers! is the 5th instalment in the Girls x Heroine series. The themes of this season are friendship and games. Before Kirari becomes the main character, she one day encounters Himenyan who jumps out of a game console! In reality, Himenyan is the princess of Kirapawa Kingdom that is from a popular sword and magic game “Kiramori”. Afraid of the enemy Makkulala, she ran away. However, the Makkura Empire chase after her getting her into big trouble. The “bibitto” Kirari becomes friends (bittomo) with Himenyan and transforms into the “Heroine of the Sun, Kirapawa Sunny” where she fights against the Makkura Empire. Finding reassuring friends, gathering precious Kirapawa Memories, they’ll win over the battle against strong enemies! Finally, defeating the Dark Witch Makkulala and protecting the world!
Action & Adventure
執事 西園寺の名推理
Saionji Hajime is the perfect butler and he works for a madame who is elegant. The madame is full of curiosity and has a pure personality. Hajime began to work for the madame before her husband died and they share a deep level of trust. One day, they face murder case. The madame holds doubts about the murder case. Hajime uses his great reasoning powers in an attempt to solve the mystery.


Mar 19, 2018
Kurashita Tsukimi est une jeune fille très peu féminine : elle ne se maquille pas, ne s'habille que de survêtements et par dessus tout, elle adore les méduses ! Tout particulièrement Kulala, une petite méduse qu'elle aime aller voir dans une animalerie.
Keiji Yugami

Keiji Yugami

Dec 14, 2017
Dans une société où la justice est terriblement subjective et où la possibilité de découvrir la vérité est si compliquée, le détective Yugami poursuit simplement les faits dans diverses affaires. Tout ce qu'il cherche, ce sont les faits. Il estime qu'il ne sert à rien de suivre les règles, ni d'essayer de lire les atmosphères de l'environnement dans lequel il se trouve. Pour lui, le recours à des enquêtes uniques et illégales ne sort pas de l'ordinaire. Pour l'assister, il a aussi une jeune recrue, Torao Hanyu, qui est un détective sérieux avec une personnalité complètement différente. Deux détectives qui n'ont absolument rien en commun, essaient de combiner leurs compétences afin de combattre les ennemis de la société.
High & Low The Worst Episode.0
L'histoire raconte ce qui s'est passé au lycée Oya après le combat du film HiGH&LOW. Fujio et Tsukasa sont de nouveaux élèves, mais après que le grand-père de Fujio tombe malade, ce dernier doit déménager dans un autre lycée situer à la campagne, où vit son grand-père, pour s'occuper de lui. Pendant ce temps, à Oya, les nouveaux étudiants essaieront de prendre le contrôle.
Action & Adventure