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Muramata-san no Himitsu
Adaptation du manga de Igumo Kusu (Igumox). Kaji est un jeune adulte œuvrant pour le travail bien fait. Sa supérieure et collègue de travail, madame Muramata, est quelqu'un de très compréhensive, si bien qu'elle endosse très souvent la responsabilité de son protégé en cas de couac. De nature festive, elle n'a pas la langue dans sa poche. Enjouée quand il s'agit de se prendre une pinte après une semaine bien chargée, son secret inavouable finit par se fendiller devant ce garçon éberlué...
Takashi's older sister is an older woman who has a hidden perverted side, when she visits her younger brother Takashi who decided to live alone due to the constant harassment of his sister, she notices how messy her room is and there where she finds a porn dvd that deals with anal sex, that's when she starts to get excited until her brother discovers her….
Ikumonogakari The Animation
Japan was engulfed in a demographic crisis, forcing the government to implement the "Ikumonogakari" law, which permitted promiscuous sexual interactions among the people. They started doing practical and pedagogical activities on the lessons of sexual life and a partner's sexual fulfillment. The protagonists are young and inexperienced, so practical exercises will help them to improve their skills.