Rhett Giles

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Frankenstein Reborn

Frankenstein Reborn

Aug 28, 2005
The latest psychiatrist assigned to assess whether inmate Victor Frank is mentally fit to stand trial for murder gives up in frustration and so the asylum head Dr Robert Walton steps in to do the job. Frank tells Walton his story. He was a scientist experimenting in the field of nanotechnology. Using nanobots that were capable of rebuilding the human body, Frank and his team had great success in helping the crippled, wheelchair-ridden Bryce Daniels regain use of his faculties. But then Bryce started to become unstable...
The Fear Chamber

The Fear Chamber

May 19, 2009
A psychotic man likes to hunt down young women, then kill them and sell their organs. Detective Nick Stevens has been chasing this killer for years and has to overcome this personal demons in order to conquer this serial killer.
La Belle et la Bête

La Belle et la Bête

Feb 11, 2010
Des villageois sont sauvagement assassinés et la Bête est pourchassée car tenue pour responsable de ce massacre. Belle, jeune et jolie villageoise, se lie d'amitié avec la Bête. Ensemble et contre tous, ils vont chercher le véritable coupable, un troll ensorcelé par une terrifiante sorcière...
Legion of the Dead

Legion of the Dead

Aug 09, 2005
When the mummified remains of an evil Egyptian queen are brought back to life, she resurrects an army of living dead to help fulfill the prophecy that promises her all the powers of the Underworld.
Lost Colony

Lost Colony

Oct 13, 2007
Une légende raconte que les premiers colons à avoir foulé le sol américain ont été décimés par des esprits de la forêt.
TV Movie
Les Immortels de la nuit
Il y a plusieurs siècles, le puissant vampire Lilith est vaincu, plongé dans un sommeil paradoxal et 6 amulettes empêchent son retour dans le monde des vivants.Narcissique, Russell Bayne mène sa vie sans se soucier du bien-être de son entourage. Alors qu’il rentre chez lui, il s’arrête sur une petite route afin d’aider une jeune femme qui semble avoir des problèmes de voiture. Mais ils sont attaqués par une créature et quelques jours plus tard, Russel se transforme en loup-garou. Avec le soutien d’Alex, qui l’aide à gérer son changement d’état, et les vampires Jacob Von Helsing et Sadie Macpherson, le loup-garou Russel va tout faire pour empêcher le retour de Lilith, mère de tous les vampires.
TV Movie
Menace planétaire

Menace planétaire

Feb 24, 2010
Une comète se rapproche de la Terre. Des scientifiques se retrouvent dans une course contre-la-montre afin de sauver notre planète de la destruction.
Science Fiction
Le Dernier contrat

Le Dernier contrat

Mar 13, 2008
Une femme, agent de la CIA, tente de mettre fin à son contrat avec l'agence gouvernementale pour tenter de reprendre une vie normale. Mais quand la CIA la retrouve et l'accuse de la mort de son mari, il lui vient alors des idées de vengeance. Elle retourne très vite à la vie qu'elle avait essayé d'abandonner. Armée et déterminée, elle tente de savoir qui a pu vouloir la viser à travers la mort de son compagnon...
Play the Game

Play the Game

Feb 27, 2009
When ladies' man David Mitchell (Paul Campbell) gives his lonely grandfather, Joe (Andy Griffith), some pointers on dating, Joe becomes a big hit with the women in his retirement community. But David strikes out with his own tricks when he tries to woo a girl named Julie (Marla Sokoloff). Now it's up to Joe to teach his grandson how to win at love without playing games. Doris Roberts and Liz Sheridan co-star in this award-winning comedy.
H.G. Wells La guerre des mondes - Invasion
L'humanité est en péril... attaquée par des extra-terrestres équipés d'effroyables machines de guerre, la Terre est menacée de destruction. Les massacres succedent aux massacres, les victimes se comptent par milliers. Et les survivants sont destinés à vivre comme des esclaves. Quelques hommes vont s'unir face à l'ennemi, décidés à se battre jusqu'au bout...
Science Fiction
The Mangler Reborn

The Mangler Reborn

Nov 29, 2005
A decade after the original massacre, another man obsessed over his machine ends with several murders and possession.
Fire Girls

Fire Girls

Jul 28, 2008
Kay Moi, une délicieuse et exotique jeune femme, embauche un tueur à gage redoutable - Scholar - pour venger ses parents. Il devra éliminer sa soeur jumelle qui a assassiné de sang froid ses propres parents pour soutirer l’argent de leur fortune. La piste les conduit jusqu’à Shanghai où Scholar tombe malencontreusement amoureux de sa cible et au lieu de la tuer, décide de fuir avec elle. Mais Scholar va s’apercevoir qu’il s’est fait piéger par les jumelles qui sont en réalité une seule et même personne…
Van Helsing 2: Dracula contre les Vampires
Après avoir vaincu Dracula, Van Helsing se voit accorder l'immortalité par l'Eglise dans le but de poursuivre et d'éliminer les vampires de la surface de la Terre. Sa chasse le conduit à travers le temps, sur tous les continents pour mener une lutte sanglante contre des tueurs et une armée de démons dirigés par Sebastian, le Vampire qui a pris la seule femme que Van Helsing ait jamais aimé...
The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse

May 22, 2007
Alors qu'un astéroïde menace de s'écraser sur la Terre, Jason et Ashley recherchent en vain leur petite fille disparue. Face à la panique qui s'empare de la population, ils doivent garder la tête froide car leur temps est compté. Réussiront-ils à la retrouver saine et sauve avant la fin du monde ?
Love in the First Degree
An actor takes a temporary job working as a secretary at a law firm, and is attracted to a female attorney. She is reluctant to start a relationship out of fear of her fellow attorneys believing that she is dating below her position.
The 9/11 Commission Report
Independent writer-director Leigh Slawner helms this chilling dramatization of the findings laid out in the best-selling 9/11 Commission Report, a document that sought to analyze the circumstances surrounding coordinated terrorist attacks against American civilians on Sept 11 2001.
King of the Lost World
Un avion de ligne s’écrase quelque part en Amazonie et se scinde en deux. Au milieu des débris, les survivants tentent de s’organiser en attendant les secours qui tardent à venir. Ils décident alors de retrouver l’autre moitié de l’avion, en pensant y trouver une radio émetteur. En chemin, certains indices laissent à penser qu’ils ne sont peut-être pas seuls dans la jungle. Les rescapés doivent bientôt composer avec un environnement plus hostile qu’il n’y paraît, un monde mystérieux peuplé d’animaux préhistoriques et d’une tribu sauvage.
Dracula's Curse

Dracula's Curse

Apr 25, 2006
A team of vampire hunters set out to battle an evil vampire clan in the dark underworld.
Watercolor Postcards

Watercolor Postcards

Jan 01, 2013
Une actrice hollywoodienne et une ancienne star de la NFL s'efforcent de sauver une ville du Texas en difficulté tout en se rapprochant de leur amour commun pour une fille très spéciale de 10 ans qui s'est retrouvée seule au monde pour la toute première fois.
Robot War

Robot War

Jun 26, 2007
Des robots extra-terrestres ont envahi la Terre et pris le pouvoir. Après 400 ans de domination, un petit groupe d'humains élabore un plan pour lutter contre ces envahisseurs, dans une ultime confrontation entre l'Homme et la Machine...
Science Fiction
Sample People

Sample People

May 11, 2000
Sample People is an upbeat dramatic thriller that follows four groups of Sydney-siders as they seek escape routes over one sweltering weekend. 'Len the dreamer' who stutters shyly just wants the gorgeous DJ Lush Puppy. Sem is a funky musician who has a premonition warning him that his girlfriend, Cleo, is in danger. He just wants to get them both out of their inner-city world. Andy is the charismatic drifter who's conned his way through life and stolen money from his boss, TT. He just wants to head up the coast with TT's girlfriend, Jess, but seems to be falling deeper into a love triangle of drugs and delusion. Finally, there's Joey, a TV affected homeboy, who reveals to his best friend Gus that he's got a gun and will use it sooner or later. The inevitable moment will arrive whin his violent gangster fantisies become reality. As the lives of our heroes become dramatically entwined, the consequences of their actions ricochet off each other.
The Last Exorcist

The Last Exorcist

Dec 17, 2020
When Joan discovers her sister has been possessed by a demonic entity, she has to enlist the help of the only remaining priest trained in exorcisms to help her overcome evil. They find themselves in a race against time to rid her sister of the demon before it can enter the world and wreak havoc.
Angels Fallen

Angels Fallen

Jan 14, 2020
After the tragic loss of his wife battling the forces of darkness, Gabriel is persuaded to rejoin his former team of demon hunters traveling from relatively obscurity in America to the deep unknown regions of Europe. He is joined by his estranged best friend Michael who harbors a dark secret, the mystical Hannah whose visions predict the future, and a motley crew of demon slayers. After losing part of his team Gabriel must confront his tragic past and decide who really is friend or foe.
Cyborg Conquest

Cyborg Conquest

Jun 06, 2009
After the tragic loss of his wife battling the forces of darkness, Gabriel is persuaded to rejoin his former team of demon hunters traveling from relatively obscurity in America to the deep unknown regions of Europe. He is joined by his estranged best friend Michael who harbors a dark secret, the mystical Hannah whose visions predict the future, and a motley crew of demon slayers. After losing part of his team Gabriel must confront his tragic past and decide who really is friend or foe.
Piège de verre

Piège de verre

Apr 01, 2010
After the tragic loss of his wife battling the forces of darkness, Gabriel is persuaded to rejoin his former team of demon hunters traveling from relatively obscurity in America to the deep unknown regions of Europe. He is joined by his estranged best friend Michael who harbors a dark secret, the mystical Hannah whose visions predict the future, and a motley crew of demon slayers. After losing part of his team Gabriel must confront his tragic past and decide who really is friend or foe.
Bro, What Happened?

Bro, What Happened?

Oct 07, 2014
Phil and his misfit friends score big when they are invited to the party of the century at Bob's house. Known for throwing the craziest drug, sex and booze filled parties, this was sure to be a night to remember. The only problem is that they can't remember a thing. When Phil wakes up realizing that his girlfriend is only hours from knocking on his door, he decides to enlist the help of his friends to try to piece together what was obviously a night worth remembering.
Crown and Anchor

Crown and Anchor

Aug 24, 2018
When James Downey returns home to Newfoundland for his mother’s funeral, he is faced with all the haunting family issues he thought he had left behind. He channeled his own inner demons from an abusive father into being a police officer but his cousin Danny’s childhood trauma has exploded into a cycle of drugs, crime and violence. James must confront his tortured past, decide who he really is, and deal with his cousin before it’s too late.
Rivers 9

Rivers 9

Jun 30, 2015
When a Native American casino controlled by the mob begins to destroy a close-knit rural town, a band of lovable low-tech misfits hatch a plan to beat them at their own game by pulling off an audacious casino heist.
The Amityville Terror

The Amityville Terror

Apr 01, 2016
When a Native American casino controlled by the mob begins to destroy a close-knit rural town, a band of lovable low-tech misfits hatch a plan to beat them at their own game by pulling off an audacious casino heist.
Watercolor Postcards

Watercolor Postcards

Jan 01, 2013
When a Native American casino controlled by the mob begins to destroy a close-knit rural town, a band of lovable low-tech misfits hatch a plan to beat them at their own game by pulling off an audacious casino heist.
Piège de verre

Piège de verre

Apr 01, 2010
When a Native American casino controlled by the mob begins to destroy a close-knit rural town, a band of lovable low-tech misfits hatch a plan to beat them at their own game by pulling off an audacious casino heist.
616: Paranormal Incident
When a Native American casino controlled by the mob begins to destroy a close-knit rural town, a band of lovable low-tech misfits hatch a plan to beat them at their own game by pulling off an audacious casino heist.
The Demonologist

The Demonologist

Jan 01, 2019
Detective Damien Seryph investigates a string of murders that connects to a group trying to bring forth the 4 King Demons of Hell. Damien's past connects him to those involved and will force him to become "The Demonologist".
Le Noël de Belle

Le Noël de Belle

Dec 08, 2013
Detective Damien Seryph investigates a string of murders that connects to a group trying to bring forth the 4 King Demons of Hell. Damien's past connects him to those involved and will force him to become "The Demonologist".