In My First Journey, a well-known guest travels to a meaningful travel destination for him, together with regular travel companion Kobe Ilsen. To a place that has made a great impression for the most diverse reasons: family roots, the confrontation with adulthood, the great culture shock or a particularly sweet
Lieven Scheire wanders like a forensic blood hound on planet science and all her secondary planets. Faithfully assisted by Googleman and his one-man house orchestra Stijn Cole.
After twelve years of absence, Man Bites Dog returns. A new generation of television makers and screen faces is ready for a voyage of discovery through the fascinating world of the Flemish in a new season. They zoom in on current events and the unusual aspects of our daily lives, with a laugh, a tear and a touch of poetry. Man Bites Dog is happily wagging its tail again with brand new sections and - occasionally - an old section as the icing on the cake.