Herbert G. Kloiber

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Filmstar Karajan

Filmstar Karajan

Apr 07, 2008
Documentary on conductor Herbert van Karajan, focusing on his early adoption of audio and video recording technology and his impetus to make use of it to preserve his musical legacy for future generations.


Mar 31, 2004
Mia is dreaming of one day being the youngest driver in the Dakar Rally. She's pretty and loves the challenge. One day she gets to know the driving instructor Sherin, an exotic beauty of mid-twenties. She takes Mia to a secret car race out of town.
Der Rausschmeisser

Der Rausschmeisser

Jul 31, 1989
The story of the 18 year old prostitute Fanny who falls back into her old life after being released from a reform school run by nuns. The feeble-minded Frieder tries to liberate her, fails, and pays for it with his life.
Das Schicksal der Lilian H.
A wealthy businesswoman who tried to disinherit her unfaithful husband is murdered. The man's lover is convicted on the basis of circumstantial evidence in a negligent business case. But the now in love lawyer sets out to convict the real culprits ...
Le Regard d'Ulysse

Le Regard d'Ulysse

Oct 12, 1995
A wealthy businesswoman who tried to disinherit her unfaithful husband is murdered. The man's lover is convicted on the basis of circumstantial evidence in a negligent business case. But the now in love lawyer sets out to convict the real culprits ...


Mar 05, 1987
Film adaptation of Vladimir Nabokov's debut novel, 'Mary'.
Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice
Based on Gluck's masterpiece and performed entirely on location in and around the environs of the Baroque Theatre at the Cesky Krumlov Castle in the Czech Republic; it's an opera production designed specifically for the film with outstanding sets and production values. Countertenor Bejun Mehta sings the role of the torn main character and acts as an artistic advisor, making for an involving and impeccably performed opera.
S.O.S. Vol 534

S.O.S. Vol 534

Jan 01, 2001
Based on Gluck's masterpiece and performed entirely on location in and around the environs of the Baroque Theatre at the Cesky Krumlov Castle in the Czech Republic; it's an opera production designed specifically for the film with outstanding sets and production values. Countertenor Bejun Mehta sings the role of the torn main character and acts as an artistic advisor, making for an involving and impeccably performed opera.
The Happy Prince

The Happy Prince

Apr 12, 2018
Based on Gluck's masterpiece and performed entirely on location in and around the environs of the Baroque Theatre at the Cesky Krumlov Castle in the Czech Republic; it's an opera production designed specifically for the film with outstanding sets and production values. Countertenor Bejun Mehta sings the role of the torn main character and acts as an artistic advisor, making for an involving and impeccably performed opera.
The Question of Instrument
Part I of the series "Glenn Gould Plays Bach" is devoted to Bach's "Art of Fugue." Gould's performance is followed by a lively repartee with Monsaingeon, in which the pianist provides dazzling insights illustrated by music examples. He explains, for example, why he plays some pieces extremely slowly, and bemoans the "musicological overkill" of scholars who insist that Bach's keyboard music should only be played on a harpsichord.
An Art Art of the Fugue
In Part II of the series "Glenn Gould Plays Bach", Gould concentrates on the fugal form in Bach's works, showing us how Bach uses keys like stops on an organ, and how they give him ideas and colours. He performs various fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavier and reveals why he feels the "Art of Fugue" is the work that summed up Bach's life.

May 03, 2024

A show about two Bavarian police officers, Franz Hubert and Johannes Staller, who sometimes work a bit differently. Where Franz wants to follow regulations, Johannes likes to do things his own way.

Jul 07, 2014

Markey, capitaine dans l'armée américaine, est envoyé en Serbie pour arrêter un criminel de guerre, Dragutin. Au même moment, la présidente Rowntree s'envole à bord de l'Air Force One avec une jeune journaliste, Romero. Mais l'avion est piégé et doit atterrir d'urgence en Serbie, où se trouve le bras droit de Dragutin, un certain Petrovic. Markey ignore que Petrovic est en fait un agent britannique du MI5…
Action & Adventure

Dec 25, 2012

Rebecca, une ancienne ballerine, vit avec son mari Richard et leurs deux filles dans le Sud de l'Angleterre. A son retour du Canada, où il se rendait en voyage d'affaires, Richard trouve la mort dans un accident d'avion. Rebecca découvre alors que son défunt époux menait une double vie. Non seulement il avait investi l'ensemble de son patrimoine financier dans une mine canadienne, mais en plus, il avait une autre femme, et était père d'un enfant de 5 ans....

Mar 25, 2019

Italie, 1327. Le moine franciscain Guillaume de Baskerville et son jeune novice Adso de Melk arrivent dans une abbaye isolée des Alpes. Ils vont être témoins d’une série de meurtres mystérieux. Tandis que les deux héros enquêtent et se jettent à la poursuite du meurtrier, ils sont eux-mêmes pris en chasse par l’impitoyable inquisiteur Bernardo Gui. La mission de ce dernier est claire : traquer tous ceux qui critiquent le pape. Et Baskerville est sur sa liste...

Oct 06, 2019

Lively Joyce Conway is happy with her life: her boyfriend Conor loves her, she enjoys her job behind the scenes at the local radio station and her relationship to father could not be better. But everything is turned upside down after she has an accident requiring a blood transfusion. She subsequently wakes up with memories that are not hers.

Jul 18, 2024

Rome, 79 ap. J.-C. La population, lasse, agitée et de plus en violente, reste au pas grâce à deux choses : nourriture et divertissement. Alors que les goûts en matière de jeux évoluent vers plus de violence et de sang, la ville a besoin d'un stade pour les combats de gladiateurs : le Colisée. Derrière la façade, des milliers de personnes travaillent, vivent, et mourront pour les jeux.

May 29, 2011

Ismaël, dernier survivant du navire baleinier le «Pequod», fait le récit de son infortune et des événements qui ont coûté la vie à tous ses compagnons. Ismaël embarque à bord du «Pequod» dans le port de New Bedford, Massachussetts, en même temps que l'Indien Queequeg, avec lequel il s'est lié d'amitié peu de temps auparavant. Les deux hommes font la connaissance du capitaine Achab, qui entraîne ses hommes dans une chasse à la baleine très particulière. Autrefois, Achab a été blessé par Moby Dick, une baleine blanche, qu'il poursuit depuis de son acharnement sur toutes les mers du monde. L'équipage ne perçoit pas tout de suite la folie de son capitaine...