Klara Williams

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Oct 01, 2018
Alicja a perdu la mémoire et ignore comment elle en est arrivée là. En deux années, elle parvient à se reconstruire et ne souhaite plus se remémorer le passé. Quand sa famille la retrouve enfin, elle est contrainte d’endosser les rôles de mère, de femme et de fille auprès de parfaits inconnus. Comment réapprendre à aimer ceux que l’on a oubliés.
Sługi boże

Sługi boże

Sep 16, 2016
A young German girl jumps off a Wroclaw church tower. She is a member of a Women's Gregorian Choir.
Czerwone maki

Czerwone maki

Apr 05, 2024
We see the story of the legendary battle through the eyes of Jedrek - a boy who went through the hell of the gulag and left Russia with the Polish Army as one of thousands of polish orphans. Soon a decisive attack on a monastery located on the hills of Monte Cassino is to take place at the front - this spectacular battle will decide the lives of many soldiers and the fate of the Allied offensive in Italy, and will change Jedrek's life forever.
Dom pod Dwoma Orłami. Kłamstwa Zofii
1945, Zofia Szablewska, a repatriate from the East, arrives in the former Breslau, now Wroclaw. He lives in a former German villa - the House under the Two Eagles. Zofia's roommate is Jan Liski, an officer of the Security Office who raises his stepson, Kazio, alone. Zofia uses the Red Cross to search for her husband Antoni and son Zbyszek, with whom she lost contact during the war. The commemorative clock left by the Germans brings back memories of her native Kresy, the Nowosiolo estate and the beginning of her love with the Polish settler - Antoni.
Dla waszego dobra

Dla waszego dobra

Nov 08, 2024
After the mysterious disappearance of their beloved dog, two teenagers face their parents, who, trying to solve the mystery, gradually fall into madness.
The Champion : Le Combat de la Liberté
En 1940, le champion de boxe polonais Tadeusz "Teddy" Pietrzykowski est séparé de sa famille puis déporté à Auschwitz. Alors que les détenus luttent quotidiennement pour leur survie, sa condition physique lui permet de traverser les premiers mois de travaux forcés sans faire de vagues. Jusqu’au jour où, pris à parti par un Kapo, il est contraint de dévoiler sa vraie nature. D’abord tentés de le sanctionner sévèrement, les officiers du camp lui propose un marché : participer à des combats pour divertir les soldats, et bénéficier en échange de nourriture, de médicaments, et de tâches allégées. Pourtant discret et solitaire, Teddy y voit une opportunité d’améliorer les conditions de ses camarades. Mais les geôliers voient d’un mauvais oeil la popularité grandissante du boxeur, devenu symbole d’espoir et de résistance.


Feb 14, 2021
A fascinating biography of the poet Agnieszka Osiecka. The series presents her life from her early youth in the 1950s until her death in the 1990s. The background of this biographical story is the artistic, moral and political realities of those times, starting with education in a communist school, through studies at the Film School in Łódź, and the colorful world of student theaters - Warsaw's STS and Gdańsk Bim-Bom. It is a story about Osiecka's spectacular successes and failures, both in the fight against censorship and as a result of difficult life choices. The photos were taken in Warsaw, but also in Masuria, Kraków, Tricity, Łódź, Kazimierz Dolny, Opole and Zakopane.
Dom pod Dwoma Orłami

Dom pod Dwoma Orłami

Mar 05, 2023
The story begins in the summer of 1997, just before the arrival of the famous 12-meter flood wave flooding Wroclaw. - The residents of the "Home under Two Eagles" are grandma Zofia Szablewska, a woman full of energy, warmth and humor, her daughter Helena, a cool perfectionist, and Marianna, Zofia's beloved granddaughter, returning with her fiancé from a scholarship in the USA. The family drama begins when a flood wave floods the house, and at the same time grandma Zofia ends up in the hospital due to a stroke. An unfortunate coincidence leads Marianna to discover post-German traces in a house destroyed by the element, thanks to which she finds the diary of the first owner of "Home under Two Eagles", Lisa Weber. Marianna's learning of the history written on the cards takes the action of the series to 1918. In subsequent episodes, viewers will learn about the life of the then inhabitants of the tenement house and their neighbors.


May 23, 2024
Four thirty-something women who met in highschool continue to maintain a strong friendship despite the passing of time. Although very different, they also have much in common, each earnestly trying to find themselves and their place in the world.