Caroline Frances Cooke

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Le Fils de Frankenstein
Après la mort du baron Henry Frankenstein, son fils, Wolf, retourne habiter au manoir dont il a hérité avec sa famille. Alors que les villageois sont toujours terrifiés par les expériences jadis effectuées par son père, Wolf fait la rencontre d'Ygor, ancien assistant du baron qui lui demande de l'aider à faire renaître le monstre de son père.
Roses of Yesterday

Roses of Yesterday

Apr 28, 1913
John Ralston and his nephew, John Ralston, Jr., familiarly known as "Jack" live in a New York suburb, but have their business in the city. One day Jack finds a pretty fan on the seat of a street car. Upon looking, he discovers the owner's name, "Cyrilla Drew, Glenridge, N.Y.," written upon the stick. Imagining Cyrilla to be a pretty young girl, he writes her a note suggesting that he return the fan in person.
La Tour de Londres

La Tour de Londres

Nov 17, 1939
Au XVeme siecle, le Roi Edouard VI d'angleterre et son jeune frere Richard, duc de Gloucester, se debarrassent de leurs ennemis en les faisant emprisonner et executer par le bourreau Mord a la Tour de Londres.
Destinies Fulfilled

Destinies Fulfilled

Jan 12, 1914
Back in '65 there was an old Southern fire eater, Pennington, and his daughter, Lucille, fell in love with Carr who was then a lieutenant in the small Yankee force that arrived in their city at the base of the mountains. When the confederacy fell, Pennington fled into the mountains with his daughter, rather than submit and there buried himself in the same place where Carr now lived with Rosemary. Several years passed and Lucille did not forget Carr, her Yankee lover. It was then that fate brought them together and old Pennington finally consented to the marriage, exacting a promise from Carr, not to take Lucille away from him and her mountain home.
The Devil Bear

The Devil Bear

Feb 19, 1929
A ship's captain keeps a tame gorilla as a pet. During a mutiny the captain is injured by a blow and the gorilla saves him by hiding him in a cave. As others try to get close things get heated.
The Story of the Olive
In Southern California lived Jose de Cabrillo on an estate which he had inherited from his ancestors, who obtained the land from the King of Spain. The scene is laid in the year 1840, "Before the Gringo came." A young American, Sam Blythe. who wishes to settle in California, notices in riding by the gate of the ranch, that it is offered for sale. He says he will buy it if the olive industry is what he desires. Mercedes, the daughter of Jose, is incensed at the thought of her father's selling the ranch, and especially so when she thinks of an American as a possible owner.
The Bells

The Bells

Jul 29, 1926
A kindly but desperate Alsatian innkeeper named Mathias murders and robs a rich Jewish merchant staying at his inn, but the ghost of his victim will not let him rest. Meanwhile, a mysterious Mesmerist has come to town, claiming he has made many criminals confess their crimes...


Nov 13, 1916
Early South African Film
Le Loup-Garou

Le Loup-Garou

Dec 12, 1941
Larry Talbot est de retour dans son pays, où il est accueilli par son père, le châtelain Sir John Talbot. Il y fait la connaissance de Gwen Conliffe, qu'il accompagne le soir même à une fête donnée par une troupe de bohémiens. Là-bas, une jeune fille, Jenny, est attaquée peu de temps après leur arrivée par un loup, tandis que le jeune lord est mordu par la bête en lui portant secours. Le ledemain, Jenny est retrouvé morte...
La Chambre des sept pignons
En 1828, la lutte familiale Pyncheon faillite sur Seven Gables, la demeure ancestrale. Pour obtenir la maison, Jaffrey Pyncheon obtient fausse conviction de son frère Clifford pour assassiner. Hepzibah, douce fiancée de Clifford, attend patiemment vingt ans pour sa libération, après quoi Clifford et son ancien codétenu, abolitionniste Matthew, un certain schéma à l'esprit.
Keep 'Em Slugging

Keep 'Em Slugging

Mar 01, 1943
A gang of tough street kids decide to go straight and get jobs in order to free draft-age men for the war effort. However, because of their past tangles with the law, they can't find anybody who'll hire them. Finally one of them gets a job at the department store where his sister works, but runs afoul of a store executive who is in league with a ring of hijackers.
De Voortrekkers

De Voortrekkers

Dec 14, 1916
This epic film was one of the first South African dramatic film productions. It tells the story of the Boers’ Great Trek at the end of the 1830s, concluding with a hegemonic reconstruction of the 1838 Battle of Blood River, where a few hundred armed Afrikaners defeated several thousand Zulus.
American Born

American Born

Dec 01, 1913
The dying mother, tells her only child, an orphan, of the wealth and power of her family and of her royal blood.
The Sands of Time

The Sands of Time

Mar 14, 1913
A sorrowing mother, bereft of her infant, visits a foundling asylum and adopts a baby girl. The young window lavishes her love and care on the adopted infant and her environment is the finest. Father Time present the baby with an hour glass containing "The Sands of Time" which are all in the upper part of the glass.
The Island of Surprise
Robert Lovell falls in love with his father’s secretary Dorothy Arden and marries her in secret despite his father and his business partner Daniel Casselis’s attempts to arrange a match for him with Daniel’s daughter, also named Dorothy. When circumstances lead to the three young people ending up stranded on a lonely island in the Pacific, complications ensue, especially when Bob suffers a blow which temporarily wipes out his memory and he cannot remember which Dorothy is his wife! All ends happily, however.
The Story of the Olive
In Southern California lived Jose de Cabrillo on an estate which he had inherited from his ancestors, who obtained the land from the King of Spain. The scene is laid in the year 1840, "Before the Gringo came." A young American, Sam Blythe. who wishes to settle in California, notices in riding by the gate of the ranch, that it is offered for sale. He says he will buy it if the olive industry is what he desires. Mercedes, the daughter of Jose, is incensed at the thought of her father's selling the ranch, and especially so when she thinks of an American as a possible owner.