Matt T. Baker

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Le Cercle Des Ténébres
When the singer of a popular rock band disappears under mysterious circumstances, a contest to find a replacement soon turns from dream-come-true to waking nightmare for the young singer who hopes to take the job.
Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives

May 13, 2012
Wisteria Lane est un lieu paisible où les habitants semblent mener une vie heureuse... en apparence seulement ! Car en y regardant de plus près, on découvre bien vite, dans l'intimité de chacun, que le bonheur n'est pas toujours au rendez-vous. Et peu à peu, les secrets remontent inévitablement à la surface, risquant de faire voler en éclat le vernis lisse de leur tranquille existence...


Jan 03, 2007
twentyfourseven was a documentary-style reality show on MTV that documented the lives of seven male friends seeking fame and fortune in Hollywood. Launched in December 2006, the show aired on Wednesday nights in the Ten Spot block after The Real World. The show faced low ratings and critical derision, and some viewers were suspicious that certain portions of the show were staged for dramatic effect; for instance, Greg Cipes was described as a singer new to the Los Angeles music scene, despite his acting in small live-action roles and voicing characters for animated series for several years. Also in question was Chris Carney's arrest in his hometown of Hot Springs, Arkansas for a DWI charge. His booking may have been refilmed after all charges against him were dropped. Specifically, upon arrest, Carney had a buzzcut. When he was released the subsequent day, a discontinuity error emerged, revealing that he had grown a mohawk. In a rare move, MTV canceled the series without explanation after three episodes. Though the network refrained from airing any repeats, the series' subsequent episodes premiered each Wednesday afternoon on The iTunes Store hosted the show as well, but iTunes did not post any new episodes after its cancellation.
One on One

One on One

May 15, 2006
Flex veut être à la fois un père attentionné et le meilleur ami de sa fille Breanna. Leur relation, fondée sur le respect et la confiance, est mise à l'épreuve quotidiennement.