Stacy Francis

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Apr 01, 2021
$avy investigates the historical, cultural, and societal norms around women and money.
The Citation

The Citation

Jul 03, 2009
Marian gets a parking ticket -- and the venom with which she targets her local Parking Enforcement Officer changes her life.
Oui chérie !

Oui chérie !

Feb 15, 2006
A comedy about two young couples and their outrageously contrasting views on parenting. Greg and Kim Warner struggle on a daily basis to become perfect at the job. Kim is a neurotic, stay-at-home mother, and although her husband, Greg, is a success in his career, his more difficult job is keeping his wife calm as they raise their two young children. While Kim is determined to be the perfect mother and perfect wife and to raise the perfect children, her sister, Christine Hughes, a very down-to-earth mother of two, continually reminds her that life will never be perfect. Christine's husband, Jimmy, often feels compelled to share with his brother-in-law his philosophy about being a husband and a parent while still remaining a man.
Half et Half

Half et Half

May 15, 2006
Mona et Dee-Dee n'ont apparemment qu'une chose en commun : leur père ! Après avoir grandi loin l'une de l'autre, elles vont vivre dans le même immeuble à San Francisco et découvrir un lien fraternel nouveau, unique et fort.
New York 911

New York 911

May 06, 2005
À New York, les unités de secours de la brigade 55 sont prêtes à intervenir dès la moindre alerte. Accidents, incendies, malaises, cambriolages ou encore agressions font partie du quotidien de cette équipe de pompiers, policiers et secouristes, qui travaille exclusivement de 15 à 23 heures. Chaque jour, ils assurent la protection de la population en circulant dans les rues de la ville et interviennent le plus rapidement possible.
Celebrity Big Brother

Celebrity Big Brother

Sep 10, 2018
Celebrity Big Brother is a British reality television game show in which a number of celebrity contestants live in an isolated house trying to avoid being evicted by the public with the aim of winning a large cash prize being donated to the winner's nominated charity at the end of the run.