Jana Lund

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Frankenstein contre l'homme invisible
Le baron Victor von Frankenstein a été ruiné par la guerre et les mauvaises manières des nazis à son égard. Pour se refaire une santé financière, il vend ses souvenirs de famille à une chaîne de télévision qui souhaite tourner un documentaire sur les recherches de ses ancêtres, dans le somptueux décor de son château allemand. Grâce aux largesses financières des producteurs, le baron parvient à acquérir un réacteur nucléaire. A l'aide de ce dernier, il parvient à redonner vie à une créature monstrueuse à qui il a transplanté le cerveau de son maître d'hôtel. Mais...
High School Hellcats

High School Hellcats

Jun 01, 1958
The Hellcats are an all-female gang bent on bucking authority and terrorizing the schools by doing things like having a bad attitude toward their teachers and parents. When Joyce, a new student, moves into the neighborhood, she draws the attention of The Hellcats. Desperate for acceptance and unhappy with her homelife, Joyce goes along with the gang, and is soon drinking, dancing and meeting boys. Can her parents stop her descent into depravity?
Amour frénétique

Amour frénétique

Jul 09, 1957
Une attachée de presse en instance de divorce remarque, lors d'une campagne électorale dans le Texas, un jeune guitariste talentueux. Elle le fait engager dans l'orchestre de son mari.
Hot Car Girl

Hot Car Girl

Aug 17, 1958
In this violent drama, a young juvenile delinquent gets into more trouble when he gets involved with a gang that steals auto parts and resells them on the black market to pay for their beer parties. It looks as if he might actually turn his life around after he meets a good-hearted woman, when he decides to run a final game of chicken against a juvenile delinquent girl who gets killed in the ensuing crash. The terrified boy then takes his girlfriend and splits. He is later shot-down by the police. Later the authorities learn that the boy was set upon his crooked path by policemen who beat him when he was younger.
Married Too Young

Married Too Young

Jan 01, 1962
Two high-school sweethearts get married, then find that married life isn't what they thought it would be. In their desperation, they get mixed up with a gang of car thieves.
Don't Knock The Rock

Don't Knock The Rock

Dec 14, 1956
Le Rock-and-roller Arnie Haynes retourne dans sa ville natale en tant que héros pour les adolescents. Cependant, le maire et d'autres adultes concernés lui ont interdit de se produire dans sa ville natale car ils considèrent que sa musique et lui-même ont une influence négative sur les jeunes. Mais avec l'aide du publiciste Alan Freed et d'autres artistes (dont Bill Haley et les Comets et Little Richard), ils espèrent convaincre tout le monde que le rock and roll n'est pas aussi dangereux que le pensent les adultes.
The Dick Powell Show

The Dick Powell Show

Apr 30, 1963
The Dick Powell Show is an American anthology series that ran on NBC from 1961- 1963, primarily sponsored by the Reynolds Metals Company. It was hosted by longtime film star Dick Powell until his death from lymphatic cancer on January 2, 1963, then by a series of guest hosts until the series ended. The first of these was Gregory Peck, who began the January 8 program with a tribute to Powell, recognizing him as "a great and good friend to our industry." Peck was followed by fellow actors such as Robert Mitchum, Frank Sinatra, Glenn Ford, Charles Boyer, Jackie Cooper, Rock Hudson, Milton Berle, Jack Lemmon, Dean Martin, Robert Taylor, Steve McQueen, David Niven, Danny Thomas, Robert Wagner and John Wayne.
Papa A Raison

Papa A Raison

May 23, 1960
Cette série familiale met en scène les joies et les peines de la famille Anderson à Springfield.
Follow the Sun

Follow the Sun

Apr 08, 1962
Follow the Sun is an American drama series which ran for thirty episodes on the ABC television network from September 17, 1961, through April 8, 1962.


Sep 23, 1961
Mike Nelson (Bridges) est un plongeur en scaphandre autonome ayant servi 4 ans dans la U.S. Navy et qui ouvre son propre atelier de plongée en Floride. Sa réputation lui amène de nombreux clients intéressé par ses services, le plus souvent pour des missions risquées. Dans l'épisode pilote de la série, Nelson sauve ainsi un pilote de la US Navy qui s'est abimé en mer dans un Convair XF2Y-1. Cette série comportait beaucoup d'action avec ses scènes de combat sous-marins entre Mike Nelson et les criminels de la mer. Se déplaçant sur son bateau, l’Argonaut, le plongueur expert va à la rescousse de personnes ou récupère des cargaisons allant jusqu'au missile nucléaire. Il se heurte parfois à des requins, des pieuvres et des tortues géantes de mer6.
Action & Adventure


Apr 10, 1961
Dante is a short-lived NBC adventure/drama television series starring Howard Duff as Willie Dante, a former gambler who operates Dante's Inferno, a San Francisco, California, nightclub. Alan Mowbray co-starred as Stewart Styles, the Maitre d'; Tom D'Andrea as Biff, Dante's "man Friday", and Mort Mills as police Lieutenant Bob Malone. Dante claims to have put his past behind him but has retained old associates Stewart and Biff. While his club is legitimate, neither the police nor the mob believe that he is truly finished with the criminal underworld. Dante's old associates in crime keep appearing at the club in efforts to lure him back to the underworld. Dick Powell had previously played Dante in eight episodes of his Four Star Playhouse, initially written by Blake Edwards, who had previously created the radio drama Richard Diamond, Private Detective for Powell. There, Willie operates an illegal gambling operation in the back room of the "Inferno", which police soon shut down. The only regular from the Four Star Playhouse version to be cast in the series as well was Mowbray, who had first played a millionaire named Jackson who had gambled away his fortune and then worked as one of Dante's waiters. These episodes were subsequently rebroadcast under the collective title The Best in Mystery.
Bachelor Father

Bachelor Father

Jun 26, 1962
Bachelor Father is an American sitcom starring John Forsythe, Noreen Corcoran, and Sammee Tong. The series first premiered on CBS in September 1957 before moving to NBC for the third season in 1959. The series' fifth and final season aired on ABC from 1961 to 1962. A total of 157 episodes were aired. The series was based on "A New Girl in His Life", which aired on General Electric Theater on May 26, 1957. Bachelor Father is the only primetime series ever to run in consecutive years on the three major televisions networks.
Screen Director's Playhouse
Le Choix de... est une série télévisée américaine en 35 épisodes de 25 minutes, diffusée entre le 5 octobre 1955 et le 26 septembre 1956 sur le réseau NBC. En France, la série a été diffusée à partir du 8 septembre 1996 sur Série Club.
Bachelor Father

Bachelor Father

Jun 26, 1962
Bachelor Father is an American sitcom starring John Forsythe, Noreen Corcoran, and Sammee Tong. The series first premiered on CBS in September 1957 before moving to NBC for the third season in 1959. The series' fifth and final season aired on ABC from 1961 to 1962. A total of 157 episodes were aired. The series was based on "A New Girl in His Life", which aired on General Electric Theater on May 26, 1957. Bachelor Father is the only primetime series ever to run in consecutive years on the three major televisions networks.
The Red Skelton Show

The Red Skelton Show

Mar 15, 1971
The Red Skelton Show is an American variety show that was a television staple for two decades, from 1951 to 1971. It was second to Gunsmoke and third to The Ed Sullivan Show in the ratings during that time. Skelton, who had previously been a radio star, had appeared in several motion pictures as well. Although his television series is largely associated with CBS, where it appeared for more than fifteen years, it actually began and ended on NBC. During its run, the program received three Emmy Awards, for Skelton as best comedian and the program as best comedy show during its initial season, and an award for comedy writing in 1961.