Mike Bonanno

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The Yes Men

The Yes Men

Sep 07, 2003
En 1999, Andy Bichlbaum et Mike Bonanno créent un site internet parodique qui imite celui de la toute-puissante Organisation Mondiale du Commerce. Leur imitation n’est pas trop mauvaise puisque, rapidement, des gens commencent à visiter leur site sans réaliser qu’il s’agit d’une plaisanterie ! Certains n’hésitent pas à poser des questions sur la libéralisation du commerce, et nos joyeux imposteurs décident d’y répondre de leur mieux…
Les Yes Men Refont Le Monde
Les Yes Men, guérilleros de la com', sont partis à l'assaut du néolibéralisme. Le 3 décembre 2004, vingt ans après la catastrophe industrielle de Bhopal, en Inde, qui a causé plus de 18 000 morts, un porte-parole de la société Dow Chemicals annonce en direct sur BBC World que la firme va indemniser ses victimes indiennes à hauteur de 12 milliards de dollars. Les actions de Dow dégringolent immédiatement, jusqu'au démenti embarrassé de l'entreprise, quelques heures plus tard, contrainte de clamer à la face du monde son indifférence totale pour les 100 000 malades et le site contaminé. Cette action spectaculaire des Yes Men est retracée dans ce document, qui brosse également le portrait de ces pourfendeurs de la mondialisation.
The Antics Roadshow

The Antics Roadshow

Aug 13, 2011
The Antics Roadshow is a celebration of the pranksters, hoaxers, jokers, activists and stunt merchants who use public space for their own unauthorised ends. This film brings together a wide range of individuals with all sorts of motivations, who have all hijacked the public arena to make a noise, be it for comedic, artistic or political ends, and have all done so using a variety of illicit and eccentric methods, which the audience should probably not try at home.
Les Yes Men se révoltent
Les «Yes Men», le duo formé par Jacques Servin et Igor Vamos, alias Mike Bonanno et Andy Bichlbaum, dénoncent l'état du monde depuis deux décennies avec leurs sketchs, leurs dossiers de presse bidon et leurs fausses bonnes nouvelles. Ciblant les multinationales et les États complices, ferraillant contre la surexploitation des hommes et des ressources naturelles, ils s'en prennent ici au ministre canadien de l'Environnement, à la Chambre de commerce américaine et aux géants du pétrole Shell et Gazprom. En se faisant passer pour des dirigeants politiques, ils interviennent aussi par exemple dans un congrès pour annoncer que le gouvernement américain renonce aux énergies fossiles au profit des énergies renouvelables
®™ark: Bringing IT to YOU!
Find out the nitty-gritty about the folks who brought you GWBush.com, YesRudy.com and Gatt.org, and who sponsored the Barbie Liberation Organization, the Simcopter boys, the etoy Fund and Deconstructing Beck. Since 1886, when the U.S. Supreme Court gave them full constitutional rights, corporations have used their wealth and power to subvert democracy and its processes. In this “industrial video,” ®™ark explains how it uses its own inalienable corporate rights to bring anti-corporate sabotage into the public marketplace.
Everyday Rebellion

Everyday Rebellion

Nov 13, 2013
Un projet documentaire et cross-média sur la créativité de la résistance non-violente et les formes modernes de désobéissance civile.
Share the Safety?

Share the Safety?

Feb 28, 2018
The Yes Men impersonate the National Rifle Association and launche their "buy a gun, give a gun program" at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Antics ensue.
Bringing it All to You!
®™ark is an organization dedicated to bringing anti-corporate subversion and sabotage into the public marketplace. This updated video compilation includes a glitzy promotion for the ®™ark system (Bringing It All to You!); a behind-the-scenes look at some ®™ark propaganda efforts; an ®™ark PowerPoint presentation concerning "the Y2K bug”; a Danish television report about ®™ark and Hitler; a Boston news report about ®™ark; and, finally, the grand prize winner of ®™ark 1998 Corporate Poetry Contest, reading his winning entry. This updated version also includes a segment on www.gwbush.com and eToys news stories. This compilation is highly recommended for anyone who wishes to get a more complete picture of how ®™ark intervenes in and disrupts corporate logic.
®™ark: Bringing IT to YOU!
Find out the nitty-gritty about the folks who brought you GWBush.com, YesRudy.com and Gatt.org, and who sponsored the Barbie Liberation Organization, the Simcopter boys, the etoy Fund and Deconstructing Beck. Since 1886, when the U.S. Supreme Court gave them full constitutional rights, corporations have used their wealth and power to subvert democracy and its processes. In this “industrial video,” ®™ark explains how it uses its own inalienable corporate rights to bring anti-corporate sabotage into the public marketplace.
®™ark: Bringing IT to YOU!
Find out the nitty-gritty about the folks who brought you GWBush.com, YesRudy.com and Gatt.org, and who sponsored the Barbie Liberation Organization, the Simcopter boys, the etoy Fund and Deconstructing Beck. Since 1886, when the U.S. Supreme Court gave them full constitutional rights, corporations have used their wealth and power to subvert democracy and its processes. In this “industrial video,” ®™ark explains how it uses its own inalienable corporate rights to bring anti-corporate sabotage into the public marketplace.
®™ark: Bringing IT to YOU!
Find out the nitty-gritty about the folks who brought you GWBush.com, YesRudy.com and Gatt.org, and who sponsored the Barbie Liberation Organization, the Simcopter boys, the etoy Fund and Deconstructing Beck. Since 1886, when the U.S. Supreme Court gave them full constitutional rights, corporations have used their wealth and power to subvert democracy and its processes. In this “industrial video,” ®™ark explains how it uses its own inalienable corporate rights to bring anti-corporate sabotage into the public marketplace.
Share the Safety?

Share the Safety?

Feb 28, 2018
The Yes Men impersonate the National Rifle Association and launche their "buy a gun, give a gun program" at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Antics ensue.
Share the Safety?

Share the Safety?

Feb 28, 2018
The Yes Men impersonate the National Rifle Association and launche their "buy a gun, give a gun program" at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Antics ensue.
Bringing it All to You!
®™ark is an organization dedicated to bringing anti-corporate subversion and sabotage into the public marketplace. This updated video compilation includes a glitzy promotion for the ®™ark system (Bringing It All to You!); a behind-the-scenes look at some ®™ark propaganda efforts; an ®™ark PowerPoint presentation concerning "the Y2K bug”; a Danish television report about ®™ark and Hitler; a Boston news report about ®™ark; and, finally, the grand prize winner of ®™ark 1998 Corporate Poetry Contest, reading his winning entry. This updated version also includes a segment on www.gwbush.com and eToys news stories. This compilation is highly recommended for anyone who wishes to get a more complete picture of how ®™ark intervenes in and disrupts corporate logic.
Bringing it All to You!
®™ark is an organization dedicated to bringing anti-corporate subversion and sabotage into the public marketplace. This updated video compilation includes a glitzy promotion for the ®™ark system (Bringing It All to You!); a behind-the-scenes look at some ®™ark propaganda efforts; an ®™ark PowerPoint presentation concerning "the Y2K bug”; a Danish television report about ®™ark and Hitler; a Boston news report about ®™ark; and, finally, the grand prize winner of ®™ark 1998 Corporate Poetry Contest, reading his winning entry. This updated version also includes a segment on www.gwbush.com and eToys news stories. This compilation is highly recommended for anyone who wishes to get a more complete picture of how ®™ark intervenes in and disrupts corporate logic.