The life of the wealthy man Naguib Zahi Zarkash, takes an unexpected turn after he discovers the shocking secret of having a son that he knows nothing about. With the help of his servant, he succeeds in reaching three young men, that his son might be one of them.
The events revolve around a former legal counselor who causes an accident that leads to the life of a young man, so the investigation begins with her in the case and the counselor faces a number of problems due to this accident, until she is accused of another murder, then she is sentenced to death, and the events follow in order to prove her innocence.
The serial revolves around a bus driver (Muhammad Imam) in a private school. As the driver returns home after school ends, a parent kidnaps the school bus and asks for a ransom.
The idea of the Plateau program is his ironic view of things and his observations on people's lives that made him act as an actor because he loves to observe people and ask questions about them.
Ahmed Amin, in cooperation with the new youth talents from the Institute of Dramatic Arts, the University Theaters and the youth of the "Platouh", will perform a satirical play on the stage of the "Misr University of Science and Technology", which will discuss some issues related to the behavior of Egyptian people and society variables.