Batsukh Gongor

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Морьтой ч болоосой
Dondog, a young man who grew up on a horse mane, becomes a cowherd after being reprimanded by the management for killing his horse in a race with a car. On this occasion, the relationship between Yanjmaa, a driver who came to the collective, Gonchig, who comes to trade for personal gain, and Dondog, a horseman, was shown in light comedy.
Түмний нэг: 1-р анги
The evolution of Chimed, the main character, is shown by the evolution of a servant man who was enslaved by foreign merchants and scorned by local rich people, who found his freedom with the revolution and then strives to work for his country. The feature of the film is that the behavior of the common man is formed along with the process of the revolution, and it clearly shows how a boy from the pastoral people not only learns to read and write by benefiting from science, but also works with all his strength to educate the people's children and grows into a leading intellectual.
Морьтой ч болоосой 2
"I wish I could have a horse" shows how the lives of the main characters have changed after 30 years in a humorous tone. The plot of the plot shows how a cunning merchant man Gonchig gets rich as a young woman and becomes a company director, while the horseman Dondog and the driver Yanjmaa get married and settle down in the countryside. the colors of their lives are highlighted.
Тунгалаг Тамир: Гуравдугаар анги
The image of the Mongolian countryside, the struggle for freedom, and the changes in the minds of the people of the new social relations are reflected in the form of an epic. The main characters of the film are the well-known characters such as Erdene, his wife Dolgor, the rich Itgum, and Timur, a good glass man called "silicon", and the complex events of their lives. appears.
Тунгалаг Тамир: Хоёрдугаар анги
The image of the Mongolian countryside, the struggle for freedom, and the changes in the minds of the people of the new social relations are reflected in the form of an epic. The main characters of the film are the well-known characters such as Erdene, his wife Dolgor, the rich Itgum, and Timur, a good glass man called "silicon", and the complex events of their lives. appears.
Тунгалаг Тамир: Нэгдүгээр анги
The image of the Mongolian countryside, the struggle for freedom, and the changes in the minds of the people of the new social relations are reflected in the form of an epic. The main characters of the film are the well-known characters such as Erdene, his wife Dolgor, the rich Itgum, and Timur, a good glass man called "silicon", and the complex events of their lives. appears.
Түмний нэг: 2-р анги
The evolution of Chimed, the main character, is shown by the evolution of a servant man who was enslaved by foreign merchants and scorned by local rich people, who found his freedom with the revolution and then strives to work for his country. The feature of the film is that the behavior of the common man is formed along with the process of the revolution, and it clearly shows how a boy from the pastoral people not only learns to read and write by benefiting from science, but also works with all his strength to educate the people's children and grows into a leading intellectual.