Gabe Bettio

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Smash Cuts! Super Sci-Fi Shorts Fest
Host Scott Forrest presents a curated compilation of eight independent short films in this rapid-fire science-fiction feature. Genres collide, narratives twist, aesthetics clash, and even humor, both campy and dystopian, showcase the vast creative possibilities of each story's individual world, offering the viewer a brief glimpse into the lives of every character's attempt to survive the otherworldly chaos around them. Released in 2001, the selected shorts span original creation dates of 1997 to 2001; most of the featured filmmakers also appear as themselves in short video interviews to talk about their inspirations, creative process and motivations while working on their individual shorts.
Science Fiction
Knights of the South Bronx
A business man decides that he wants to teach school in the inner city and chooses a tough school in the South Bronx. He teaches the children how to play the game of chess, and along the way they learn a lot about life.
Marvel's Luke Cage

Marvel's Luke Cage

Jun 22, 2018
À l'abri de sa capuche, un ancien détenu se bat pour blanchir son nom et sauver son quartier. Il ne cherchait pas la bagarre, mais les gens avaient besoin d'un héros.
Mayday : Dangers dans le ciel
Cette série revient sur les grandes catastrophes aériennes. Ces films, mélange de reconstitutions et de témoignages, nous plongent dans une atmosphère angoissante et un suspense haletant. Interventions des survivants et des parents de victimes, explications d’experts, étude de la boîte noire de l'avion, rapports des autorités… Un important travail d'enquête a été mené afin de tenter de comprendre les raisons de ces crashes.