Augusto Trainotti

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Ninguém Sai Vivo Daqui
“Nobody Leaves Alive” by André Ristum is shot in beautiful but also distancing black and white. Looking at the Venice line-up, this seems to be a trend this year among the maestros of cinema. The film is inspired by true events that took place in the last century in the “Colonia” hospital in Brazil. Whoever didn’t fit the standards of society, or their family’s perception of it, was locked away, tortured, and killed. There were altogether more than 60,000 victims. Hope dies last, and some of the inmates don’t give up the fight. We’re reminded of film classics such as “One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest” or “Alcatraz”.
E aí eu fui pra vida

E aí eu fui pra vida

Aug 24, 2024
By placing a mirror in front of desire, we follow 5 interviewees and 6 performers who engage in a dialogue about how the fine line between desire and compulsion is navigated. Considering the hyper exploitation of desire through applications, what is freedom within a capitalist system that "liberates" while also oppresses?
O Cão Silencioso

O Cão Silencioso

May 21, 2020
A mother struggles trying to avoid her son of becoming insane like his deceased father, but maybe it's already too late.
Je suis toujours là

Je suis toujours là

Sep 19, 2024
Rio, 1971, sous la dictature militaire. La grande maison des Paiva, près de la plage, est un havre de vie, de paroles partagées, de jeux, de rencontres. Jusqu’au jour où des hommes du régime viennent arrêter Rubens, le père de famille, qui disparait sans laisser de traces. Sa femme Eunice et ses cinq enfants mèneront alors un combat acharné pour la recherche de la vérité...
Boca a Boca

Boca a Boca

Jul 17, 2020
La panique s'empare des adolescents d'une petite ville rurale du Brésil quand ils se retrouvent menacés par une infection contagieuse transmise par le baiser.