Randy Kehler

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The Most Dangerous Man in America
En 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, un brillant analyste employé comme consultant par le Pentagone, fait parvenir au New York Times un dossier sur la guerre du Vietnam classé secret défense. Ce document de 7000 pages révèle les mensonges d’Etat sur cette guerre. Daniel Ellsberg devient alors l’homme le plus recherché en Amérique. Henry Kissinger, alors conseiller de Nixon à la Défense nationale, le baptise “l’homme le plus dangereux des Etats-Unis”. Richard Nixon le qualifie lui de “fils de pute”. Daniel Ellsberg sera poursuivi pour vol, conspiration et espionnage.
An Act of Conscience

An Act of Conscience

Apr 15, 1997
When a young couple buys a contested home at auction from the U.S. government for $5,400, they become involved in a political and moral battle much larger than what they originally bargained for.
Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes

Jan 01, 2010
Twenty-eight people offer their motivations for and methods of resisting the war machine with their tax money. This tightly-paced short film introduces viewers to war tax refusal and redirecting tax dollars to peace, with music by Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, Antibalas, Rude Mechanical Orchestra, and First Strike Theatre’s version of “Don’t Pay Taxes” by Charlie King.