Andrzej Żuławski

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Ucieczka na Srebrny Glob
A documentary project about what the filmmakers claim to be the greatest, unfulfilled dream of Polish cinema, the 1970s science fiction epic "On the Silver Globe".


Sep 25, 1965
Situé au temps des guerres napoléoniennes, le film montre comment les guerres ont balayé le malheureux pays polonais au début du XIXe siècle. L'histoire tourne autour de la légion polonaise sous le commandement du général Dabrowski, qui a ensuite combattu aux côtés de Napoléon dans l'espoir d'une renaissance de la Pologne.
Tristesse et beauté

Tristesse et beauté

Aug 28, 1985
Hugo is a writer whose one great book was based on an affair he had with Lea, a sculptor. Bereft of inspiration for a follow-up, Hugo returns years later to rekindle the flame of romance and creativity. Lea soundly rejects him, and her student Prudence feels a burning hatred for the man who deserted the teacher she admires.
Sur le Globe d'argent

Sur le Globe d'argent

Feb 10, 1989
L’intrigue labyrinthique tourne autour d’un groupe de chercheurs de l’espace qui fuit la Terre pour trouver la liberté. Leur vaisseau se détruit et ils atterrissent sur la face cachée de la Lune. Ils meurent tous sauf un, lequel se retrouve au milieu de nombreux enfants adeptes du chamanisme et feux d’artifice. Ils le surnomment « Le vieil homme » et le considèrent doublement, tantôt en dieu tantôt en diable.
Science Fiction


Sep 11, 1961
Sampson est l'un de plusieurs films Andrzej Wajda Renouant sa jeunesse pendant l'occupation nazie de la Pologne. Un grand nombre d'entre eux concernent non seulement la lutte entre le bien et le mal, mais aussi entre passif et impassibles. Le héros est un jeune juif. Lui, comme sa famille, a toujours été silencieuse et démonstratifs face à des préjugés. Maintenant, il se lève pour son droit de survivre, et ce faisant, représente l'esprit de combat qui a abouti à l'insurrection de Varsovie 1943. Il a été à l'origine intitulé Samson, mais ré-écrit comme Sampson lors de sa sortie américaine pour éviter toute confusion avec une épopée épée et sandales du même nom.
Żuławski o Żuławskim
A portrait of film director Andrzej Żuławski. This biographical documentary shows the different layers of the personality of the artist and doesn't hide the contradictions of his nature. The confessions of Żuławski are alternated with fragments of his films, showing the twists and turns of his personal life and art.


Jan 01, 1967
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.
Pieśń triumfującej miłości
One night noble married couple Fabiusz and Waleria find that their long-estranged friend Mucjusz has returned from his travels of distant lands. During dinner, he presents them with mysterious and exotic gifts.
Pieśń triumfującej miłości
One night noble married couple Fabiusz and Waleria find that their long-estranged friend Mucjusz has returned from his travels of distant lands. During dinner, he presents them with mysterious and exotic gifts.


Dec 03, 2015
One night noble married couple Fabiusz and Waleria find that their long-estranged friend Mucjusz has returned from his travels of distant lands. During dinner, he presents them with mysterious and exotic gifts.


Dec 03, 2015
One night noble married couple Fabiusz and Waleria find that their long-estranged friend Mucjusz has returned from his travels of distant lands. During dinner, he presents them with mysterious and exotic gifts.


Jan 01, 1967
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.
Le Diable

Le Diable

Mar 01, 1988
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.
Boris Godounov

Boris Godounov

Dec 20, 1989
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.
La Femme publique

La Femme publique

Jun 16, 1984
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.
L'Amour braque

L'Amour braque

Feb 27, 1985
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.
Maladie d'amour

Maladie d'amour

Sep 30, 1987
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.
La Note bleue

La Note bleue

Jun 05, 1991
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.


May 27, 1981
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.


May 27, 1981
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.
La Nuit des généraux
In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs.


Jan 01, 1970
A remake of Andrzej Żuławski's 1981 cult horror of the same name about a young woman who leaves her family for unknown reasons. Her husband, determined to find out the truth, starts following her. He initially suspects that a man is involved, but gradually, discovers more and more strange behaviors and bizarre incidents that indicate something more than a simple love affair.
La 3ème partie de la nuit
A remake of Andrzej Żuławski's 1981 cult horror of the same name about a young woman who leaves her family for unknown reasons. Her husband, determined to find out the truth, starts following her. He initially suspects that a man is involved, but gradually, discovers more and more strange behaviors and bizarre incidents that indicate something more than a simple love affair.
L'Important c'est d'aimer
A remake of Andrzej Żuławski's 1981 cult horror of the same name about a young woman who leaves her family for unknown reasons. Her husband, determined to find out the truth, starts following her. He initially suspects that a man is involved, but gradually, discovers more and more strange behaviors and bizarre incidents that indicate something more than a simple love affair.
Le parler des oiseaux

Le parler des oiseaux

Sep 16, 2019
A remake of Andrzej Żuławski's 1981 cult horror of the same name about a young woman who leaves her family for unknown reasons. Her husband, determined to find out the truth, starts following her. He initially suspects that a man is involved, but gradually, discovers more and more strange behaviors and bizarre incidents that indicate something more than a simple love affair.
L'Amour à vingt ans

L'Amour à vingt ans

Jun 22, 1962
A remake of Andrzej Żuławski's 1981 cult horror of the same name about a young woman who leaves her family for unknown reasons. Her husband, determined to find out the truth, starts following her. He initially suspects that a man is involved, but gradually, discovers more and more strange behaviors and bizarre incidents that indicate something more than a simple love affair.
La Sorcière

La Sorcière

Dec 01, 1958
Shot in Paris in December 1958, La Sorcière (The Witch) is Żuławski’s student film and directorial debut. The story is based on a short story by Anton Chekhov.
La Sorcière

La Sorcière

Dec 01, 1958
Shot in Paris in December 1958, La Sorcière (The Witch) is Żuławski’s student film and directorial debut. The story is based on a short story by Anton Chekhov.
Possession: Kerasukan

Possession: Kerasukan

May 08, 2024
A young woman leaves her family for unknown reasons. Her husband, determined to find out the truth, starts following her. He initially suspects that a man is involved, but gradually, discovers more and more strange behaviors and bizarre incidents that indicate something more than a simple love affair.
Les liaisons dangereuses
Mme de Merteuil et Valmont sont de vieux amis, ex-amants, aimant se jouer des autres et se montrant particulièrement doués dans cet art. Ils sont tous les deux libertins, même si Mme de Merteuil, étant plus discrète, parvient à conserver un air de grande vertu auprès de tous, sauf de Valmont. Mme de Merteuil veut se venger de Gercourt, et décide de s'en prendre a sa fiancée, Cécile Volanges, une jeune fille de 18 ans, pure et innocente, sortant tout juste d'un pensionnat suisse. Pour ce faire, elle demande à Valmont de la mettre enceinte avant son mariage avec Gercourt. Il refuse, prétextant devoir partir dans le sud chez sa tante Rosemonde. Là-bas, il rencontre Mme de Tourvel, qu'il tient absolument à ajouter à son tableau de chasse. Apprenant cela, Mme de Merteuil se tourne vers un de ses élèves violonistes, Danceny et s'arrange pour le faire tomber amoureux de Cécile. Après quelque temps, elle apprend la liaison de Cécile et Danceny, trop lente à son goût, à Mme Volanges...
Spécial cinéma

Spécial cinéma

May 27, 1997
Marcello Mastroianni, Isabelle Adjani, Alain Delon, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen… les plus grandes stars du cinéma ont été reçues par Christian Defaye dans son émission Spécial cinéma. Entre confessions intimes des comédiens et immersion dans l'univers des plus grands cinéastes, Christian Defaye a entraîné, durant près de trente ans, les téléspectateurs dans cet univers fascinant du Septième art.
Le Grand Échiquier

Le Grand Échiquier

Oct 29, 2020
Le Grand Échiquier mêle tous les arts et toutes les générations d'artistes et propose des rencontres artistiques exceptionnelles, inédites et insoupçonnables entre chanteurs, musiciens, chorégraphes, danseurs, humoristes ou encore chefs d'orchestre.
Le Grand Échiquier

Le Grand Échiquier

Mar 10, 1972
Christopher Lee hosts this horror anthology series from Poland with stories from various classic authors.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Le Grand Échiquier

Le Grand Échiquier

Mar 10, 1972
Christopher Lee hosts this horror anthology series from Poland with stories from various classic authors.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy