Anna Telfer

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This Desolate Shore

This Desolate Shore

Jun 03, 2022
In early 2021, a machine intelligence spent two days watching several films by the legendary director Jean-Luc Godard. Starting with a blank slate, the A.I. used these films to learn about our visual world for the first time. Later, a separate A.I. was used to write the poetry heard in the narration. It is presented verbatim, edited only for length. To complete the experiment a live action narrative, shot in vintage 16mm, was wrapped around this otherwise A.I. generated film. With machine-generated imagery and narration, the film gives us a glimpse into our world as seen by a new intelligence of our own design.
Planet Dune

Planet Dune

Oct 29, 2021
Un équipage en mission pour sauver une base abandonnée sur une planète désertique devient mortel lorsque l'équipage se retrouve chassé et attaqué par les prédateurs suprêmes de la planète : les vers de sable géants.
Science Fiction
Lost in Tomorrow

Lost in Tomorrow

Feb 15, 2023
A young girl struggles to get back home when she starts inexplicably waking up as a different person everyday.
Science Fiction
Queerfully Departed

Queerfully Departed

Sep 29, 2023
When Mimi dies in the middle of a hysteroscopy, she is greeted by a queer archangel, who reveals that her soulmate is the doctor who accidentally killed her. As she realizes she hasn't done much in life, she fights for a second chance.
The Puppetman

The Puppetman

Oct 10, 2023
The Puppetman, a convicted killer on death row always maintained his innocence saying that it was an evil force controlling his body as he slaughtered his victims. Now Michal, the killer's daughter, begins to suspect that there may be some truth to her father's claim when those around her begin to die in brutal ways. She must try and break the curse of The Puppetman before all her loved ones are killed.
Top Gunner: Danger Zone
Les jeunes diplômés d'une base isolée de l'US Air Force doivent protéger une arme de modification génétique de l'armée russe, qui cherche désespérément à s'en emparer.
Ape vs Mecha Ape

Ape vs Mecha Ape

Mar 24, 2023
Après avoir pris conscience du potentiel destructeur d'Abraham, un gorille géant qu'elle a capturé, l'armée américaine crée un robot doté d'une intelligence artificielle et prêt au combat, Mecha Ape. Malheureusement, l'expérience tourne mal.
Aquarium de la mort

Aquarium de la mort

May 21, 2021
Dans un parc aquatique, un injection donnée à une pieuvre engendre la création de plusieurs animaux morts-vivants, qui s'échappent de leurs aquariums. Les employés décident de fermer l'établissement.