Ari Frenkel

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How To Live

How To Live

Aug 30, 2024
With the help of his new self help book and his dog/therapist, Ari must navigate his life, his past, and the challenges of creativity in today’s world. Told through multiple mediums, “How to Live” is an exploration of one man’s all-too-familiar artistic journey and the lessons he must learn in order to accomplish his goals.


May 30, 2013
"Machsom", the Hebrew word for "Checkpoint", tells the story of Yaniv Greenblatt, a barely 19 Israeli soldier stationed at one of the most dangerous such checkpoints along the West Bank. He would like to be a pacifist and struggles to be fair to the Palestinians, but has to contend with the prying eyes of his superiors. The problems Yaniv faces at home are no easier. His mother is a wheelchair bound hard-right-winger due to the same terrorist attack that killed her husband. The story centers on Yaniv's relationship with his younger brother, Avi, who attends one of the few mixed Jewish-Arab schools in Israel, and builds towards an incident at the checkpoint that challenges all involved to reconsider their previous resolve.
Le Challenge

Le Challenge

Jun 15, 2023
Maddie est sur le point de perdre sa maison d’enfance et elle pense avoir trouvé la solution à ses problèmes financiers lorsqu’elle tombe sur une offre d’emploi intrigante : parents fortunés cherchent quelqu’un pour emmener Percy, leur fils introverti de 19 ans, dans une série de « dates » afin de le décoincer avant qu’il ne parte pour l’université. A la grande surprise de Maddie, Percy rend ce challenge plus compliqué que prévu et le temps est compté. Elle a un été pour relever ce challenge ou se retrouver sans toit.


Apr 27, 2023
In a dystopian future, the Vatican knows how to resurrect people. A priest discovers a conspiracy behind the resurrections and their possible link to a series of murders.
Science Fiction


Jan 01, 2011
Pluto can't help himself. Adopting the roles of various men (and women) of different ages, statuses and personalities, Paul "Pluto" Strauss spends his daily life interfering with the lives of strangers. Having nothing better to do with his endless time and countless money, he escapes his own unhappy reality in pursuit of something a little more entertaining. While he is not harassing people he's never net, he spends the rest of his time inconveniencing (and often embarrassing) those closest to him. It is not until Olivia, a girl from his past, reenters his life that Pluto must acknowledge the weight of his lies and the consequences they bring.


Dec 12, 2009
In the course of one weekend, Phil and his fellow life drifters learn that the seemingly small and random moments that make up our days are all that we are promised. As the security of being young begins to dwindle and the unavoidable fate of becoming an adult rears its ugly head, we learn that even in the most extreme of scenarios, the outcome is not that bad


Jan 26, 2020
Four broke and single geeks hire a life coach to turn their lives around just weeks before they face hundreds of successful former classmates at their high school reunion.


Jan 01, 2011
Pluto can't help himself. Adopting the roles of various men (and women) of different ages, statuses and personalities, Paul "Pluto" Strauss spends his daily life interfering with the lives of strangers. Having nothing better to do with his endless time and countless money, he escapes his own unhappy reality in pursuit of something a little more entertaining. While he is not harassing people he's never net, he spends the rest of his time inconveniencing (and often embarrassing) those closest to him. It is not until Olivia, a girl from his past, reenters his life that Pluto must acknowledge the weight of his lies and the consequences they bring.


Jan 01, 2011
Pluto can't help himself. Adopting the roles of various men (and women) of different ages, statuses and personalities, Paul "Pluto" Strauss spends his daily life interfering with the lives of strangers. Having nothing better to do with his endless time and countless money, he escapes his own unhappy reality in pursuit of something a little more entertaining. While he is not harassing people he's never net, he spends the rest of his time inconveniencing (and often embarrassing) those closest to him. It is not until Olivia, a girl from his past, reenters his life that Pluto must acknowledge the weight of his lies and the consequences they bring.


Jan 01, 2011
Pluto can't help himself. Adopting the roles of various men (and women) of different ages, statuses and personalities, Paul "Pluto" Strauss spends his daily life interfering with the lives of strangers. Having nothing better to do with his endless time and countless money, he escapes his own unhappy reality in pursuit of something a little more entertaining. While he is not harassing people he's never net, he spends the rest of his time inconveniencing (and often embarrassing) those closest to him. It is not until Olivia, a girl from his past, reenters his life that Pluto must acknowledge the weight of his lies and the consequences they bring.
How To Live

How To Live

Aug 30, 2024
With the help of his new self help book and his dog/therapist, Ari must navigate his life, his past, and the challenges of creativity in today’s world. Told through multiple mediums, “How to Live” is an exploration of one man’s all-too-familiar artistic journey and the lessons he must learn in order to accomplish his goals.
American Crime Story

American Crime Story

Nov 09, 2021
American Crime Story est une série d'anthologie qui retranscrit à chaque saison, avec la plus grande fidélité possible, une affaire judiciaire ayant défrayé la chronique aux États-Unis. Saison 1 : L’affaire O.J. Simpson Saison 2 : L’assassinat de Gianni Versace Saison 3 : La destitution de Bill Clinton
Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley

Dec 08, 2019
Dans la Silicon Valley d'aujourd'hui, les personnes les plus qualifiées pour réussir ne sont pas forcément celles les plus qualifiées pour savoir comment le gérer... Richard travaille chez Hooli et vit également avec plusieurs amis développeurs dans un « hacker hostel » (un « incubateur ») dirigé par le millionnaire Erlich. Ce dernier a obtenu cet argent en vendant son application Aviato et permet aux autres de vivre et travailler gratuitement dans sa maison en échange de 10% de ce qu’ils réalisent. Richard a créé un site web nommé Pied Piper permettant d’y envoyer une musique afin de savoir si d’autres morceaux avec les mêmes airs existent déjà afin d’éviter le plagiat. Le site est moqué par tout le monde et Erlich menace même de virer Richard de l’incubateur s’il ne devient pas plus rentable.
All Rise

All Rise

Nov 18, 2023
En dépit du dévouement de ses avocats, juges et autres procureurs chargés d'assurer le bon fonctionnement de la machine judiciaire, l'envers du décor de la justice américaine peut parfois se révéler absurde, voire chaotique. Et quand Lola Carmichael, adjointe respectée du procureur à Los Angeles, est fraîchement nommée juge, la jeune femme entend profiter de sa nouvelle position pour apporter sa pierre à l'édifice. Saura-t-elle composer avec les limites du système et se remettre en question ?
Rizzoli & Isles : autopsie d'un meurtre
Jane Rizzoli, une enquêtrice de Boston, fait équipe avec le médecin légiste Maura Isles pour résoudre des crimes. Jane est une flic à forte personnalité, qui ne s’en laisse pas compter par ses collègues masculins, ni par ses supérieurs. Ce qu’elle demande est d’être respectée en tant que femme, mais surtout en tant que femme-flic qui est compétente dans son boulot. Maura a toujours été fascinée par les explications rationnelles et les possibilités qu’offrait la science. Élève douée, voire brillante, bien qu’un peu introvertie, elle considère la mort comme une chose qui relève uniquement de la physique et non de la mystique. Le tandem est assez clairement défini. À Rizzoli, l’action. À Isles, la réflexion.


May 22, 2020
De bonnes intentions. Des patrons imprévisibles. Des conséquences imprévues. Heidi travaille chez Homecoming, un centre qui aide les soldats à revenir à la vie civile. Des années plus tard, le département de la Défense se demande pourquoi elle a quitté Homecoming. Heidi se rend alors compte qu'il y a une autre histoire que celle qu'elle se racontait.