Jeff Webster

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Jan 01, 1996
Berenice is a meditation on a dream of lost plenitude, and its inversion into decay. The events depicted in the film concern the formation and dissolution of a utopian community in 1832, and the psychic and physical disintegration of two members of that community. In an allusion to the interiority of the main character, Berenice, whose flashbacks form the film’s narrating consciousness, the oblique and inward-turning fictive structure gives itself over to delirious visual asides. The film is partially adapted from the Edgar Allan Poe story of the same name. Additional primary sources used in constructing the film include texts by the 19th-century French utopian Charles Fourier and the collected letters from Brook Farm.
Long Time Since

Long Time Since

Sep 15, 1998
A beautiful woman has spent a lifetime obsessing about a hit-and-run she caused years ago. She knows she struck something, but left the scene before determining what it was - and if it was alive. She's allowed this event has taken over her life, and now lives in near-isolation with an equally lonely man. When a stranger enters her life that may hold the key to her past, reality becomes stranger than nightmares, and memories cannot be trusted.


Oct 25, 1995
Alchemy, Webster says, is a magical process of transmuting ordinary materials into something of true merit (base metals into gold). And such is this story of a young, very intense, woman who 'sculpts' by placing in some kind of order into cigar boxes, little things, usually broken, that she finds here and there. So exciting is her work that she is able to go to a month long retreat where she is only asked to "do what you do without interruption." But there are interruptions, and not only at this retreat, but in other parts of her life as she tries to amalgamate who she is from what she discovers about herself.
Le cabinet du Docteur Ramirez
À New York dans les années 1990, Matt et Cathy, deux cadres de Wall Street, voient leurs vies bouleversées par des événements provoqués par le mystérieux Docteur Ramirez et son assistant somnambule. Parabole cauchemardesque sur la société américaine. Par sa mise en scène innovante et ses opéras lyriques, Peter Sellars s’est imposé comme l’un des enfants prodiges du théâtre américain. Avec LE CABINET DU DR. RAMIREZ, cet artiste confirme ses qualités plastiques en proposant une relecture contemporaine du CALIGARI de Robert Wiene (1919). Comme l’original, ce long métrage est muet, juste accompagné de la somptueuse symphonie HARMONIELEHRE de John Adams et de chants tibétains qui le rendent encore plus troublant. À noter que les acteurs principaux ont également participé à l’écriture du scénario.
I Shot Andy Warhol

I Shot Andy Warhol

May 01, 1996
Biopic consacré à Valerie Solanas, restée fameuse pour l’écriture de SCUM (manifeste féministe radical), et sa tentative d’assassinat d’Andy Warhol qui lui refusa le scénario.