Mark Rankin

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Harry et Meghan : Désillusions au palais
Après un mariage digne des contes de fées, Meghan découvre vite la cruauté des tabloïds anglais et de la Firme, l’entreprise de la famille royale britannique. Victime de propos racistes, livrée à elle-même, prisonnière dans sa propre maison, ses moindres faits et gestes sont commentés et critiqués. Harry cherche du soutien auprès du prince William et du reste de sa famille, mais il se trouve vite esseulé lui aussi. Malgré un voyage en Afrique qui redore quelque peu l’image du couple Sussex, la situation devient intenable au point que Harry et Meghan décident de prendre leur indépendance. La nouvelle fait l’effet d’un tsunami à Buckingham. La reine Elizabeth tente de trouver un accord entre les partis, mais la rupture est consommée. Après des mois d’attente et de négociations infructueuses, Harry et Meghan s’envolent finalement pour le Canada, puis pour les Etats-Unis où une nouvelle vie les attend.
TV Movie


Mar 22, 2021
Walking through a forest to a river, a young boy is emotionally struck by a precious time he once shared.


Mar 22, 2021
Walking through a forest to a river, a young boy is emotionally struck by a precious time he once shared.
James 'Super Chikan' Johnson - A Life in Blues
A Life in Blues both celebrates and explores the personal and musical life of one of Mississippi's most treasured sons. Having travelled the world sharing his own unique brand of blues music, James 'Super Chikan' Johnson, at the age of 73, still strives to balance a musical career while providing for his family. This film endeavours to not only lay bare Chikan's own story, but also examines how the culture and setting of the south has ultimately influenced his journey.
James 'Super Chikan' Johnson - A Life in Blues
A Life in Blues both celebrates and explores the personal and musical life of one of Mississippi's most treasured sons. Having travelled the world sharing his own unique brand of blues music, James 'Super Chikan' Johnson, at the age of 73, still strives to balance a musical career while providing for his family. This film endeavours to not only lay bare Chikan's own story, but also examines how the culture and setting of the south has ultimately influenced his journey.
James 'Super Chikan' Johnson - A Life in Blues
A Life in Blues both celebrates and explores the personal and musical life of one of Mississippi's most treasured sons. Having travelled the world sharing his own unique brand of blues music, James 'Super Chikan' Johnson, at the age of 73, still strives to balance a musical career while providing for his family. This film endeavours to not only lay bare Chikan's own story, but also examines how the culture and setting of the south has ultimately influenced his journey.
James 'Super Chikan' Johnson - A Life in Blues
A Life in Blues both celebrates and explores the personal and musical life of one of Mississippi's most treasured sons. Having travelled the world sharing his own unique brand of blues music, James 'Super Chikan' Johnson, at the age of 73, still strives to balance a musical career while providing for his family. This film endeavours to not only lay bare Chikan's own story, but also examines how the culture and setting of the south has ultimately influenced his journey.