Mason Henry

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Joseph Smith: American Prophet
Joseph Smith (1805-44), the founder of the Mormon Church, is profiled. "When so many were looking for answers to questions larger than life," says narrator Gregory Peck, "[Smith] said that he had them." But many disagreed, and the life of "Brother Joseph" - as chronicled here in readings, re-creations, and comments by historians (some of them Mormons) and LDS officials - was marked by frequent flights from enemies.
Les Baronnes

Les Baronnes

Aug 08, 2019
New York, 1978. Entre ses prêteurs sur gages, ses sex-shops et ses bars clandestins tenus par la pègre irlandaise, Hell's Kitchen a toujours été un quartier difficile. Et mal famé. Mais pour Kathy, Ruby et Claire, épouses de mafieux, la situation est sur le point de basculer. Car lorsque leurs maris sont envoyés en prison par le FBI, elles reprennent en main les affaires familiales, en poursuivant leurs trafics et en éliminant la concurrence … au sens littéral. Désormais, ce sont elles qui tiennent le quartier.
Pandora's Box: Unleashing Evil
Most stories end with the crime, but sometimes the crime scene represents just the tip of the iceberg. From a murder scene that tipped police off to a polygamist secret society to a random house fire that revealed family secrets that had been buried for decades, Pandora's Box: Unleashing Evil uncovers gripping investigations that get more sordid as every piece of evidence is examined.