Leonard Whiting

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Roméo et Juliette

Roméo et Juliette

Apr 02, 1968
A Vérone, au Moyen Age. Une haine ancestrale oppose la famille des Montaigu à celle des Capulet. Toutes les occasions sont bonnes pour s'affronter et les attaques se multiplient. Les Capulet organisent un bal somptueux en l'honneur de leur fille Juliette, qui doit rencontrer son fiancé, le comte de Paris. Par bravade, Roméo, l'héritier des Montaigu, s'y invite avec ses cousins. Entre deux danses, il tombe en arrêt devant Juliette, dont la beauté adolescente l'éblouit. La révélation de son identité et de l'impossibilité de leur amour ne fera pas reculer le jeune homme, pas plus qu'elle ne dissuadera la jeune femme de donner son coeur au seul homme qu'elle n'ait pas le droit d'aimer...
Our World

Our World

Jun 25, 1967
Various international presentions are featured through satellite uplink.
Say Hello to Yesterday
Approaching middle-age and stuck in an unfulfilled marriage, a suburban British housewife allows herself a sexual fling with a brash young hunk she meets on a commuter train.
Casanova, un adolescent à Venise
À travers l'enfance et l'adolescence du jeune Giacomo Casanova (selon ses mémoires), Luigi Comencini livre une description de la vie populaire dans la Venise du 18ème siècle : coutumes, habits, médecine, religion, et par dessus tout : l'omnipotence de l'hypocrisie.
Rachel's Man

Rachel's Man

Apr 01, 1976
The Biblical love story of Rachel and Jacob is adapted for the screen as Rachel's father forces them to wait seven years before they can marry, but fate intervenes as Rachel's sister sleeps with Jacob and bears him a child.
The Royal Hunt of the Sun
The Spanish explorer Pizarro captures the Inca god-chief Atahualpa and promises to free him upon the delivery of a hoard of gold. But Pizarro finds himself torn between his desire for conquest and his sense of honor after friendship and respect develops between captive and captor.
À la guerre comme à la guerre
Summer 1914, Vienna. Franz, a handsome young hussar lieutenant, falls in love with Sissi, daughter of the Austrian Generalissimo. Shortly afterwards, the First World War breaks out. It provides Franz with the perfect opportunity to earn his stripes and claim the girl's hand in marriage.
Social Suicide

Social Suicide

Oct 01, 2015
'Social Suicide' is an investigative thriller examining what it really takes to get noticed on the Internet today. Loosely based on Romeo and Juliet, the police investigate what happened to these two teenagers before it's too late by trolling through their relationship history through social media.
La Légende Du Jeune Dick Turpin
When a rapacious new landlord threatens to evict him, seize his horse, and leave him penniless, the young farmer Dick Turpin flees to London and reluctantly establishes himself in the underworld with the help of a street-smart boy.
The Dreamstone

The Dreamstone

Mar 28, 1995
The Dreamstone is a British animated television series that ran for 4 series of 13 episodes each between 1990 and 1995. The original concept and artwork were created by Michael Jupp who would later create another cartoon show Bimble's Bucket. The series was produced by FilmFair as a Central production for ITV. In 1996 Filmfair was bought from the Caspian Group by the Canadian company Cinar, then it became Cookie Jar Entertainment, but then it became part of DHX Media. This resulted in DHX's ownership of the first two series, while a company called Dreamstone Productions Ltd. retain the ownership of the third and fourth series. The Dreamstone is set in an alternative world called the 'Sleeping World,' and concerns itself principally with the struggle between good, and evil.
La véritable histoire de Frankenstein
Après la mort de son frère, Victor Frankenstein, étudiant en médecine, se promet de trouver un moyen de le ramener à la vie. Obsédé par cette idée, Frankenstein se joint au docteur Clerval pour modeler une créature dont les organes proviennent des dépouilles d’ouvriers tués lors d’un accident dans une carrière. Lorsque Clerval meurt d’une crise cardiaque, Frankenstein insère le cerveau du défunt dans le corps inanimé de la créature et lui donne la vie. Bien que fasciné par l’intelligence et la beauté de sa créature, il remarque bientôt que le processus dégénère…
Sci-Fi & Fantasy