Claudia, fraîchement arrivée d'Acapulco, est "la nouvelle". Eli est la fille sur qui on peut compter. Et Chema est l'ado pas franchement populaire qui craque pour toutes les deux.
Danna Paola stars as Patito, Eleazar Gómez as Mateo, Violeta Isfel and Cynthia Klitbo, play antagonist roles as Antonella and Bianca. The telenovela features adult protagonists also, René Strickler and Vanessa Guzmán.
It first aired on Sunday, 8 March 2009, as the first telenovela to debut on a Sunday in Mexico. After a year of success, becoming a major hit in Mexico, especially among children, its final episode was also on a Sunday, 7 March 2010.
Sueños y Caramelos is a 2005 Mexican telenovela that starred Nashla Aguilar as a little girl who lives in an almacen where she assembles a Maniqui or Mannequin, which comes to life and becomes like a mother to her. Remake of La Pícara Soñadora