Zach Meiser

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Nov 17, 2021
In the small town of Eden, Tennessee, a neglected and naive teenage girl named Clara Banks has made a habit of deceiving people online for gifts, a gambit known as "catfishing." She thinks it's all fun and games until she hooks the attention of the wrong person. A short time later, events set into motion spiral out of control as someone begins stalking Clara and her friends. As the consequences of her actions return to haunt her, twisted messages start showing up at Clara's home, causing her to fear for her life. Will she ever feel safe again now that the evil has come knocking?
Selma et Madison : à la vie, à la mort
Deux sœurs, Selma et Madison, ont mené des vies très différentes. Madison à une vie parfaite, mais Selma a épousé un policier qui se trouve être un dealer brutal et abusif. Selma prend la fuite et va chez sa sœur, mais elle est poursuivie... Toutes les deux sont alors en danger...
Hyde Out

Hyde Out

Dec 24, 2024
In the gripping cinematic tale, "Hyde Out," an ill-fated heist forces three felons to be on the run from the relentless pursuit of the law. With the local authorities hot on their trail, they find refuge within the seemingly ordinary home of Emily and Joe, an unsuspecting married couple. What starts off as a frantic attempt to escape imminent capture swiftly escalates into an unforeseen sequence of events. As hidden truths are revealed and loyalties tested, Emily is forced to confront her hidden demons, navigating a treacherous path to self-preservation throughout the ominous night.
Red Right Hand

Red Right Hand

Feb 22, 2024
Cash essaie de mener une vie honnête et tranquille, en s'occupant de sa nièce Savannah dans les collines du comté d'Odim. Lorsque la sadique "Queenpin Big Cat" qui tient la ville sous sa coupe, lui réclame son aide, Cash apprend qu'il est capable de tout, même de tuer, pour protéger la ville et la seule famille qui lui reste.
He Knows

He Knows

Jul 07, 2022
Little Christina watched Sammy the Elf kill her family. When he returns to punish the naughty in a small midwest town, she must save her daughter from the same fate.
Ce n'est pas ta fille

Ce n'est pas ta fille

Aug 12, 2022
Liza, Bob et leur fille May mènent une vie de famille parfaite, jusqu'au jour où Bob commence à recevoir de mystérieux messages anonymes, le menaçant de faire éclater la vérité au sujet de leur fille s'il ne lui verse pas une somme d'argent conséquente. Il soupçonne aussitôt Jill Taylor, la mère biologique de May...
TV Movie
On Sacred Ground

On Sacred Ground

Jan 13, 2023
Based on the true events during the 2016 construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline that runs through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota on land that is owned by the Lakota “Sioux” Tribe. The film follows Daniel, a journalist and Afghanistan War military veteran, and Elliot, an oil company executive, who find themselves on opposite sides of the fight during the construction of the contentious pipeline.
Gunfight at Cold Cross
Cold Cross follows young outlaw William McCarthy, who viciously hunts down those who betrayed him and his family. Unbeknownst to him, he too is hunted for previous transgressions. All too late, he learns a terrible truth; an eye for an eye, will make the world go blind.
American Horror Story

American Horror Story

Apr 24, 2024
À chaque saison, son histoire. American Horror Story nous embarque dans des récits à la fois poignants et cauchemardesques, mêlant la peur, le gore et le politiquement correct. De quoi vous confronter à vos plus grandes frayeurs !


Feb 25, 2025


Les agents spéciaux de la branche new-yorkaise du FBI usent de tous leurs talents et leur expertise pour assurer la protection de la ville et du pays. Les membres de cette unité d'élite combattent aussi bien le terrorisme, le crime organisé que le contre-espionnage.