Elza Zagreda

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Growing Up Fat & Albanian
Meet Ella, a headstrong young American woman who defies everything-- her traditional Albanian upbringing, her strict family, her nemesis --the formidable Aunt Shirley to risk it all for TRUE LOVE. A love story about growing up FAT & Albanian. Your family or your heart? YOU decide. But choose wisely. And remember -- love, luck, fate, no matter what life throws you.... your family always has your back. If they don't stab you first. A story that's messy, complicated, violent. A movie about FAMILY.
Growing Up Fat & Albanian
Meet Ella, a headstrong young American woman who defies everything-- her traditional Albanian upbringing, her strict family, her nemesis --the formidable Aunt Shirley to risk it all for TRUE LOVE. A love story about growing up FAT & Albanian. Your family or your heart? YOU decide. But choose wisely. And remember -- love, luck, fate, no matter what life throws you.... your family always has your back. If they don't stab you first. A story that's messy, complicated, violent. A movie about FAMILY.
Growing Up Fat & Albanian
Meet Ella, a headstrong young American woman who defies everything-- her traditional Albanian upbringing, her strict family, her nemesis --the formidable Aunt Shirley to risk it all for TRUE LOVE. A love story about growing up FAT & Albanian. Your family or your heart? YOU decide. But choose wisely. And remember -- love, luck, fate, no matter what life throws you.... your family always has your back. If they don't stab you first. A story that's messy, complicated, violent. A movie about FAMILY.
New York Unité Spéciale
Les inspecteurs qui font partie de la division des Crimes sexuels (SVU) du service de police de la ville de New York (NYPD) enquêtent sur des crimes de nature sexuelle. Alors que les autres émissions de la franchise de "La loi et l'ordre" se sont largement concentrées sur les cas de meurtres, les inspecteurs de la division des Crimes sexuels (SVU) ont souvent affaire à des crimes, tel le viol, auquel la victime survit et elle aide les autorités lors de l'enquête.